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I'm new around here...so...

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[align=center]Welcome to the

SWGalaxies.Net Forums!!![/align] :)


I'm -=ReAPEr=-, the UnOfficial Welcomming Committee and member of this place.

The 3 Moderators here are Wraith 8 and Darth_Sidious and Jan Garani.


Be sure to check out the Read This First thread at the top of this forum, as it contains some guidelines on how to behave, if you haven't all ready. :)


Most here are friendly and the aggression level is far from what you will find in the Official SWG Boards, so I'm sure you will like it here.


Please feel free to stay as long as you want. :)


And have some chocolate covered gnorts. :D Complementary Juztyn, the Admin of these boards and SWGalaxies.Net. :p


Also be sure to check out the SWGalaxies.Net site which is connected to these forums. :)


We hope you enjoy your stay here on the SWGalaxies.Net Forums. :)


Copied From Jans Welcoming post, edited to my liking.

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The welcoming game gets more elaborate each day, I see. ;)



Oh well, welcome to the forums. I don't have one of those fancy pre-rendered CGI techicolour welcomes with Dolby Surround where available, so I guess I'll have to improvise.


Keep your wits sharp, your flames to a minimum and your spirits high, and you'll have little problems around here. You can always ask some of us 'oldies' for help if you wonder about something. Just keep in mind that before you make a new thread, look back a bit and make sure that noone made that thread in the last month or two. Then you can simply bumb it instead, and people will be less annoyed.


The social rules are that gnorts are eaten when offered, rakings are given when deserved, and cookies are in the second jar to the left.


There, not a shoddy welcoming either, ey? Oh, and yes, read those threads that Reaper linked too. They really are informative if you haven't been to a lot of forums before.

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welcome to the forums. I'm new here myself, but i haven't been flamed to much. Just try and get with the threads and try and make the best possible contribution to the ideas. I know i should probably practise what i preach, but meh.


Oh one more thing, don't make jokes. Or maybe it's just me. When ever i make jokes, they turn into ideas. But when i have an idea, it's a joke. :confused: well anyway... greetings and have a great time.:D

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Originally posted by ShadowGecko

Oh one more thing, don't make jokes. Or maybe it's just me. When ever i make jokes, they turn into ideas. But when i have an idea, it's a joke. :confused: well anyway... greetings and have a great time.:D


Jokes get mistreated very easy in the SWGforums, mostly because everyone likes sucking any info they can from the forums. :)


Try to put a j/k in it, or a :p smile. :)

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*Sunshine walks in and stands under a darkened street light*

*Looks around for anyone watching*


Hey, kid. Want some Chocolate Covered Gnorts?


*Looks around again and opens trenchcoat lined with little baggies of Gnorts*


Fresh Columbian Gnorts, too. High quality, these Gnorts... Interested?


*Sirens sound and unmarked police cars roll up*

*Cops swarm the place*


SUNSHINE BADASS! You are under arrest for the peddling of illegal Chocolate Covered Gnorts. We will now read you the Meranda Rights, and you will come with us!


*Sunshine is drug away and stuffed in the back of a car*


Alright... Nothing to see here! Move along, people.

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Originally posted by Zek

I feel like such a newb now. Stupid credits system and lack of early post compensation :headbump


Don't worry, i remember when i was a newbie. :(


Door? I don't need no stinkin' door! *jumps out window*


Ah man, we should of have him. :(

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