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Admins are ruining this game 4 me.


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It seems like there are so many "admins" on servers these days, that I can't deal with it. It wouldn't be so bad if they were ... I dunno ... decent people. But they aren't. I go to saber only servers and I see admins walking around with infinite guns. They like to slow the game way down by placing mines everywhere or just randomly shooting rockets at everyone.


It's either that or Empowers. Now granted - I've gotten pretty darn good at wasting pompous Empowers that are definately abusing their power (they're suckers for thrown sabers), but if and when I do, I usually get booted or sleeped right afterwards. I've seen so many more laming admins than laming players that it's absolutely ridiculous now.


Also, what is scripting!? I've been kicked so many times for out-flipkicking people and they say I "script" and the admins go ahead and kick me or anyone else that is suspect. I'm assuming it's an effort to bind the kicking process but seriously - kicking for me is forward+doubleclick on the mouse. How and why would anyone want to simplify that even more!? Either way, why hasn't some sort of clientside program been installed to detect this sort of thing if it actually exists (ie. HLGuard for CS)?


Nonetheless, its really puting a damper on the whole JK2 online experience. The default response is "well, if you don't like it go somewhere else". Yeah, well I've been doing that - and now it's pretty unavoidable because everyone is just accepting it. Sucking up to admins and saying "lamer" every time they die. You're probably thinking I'm actually a lamer and I'm just whining, but I'm sure a lot of you out there know exactly what I'm talking about.


Okay, I'll stop complaining ... but seriously, something should happen. The game obviously has a ton of bugs still and a patch hasn't been released since it basically first came out - but my problem is with the server admins. All the fastest servers are full of this and I don't want to settle for anything higher than 80 ping. I shouldn't have to.


(btw I'm looking for responses from people that understand this is a problem and not "you're a lamer so stop complaining" replies. thx)




amendment : whoa, nevermind. I didn't realize how outdated most of these posts are. Seems like the majority are from over a year ago. :bounc5:

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Yea most servers these day, only have corrupt admins. That totally ruins the game for me also. I was playing at this one game this evening and i was the lead scorer, some of the other players told this admin that i was saberdown killing and put me to sleep and force me to spectate, loosing all my kills of that game. Its really sad how people has to cheat inorder to win, but we still have our pride, that we cannot sink to their level and do the things they do.

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Originally posted by Khier Serakk

Try the *BS*2 We Own You server, they're a bunch of hypocrites. They scream "lamer!!!!" when they really aren't any less of a lamer themselves, they abuse empower mostly.


heh back when they ran JA mod 1.2 I used to go in and wipe Paddy (jackass admin) out as many times as I could before being slept/kicked/banned.


Now the JA 1.3 mod has some feature where they can't be hit or something like that so I can’t do it anymore.


I still go in now and then to make fun of them for backing out of a 10 on 5 match with us.


Yeah you read that right, I tried so hard to get these idiots to play us I even offered to let them use twice as many players in a match as we would have.

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A few non saber off = peace/noob admin servers:



^4shock^7wave ^4full force ffa


^1Grendel ^7Recruiting


^7Team ^4S^7ilent ^4D^7eath


^7Clan ^4=X=^7 Dedicated CTF


^4[^7div^33^7rse^4] ^7Clan CTF


**^1SDF^7** house of pwnage

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I play on a server that i think is great and hope it out lasts me playing the game. the admin put vote up on it not so long back, Us players that play on the server quite a lot, got them to change it back, as you get to many pepole calling votes all the time. its actualy easyer to but up with a team killer than to have a vote called every 2 mins.

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