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Raiders of the Lost Ark Shot-For-Shot Teenage Remake

Boba Rhett

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In 1981 there was a 10 year old boy by the name of Chris Strompolis who saw Raiders of the Lost Ark and had a dream. He talked about this dream with his friends and soon after they had their idea and they were going to follow through with it. They set out making a shot-for-shot remake of Raiders of the Lost Ark.


For the next seven years these friends devoted their free time to this and after many hardships had gotten their shot by shot remake done and in the can. For many years after, it just drifted around and very few peole had scene it. Only now has their film gotten the recognition it deserves!



I can't wait to see it, personally. I'm hoping it'll be released somehow maybe as a bonus on the Indy dvd like Harry Knowles suggested but I doubt that'll happen.





It's only 1.5 megs




Did you click it? Why the hell not?



I highly suggest you go read more about it here. It's well worth the read.

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What was wrong with the original???

Why remake it???

If he was a fan wouldn't he just watch it and enjoy it the same as any other Indy fan not go and try to remake a classic film,sorry nice thread and info but i won't watch this.:mad:

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What. The. Hell.



Three twelve year old kids set out to amuse themselves by doing something as extraordinary as making a full two hour movie with zero budget and a betamax and all you can do is criticize it? This movie represents kids at their finest. What being a kid is all about. Yet here you sit angry at them for doing something that probably every Indy fan has dreamed of doing and you're criticizing them. Gah.


It wasn't done to make money. It wasn't done to steal glory. They didn't even distribute copies of it. It was made by three twelve year old kids who wanted to spend their time learning how this was all done and acting it out themselves.


Just when exactly did you totally lose touch with your own childhood and sense of wonder?


You sir, have upset me deeply.

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Well, Boba, I think it was a fine way for kids to stay out of trouble...and I'll bet you guys learned a lot doing it, too. ;)


When I was twelve I wrote a spoof of Lord of the Rings that I called Bored of the rings. The Harvard Lampoon, of course, had already done the same idea, with the exact same title.




I was crushed. Theirs was a lot funnier. :D Didn't stop me from writing, though...

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