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Never really thought about it...but I LIKE IT


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From the IGN SWG Vault

I'm a fairly new tester, so this is fresh in my mind. Hands down my favorite SW experience so far has been walking into a cantina on Tatooine. The very first time I logged into the game I took the Tour of the City (Mos Espa for me). When I entered a cantina for the first time I was blown away.

The ambient noise of people conversing was great! The classic Star Wars cantina music was playing. The cantina seemed smokey (maybe just cause my field of view was turned down heh) People were sitting in chairs around tables talking of the last battle they were in (love the chat bubbles). People were dancing and playing music. I really felt like I had walked into a cantina in ANH.

I was more of an MMO player than a Star Wars fan until I started following this game and got into SW. So anyways this was something I have never seen in an MMO before, where people gather and talk. Most of the games I have played feel so cold and detached, not so when you enter an SWG cantina. You feel part of a living community. The RP'rs out there are going to have a field day. In summation, I have been back to many cantinas at this point, many times. Yet still every time I walk into one I get warm fuzzie Star Wars feelings.

Hope that all makes sense, thanks for reading.


I'd never really thought about it...but before the only hang out was a weapons shop or something like that...and in most of those places you delt with merchants all over the place...just basically vending out of the inside of the weapon shop. This stuff would be just a chat room...some place to meet friends at...and all would be totally good. And then of course you'd have the occasional Cantina brawl and all sorts of goodies;)


I can't wait.

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Originally posted by darthfergie

I'd never really thought about it...but before the only hang out was a weapons shop or something like that...and in most of those places you delt with merchants all over the place...just basically vending out of the inside of the weapon shop. This stuff would be just a chat room...some place to meet friends at...and all would be totally good. And then of course you'd have the occasional Cantina brawl and all sorts of goodies;)


I can't wait.


That does look cool, if it is as good as it is in the video with Jarrens blaster i can't wait. :D


Thanks for giving me even more hope in the game Fergie. ;)

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Originally posted by Jackrabbit

Yeah, I've been looking forward to cantinas since I heard about this game. I'm guessing half of my online time will be in a cantina. Can’t wait :).


Most of my time, will be running around with the leaders, Building the village etc for the =A=. For your pleasures of course. ;)

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There's a reason WHY you have to spend at least a little amount of time in the Cantina's. But it isn't torture. Entertainers gang together and perform. There will be parties ala AO at Romba's and Baboons. I can't wait till NDA drops. I have so much to share. At this point, I'm just squeeling every morning when I wake up and jump to the computer before work.

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Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

It warms my heart to hear that cantinas are going to be very popular. :)

I can't wait to get wasted together with my PA, celebrating the founding of our town. :D


You told them our secret Jan, now they know what we really do on sundays. ;):p

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Originally posted by Xx_Patman_xX

Did I just read that right Donnie? You want to be beat up by a wookie? :confused:


Who doesn't?

Won't be hard to own my character in a cantina brawl...because of "No Blasters." Like I care tho. I'll be the guy grabbing onto the back of the wookie then getting suddenly tossed across the room...it'll be so fun. :)

(finally planned out my character...so I'm set to go. I can't wait!)

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Originally posted by Donnie Darko

I can't wait for cantinas too! Bar fights, getting wasted, checking out dancers, enjoying the music...it's going to be awesome...especially bar fights! I can't wait for a wookie to hand me my ass after he is done beating it.


You want to be beat up by a wookie. :p I would personally like to beat up a wookie, not have one beat me up. :)

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