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MY personal concerns about the game

Kai Daru

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i think its more about whether Associates is really the kind of PA i want to join, as well as whether my character would fit in... im hoping to create or join a PA that is openly supporting the Empire but is Helping the rebels on the side, and perhaps a few crimal elements as long as the empire get it where it hurts... but this is probably not the place to talk about that.



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in my opinion it's not going to be that hard to avoid perma death...i have played D2 HC and i can get one of those chars maxed out. Besides......a Jedi will be very capable of staying alive....so i don't think permadeath will be a problem.. the only time it will be a problem is probably on the path of becoming a jedi a.k.a Padawan Learner

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Originally posted by Kai Daru

i think its more about whether Associates is really the kind of PA i want to join, as well as whether my character would fit in... im hoping to create or join a PA that is openly supporting the Empire but is Helping the rebels on the side, and perhaps a few crimal elements as long as the empire get it where it hurts... but this is probably not the place to talk about that.




In that case I dont really think the =A= are for you, we are completly neutral.

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Nevermind, I shall continue the hunt for some like minded friends... Best of luck with Associates though...


In response to the D2 related posts...


D2 has basically Zero lag compared to a MMORPG...


and as far as difficulty goes... i can Max out a player in 3-4 days on d2... on a MORPG it can take 6 months, if you're good, i know players who never make it to the top levels...


D2 and MMORPG's simply do not compare... welcome to the bigtime ;)

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Lag death is partly lack of skill. You have to be prepared for lag. You have to plan your actions according to unpredictable elements. You have to be careful. You have to know your environment, your opponent, your position. What else would be truer to the essence of jedi? *enters her sensei mood*

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No one will ever convince me that Yoda trained Luke in the arts of avoiding lag death...


It's a part of MMORPG's... its just something you have to swallow when it comes around... but in no way should any player be put in a position where it can destroy months (and in some peoples cases, years) of hard work...


That's just my stance on it, it really wont affect me as much as others because im not dead set on being a jedi, but im just thinking of those people who WILL dedicate themselves to Jedihood


no player should ever be in a position where a server crash could destroy years of work... and as far as being prepared for lag is concerned, its possible, but its mostly completely unpredictable )(apart from Zone population lag of course), sounds to me like your an experienced player, so you know that...


Anyway... there isnt much else i can say on the subject, i think 99% of everyone here dont agree with me on this point. Which doesnt bother me all that much, but i do expect that percentage to rise once Jedi's start dying unfairly in game 6-8 months from release or however long it might take for the jedi population to grow a little.

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Life's a bitch. Deal with it. That's how RL works, and i like the fact that it reflects in permadeath in SWG. Without unexpected things, life would be boring. Or would you say that it is wrong to be able to be killed by really close spawns too, because you had no way to anticipate it? That is is wrong to be able to be ambushed, because you had no fair way to see it? No. When you can expect things, the exitement dissapears. I'd say let the jedi players live in constant fear, I think it could create a truly interesting playing experience, where you truly can live yourself through the character; after all, when you die, you die for good. Same goes for your jedi characters. In this sence, a FCS character will be more human than any other character. More vulnerable. More precious. For RPing, permadeath is the biggest boon, and curse. All pen&paper RPGs I play use permadeath. Anything else would seem absurd. Why not have it in MMORPGs too? It has worked in p&p's for some 30 years, after all! ;)


It's all about in which direction you look at it.

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Originally posted by Kai Daru

Indeed, but i think its one that you and i would prefer Jan...


it wouldn't bother me one bit...


However, the hordes of jedi wannabee that would be tormenting the boards with jedi posts would bother me one bit. ;)


I'd say it's much about whether you look at it as a roleplaying game or a computer game. Sure, not even I would like to play permadeath only in CRPGs, but I must say that the thought has put a delicate taste on the tip of my brain.

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it's strange... the only lag deaths that take me down (im not saying im too good for them, but jsut when i freeze then the next second i'm a rotting corpse) are ones off diablo, counter strike, jedi knight and stuff... i've experianced lag on eq sometimes, like with things mauling me (especially those frieken kodiaks. Yes i am a low lvl character) and then i get dragged backwards and killed... is that what you're talking about, because that rarely happened to me.

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Most things on eq at low level dont hit very hard... when you get higher almost everything is capable of killing you in two hits.


this means... lag at the wrong time = certain death



and thats my concern...



and i cant see SWG being any different at mid and high levels

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Originally posted by Kai Daru

Most things on eq at low level dont hit very hard... when you get higher almost everything is capable of killing you in two hits.


this means... lag at the wrong time = certain death



and thats my concern...



and i cant see SWG being any different at mid and high levels


The servers will be made to handle 56kers, many of the moves you select before you fight. So that is a good thing if you lag a bit. :)

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Well, I think we can all agree that it's good the way that they gave Jedi's perma death. I've done some thinkin on the LD side of it, and honestly think it's a good thing. They give out basically a few lives to combat this, and I think that's best.


To use an example: Jedi Bob doesn't think anyone's around, so he whips out his light saber, (or does something else "Jedi"), and gets jumped by a group of PCs. Just then, a storm hits, power goes out, and he is killed in the land of LD. That in my opinion really stinks and would really cheese me off if it was the "final" death. This situation = way unfair and one would hope that the SWG GMs would be willing to give you your life back.


Example two: Jedi Bob doesn't think anyone's around and whips out his light saber and gets jumped by a group of PCs. Jedi Bob thinks he might lose and quickly unplugs his machine so he can die in the land of LD. Jedi Bob comes back in and /petitions a GM to get his Jedi back because LD deaths do not kill the Jedi. This situation = way too stinking unfair to all the jedi out there that died because they had the guts to stay in the fight and die honorably.


I do think losing months, heck even years, of playing time and hard work due to LD is unfair and really stinks. But to keep from people being able to exploit it and basically have immortal Jedi, (taking away the cost of being one), I'd be willing to live with it.

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and that's the reason they put in perma death...to disuade all those "I WANNA BE A JEDI!" nuts who were everywhere after word came out that Jedi where going to be in it. Now people have to take a HUGE risk to become a Jedi...and for some people that might be great...for others...they'd rather not risk their character...so it greatly cuts down on the potential population of Jedi...thus making it much more realistic to SW cannon.

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Originally posted by darthfergie

and that's the reason they put in perma death...to disuade all those "I WANNA BE A JEDI!" nuts who were everywhere after word came out that Jedi where going to be in it. Now people have to take a HUGE risk to become a Jedi...and for some people that might be great...for others...they'd rather not risk their character...so it greatly cuts down on the potential population of Jedi...thus making it much more realistic to SW cannon.


It should make the star wars universe remain in tact, Jedis won't die that easy. Even padawans, they could probally take on a few bounty hunters without dieing in my opinon. :)


The perma death is a pretty good idea, deffintley for rpg Jedis, they could also help there PA by spying or something. So you do get perks and no perks. :D

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