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Testing Server


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From this weeks wednesday beta update...


"We’re also just about to add “Test Center”. This special server cluster will be around when the game is released as well. Essentially any player can choose to play on Test Center. We push our updates first to Test Center so that we can try it out before we commit it to the live galaxies. Playing on Test Center can be exciting because you get to see the new stuff first. However, there are a big drawbacks as well. We may wipe characters and items on that server as needed. There will likely be less stability and more bugs than on a live server. There won’t be very much, if any, customer service support. Because of those three things, there also tends to be a lower population.

Anyway, when you play Star Wars Galaxies feel free to try out the test center and help us make the game better."


Do any of you think you will be playing in this server? I personally think I will play in this server as my third server and play as one of the species iam less interested in (trandoshan or bothan).

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eh...I don't really think I'll play on it much if any...


I may use it to test out certain professions...to see if I might want to learn some of those skills with my main guy or something like that...I just hope they don't screw the game over by giving you a patch to play on the test server that nukes your acess to the other servers because they added some new element.

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Test Servers are great. Especially on patch days when the live servers are down for over 6 to 8 hours... Player wipes are a pain but its not very crowded so you never have to fight for a place... i always go onto the test server when i feel like a change... sometimes you want to get away from the hard slog of the main servers.



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Well according to the latest FAQ you can have one player per server and only one of those can unlock the force slot. Therefore I am not going to be playing anywhere else but StarSider since I want to put all by rp skills and effot into that char alone.

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Second double post today Damarius :( Gotta be more patient when you click the "Submit Reply" button. Never click it twice... it will double post.


I do agree with your post(s) tho Damarius. I will hardly ever be playing any other server other than StarSider. Altho at the beginning it might be neat to play on the Test Server to try out the new features on the patches.

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Originally posted by darthfergie

I just hope they don't screw the game over by giving you a patch to play on the test server that nukes your acess to the other servers because they added some new element.


This is the exact reason why test servers exist in the first place, so this will never happen.

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Originally posted by Damarius

Thanks Patman.. Sorry I am on 56k this week that is why I double posted by accident. It is amazing how many accidents you can have with a slow connection. :(


You know what?

A nice feature of LucasForums is the delete post system. See...even a normal user can delete their post by pressing the edit button at the bottom of their post. Then they will be taken to the edit post screen...at the top of the page, in a box of its own, there is a white box and a button. Click the white box to verify you wanted to delete the post...then press the "Delete Post" button to the right. Done...post deleted and double post is remidied...remember it next time please.:)

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I was actually thinking of posting this myself :). I'm definitely going to have a character on this server. It lets me try out the different professions, species, etc. Since I won't care about my character, I can do crazy things that I would never do with my main (like jumping into the sarlacc pit, or running through Naboo in my undies, yelling about the Rebellion). And, of course, I get to help develop the game further, and I get the updates before everybody else. Who wouldn’t want to play on this server :D?

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Originally posted by Damarius

Thanks Patman.. Sorry I am on 56k this week that is why I double posted by accident. It is amazing how many accidents you can have with a slow connection. :(


I feel really sorry for you, 56k. :p I can't even bear my 512k, i can't wait till i get 1MB. :D


Anyway, i won't be playing on the test server. I will be too busy on starsider. :)

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