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FFA Questions


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sadly most of the servers are those that which you dislike.


there are a few good servers and most of them rotate between ffa and *true duel gametype, which is different than the rpg crap.


^1Grendel ^7Recruiting (


^4shock^7wave ^4full force duel (


^7{|^3KoX^7|} ( <-- on this one you may have some problems, but i didnot and it was easy to get a FFA going.


also look for the [misfit], Silent Death, and fk servers. tho the fk servers are usually on CTF


/edit: i can't find the misfit, sd, or fk servers at the moment but unnamed most likely has them and will reply soon, i bet :D

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If you really wanted I could start one, but I actually enjoy duels: No interference from the dopes outside slicing you apart. It's more fair when it's just one on one instead of in teh middle of a mob of slicing sabers. I get killed every moment of the game in normal FFA. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by joetheeskimo5

It's more fair when it's just one on one instead of in teh middle of a mob of slicing sabers. I get killed every moment of the game in normal FFA. :rolleyes:



Yeah...well... OK FFA is NOT about being fair or about playing ONE other guy. Its about massive frenzied fragging. And if you get killed every moment, I suggest jumping more... or something.



My server is FFA. It says its FFA in the MOTD. It says you can't sit around and do nothing... yet people still do it. I enjoy duels, but I also enjoy FFA. What I don't like is a lot of sitting around looking 'real' and walking from place to place trying to look all noble. :rolleyes: Every once in a while me and some friends are doing something structred (TFFA LMS or duel tourney), but if we are we let you know and you can just go elsewhere.


Come by sometime -- MOTD clearly states "saber down != peace", unfortunately people still complain when I kill them while they're examining the clouds in Bespin's sky...





I'm getting quite unpopular in the 'honorable' crowd. But all scoundrels are welcome. :)

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