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EDIT: SWKnights.com site NOW responding

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Are you guys talking about the forum banners? I can't see them either.


Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

It seems back online now, and seem to work.

Which is more than can be said about SWGalaxies.Net at the moment. :(

Hopefully Juz will have it up by Friday, maybe earlier. :)


I hope so too, I need some PA info! :D


Anyone know the status to the other sites?


I think they are going to slowly be bringing them back one at a time. :)

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Well, if you created a new thread about it then one of the mods probabaly merged your thread into this one. :)


I can see the site now also, which is surprising because I seem to be the last one to see these things. :p


I guess all the news was deleted though? I kind've like the fresh start. ;)


Edit: LT's just too fast sometimes. :p

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You mean the thing that says StarWarsKnights.com yeah that just takes me to the picture that says sorry for the downtime are server has exploded we will be back soon I promise.then you click on the picture and it takes you back to the forums.

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Here's a few things you can also try:


- Delete everything in your C:\Windows\Temp folder

- Try to load the page, then do a forced-refresh (Ctrl+F5)




SWK is back for me, and I'm as happy as a clam ^^

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