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Dark Trooper Phase 1 WIP


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I like the way the new head is shaping up. It looks scores better than the other one. But, to be honest, I've never been fond of the idea of those little spines all over it's body,...



I would never say that cutting polys is worthless though. You should always try to optimize your models as much as you possibly can. There is no reason to have a model with a polycount higher than it needs to be.


But,... there's a fine balance between polycount and detail. You shouldn't have to sacrifice detail for polycount, but you need to make decisions on which polys are necessary to achieve the look you are going for, and which ones need to be cut. Looking at the model I can see several areas that could be greatly reduced without changing it's appearance.



Just because it's a boss,... doesn't mean you should slack off.

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If you want to stick to the concept drawing, I have a list of things I would personally like you to do.


1. The shield definately needs to be larger.

2. Its eyes aren't circular in the drawing but rather nearly rectangular.

3. I don't remember any spikes on its back...

4. You could add the cords plugging into his knees and from his chest to arms.

5. If you look closely at the original dark trooper and the concept drawing from starwars.com, you can see that the top of his head is segmented into parts -- three seperate segments on each side with some diddlybopper in the middle according to the drawing.

6. The concept drawing has the stormtrooper-looking breathing tubes on the sides head.


I'm not criticizing your model, but I am here to point out things so you may perfect it. Otherwise, what is this thread for? I actually think your model is SCHWEET!!! Keep up the good work!

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If you want to stick to the concept drawing, I have a list of things I would personally like you to do.

The drawing you are referring to is not a concept drawing, and as far as I'm concerned, it's not even a very good drawing - certainly not accurate to what was in the game.


The concept art that is influencing this model is from Justin Chin, and it looks considerably different from that drawing - which was illustrated (I believe) for The Essential Guide to Driods. It's also notably different from the sprite in many respects.


The direction the model is going in - at least as far as I know (Incidentally, I'm a texture and skin artist on the MOD team de-lurking for the first time since the private forums have been knocked out for so long) - is to incorporate the basic skeletal-Terminator-like shape from the sprite with the detail (which we are unable to discern from the sprite as it's resolution is so low) coming from the concept art.


1. The shield definately needs to be larger.

It probably should be larger, but not the shape that it is in that drawing. The shape that Corto has it in is closer to how it is in the sprite.


2. Its eyes aren't circular in the drawing but rather nearly rectangular.

In the actual concept art, the "eyes" (the parts that glow, anyway) are round - with a kind of squared shape behind them. Personally, I prefer them round - they seem spookier that way.


3. I don't remember any spikes on its back...

I hven't taken a good look at the rear view of the sprite, so I don't know if there are indeed supposed to be six "spikes" in the back, but there are definitely at least two protrusions coming out from the sholders. I expect these are meant to be struts for the jetpack that will be placed on him when he becomes a Phase II Dark Trooper.


4. You could add the cords plugging into his knees and from his chest to arms.

Again, according to the concept art and sprite, those don't actually belong there. They would also conflict with the basic look we are going for on the model. At least at the size they are in that drawing - I could probably conceive of a way to incorporate them if they were a good deal thinner.


5. If you look closely at the original dark trooper and the concept drawing from starwars.com, you can see that the top of his head is segmented into parts -- three seperate segments on each side with some diddlybopper in the middle according to the drawing.

That's debatable in the original sprite, and, again, I'm not wild about the design concocted for that drawing.


Personally, I think the head on the model looks excellent right now (especially since I have a pretty good idea of what the skin will look like).


6. The concept drawing has the stormtrooper-looking breathing tubes on the sides head.

Honestly, I don't understand why. It's supposed to be a mechanical replacement for a human, so I would think the head should be fairly human shaped (even skull shaped) with no extra accessories. I think the skin will actually invoke a more appropriate abount of the stormrooper-look.


Other general thoughts about the model:


I'd like to see some larger open areas on the coverings on the inner theighs - open areas that wrap around to the front so you can see more of the femur-like structure beneath.


I also think I like it better without the two bannana-like things on the shoulders - there's a lot of lovely detail on that collar area that gets covered up.


The rest of it looks terrific - almost exactly like I pictured it.



David Aspmo

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I am sorry I did not know you were modeling by the sprite before I typed up that message. Well anyway, I have a good set of pics for the phase 1 dark trooper. Go to http://www.eyrie.org/~aerianne/dark.forces/phase1.gif.

Closely examine the head on each of the views, especially the side view, and you will see those segments on the head and that thicker segment in the middle.

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