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MMORPG Matrix?

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Yes that's right, I've started another Wouldn't It Be Cool? threads. I was thinking, wouldn't it be cool if there was MMORPG of the Matrix? Each Player could be a member of The Rebelion. You would create your player and emerse yourself into the world of The Matrix. I mean come on, there aren't a bunch of you who would not want to dodge bullets in slow-motion while wearing a black trench coat filled with an arsenal of guns. But it would be quite a challenge.


The first challenge I would see, is who to develop it. Now my first hope would be SOE. Since they have experience with these games.


The second and biggest challenge of all would be...Bullet Time. How would you implement it into an online world? Would it be that every time someone went into slow-motion that the whole server would feel it? No. Simply the answer would be No. It would be in a constant state of slow-motion and you would never get anywhere in the game. My solution to this would be that there would be a "Blast Radius" if you will. A kind of circle where anything in it would feel the effects of slow-motion. That way the whole world wouldn't be slow, just small circles of it.


Here's my third challenge, what professions or jobs could you be? Some of my ideas would be:


Fighter-Basic Warrior of The Rebellion, Skilled in Many Ways of Combat. (The Player would have to choose____number of fighting skills when creating a player. These skills would include things like Karate, Kendo, etc. Over time the player would master each skill.)


WheelMan-These are The People that are The Drivers. They can hot-wire and drive any vehicle. (The Player would advance through skills on how to drive and hot-wire vehicles.)


Stealth-They provide the info for The Rebels. (Basically this would be a spy/scout)


My fourth problem...how long it would take for them to develop it. Yes this would take a long-ass time to make. Even longer the SWG. So how many of you can wait about 5 years? Not that many. Well I have a misc. idea here. It would be cool if you had to get to a phone to log-out. Like in the movies.

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A Matrix MMORPG is already announced. So you are a tad late. ;)


EDIT: It will be published by Warner Bros and Ubi Soft. Monolith are developing it. The official site can be found here, though I can't say that I am all gung-ho about it. I mean, you can't have all those nifty action scenes and slow motion in a MMORPG, and what's left of the Matrix without those things?


EDIT2: off course, the site promises that wacky kung fu moves and slow motion will be an integral part of the game, but me, I'd believe it when I see it. ;)

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I don't think that any Matrix game would really be that fun. (altho I've never played ETM) Why you ask? If you where The One, then you could just fly around, do whatever you want, kill stuff, never die, no boundaries, etc...BORING! If you were not The One, then it would suck because it would be a piece of cake for whoever was The One to kill you. *blick* you're dead.


Phew that was intense.

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And in a game where you can just hack the matrix to gain an neverending amount of guns and ammo... I mean, the whole crafting part would be nonexistant! And the loot too! Now, what's the point of a MMORPG without any loot?!?! ;)

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Sort of Enter The Matrix with more control over where you go and more things to explore. Would be good if you could seamlessly go from the real world into the matrix and vice-verce. Knowing Warner though, they'll probably rush the game to make more $ at the expense of the game quality. Chances are if the game was to be made, it would most likely suck!

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Originally posted by Lord_Vessen

I bet there is already a GTA Online now right?:p


actually you;re right there...


apparently and this is jsut information from a friend... there was a hole left by the programmers in the GTA3 scripting or something. I don't know the schematics of games, but anyway, they made it so that you could create your own type of networking with GTA3 and paly with friends. I think it's really buggy and stuff and you can only drive around in cars... but people are working on it. I'm pretty sure it's far from being official, but just something i came across.

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I heard something from E3 about a new GTA game thats going to be online. it lets you team up with your friends and create crime syndicates etc. Forgot what it was called though. Tryed looking for ages but cant find it. Looks really good though. You can buy up houses and create a gand land HQ etc. Live in the city and fight for your gang. Damn i need to find that article

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There are so many MMORPG's coming out...I think PC Gamer estimated that there are over 100 MMO's released or in development...and since it is a new "fad" amongst gamers I am sure this number will double or triple within time. But as for the Matrix...I think I would have more fun with a p&p version because then the things you want to do will actually be possible.

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Originally posted by ShadowGecko

actually you;re right there...


apparently and this is jsut information from a friend... there was a hole left by the programmers in the GTA3 scripting or something. I don't know the schematics of games, but anyway, they made it so that you could create your own type of networking with GTA3 and paly with friends. I think it's really buggy and stuff and you can only drive around in cars... but people are working on it. I'm pretty sure it's far from being official, but just something i came across.


That is all true, it wasn't a bug actually. The source code was left open, so gamers could try to finish it. It's comming along preety good and hasn't got many bugs to date. :)

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"...and hasn't got many bugs to date." Have you tried it? I mean, the mod that is furthest developed as far as I know is gtaTournament, and it has more bugs than a non-sp'ed Windows ME copy! :p


How bad is it? It's version 0.1b dammit! :D


Granted, though, that is hasn't been in development for long, so it will likely improve in the coming weeks/months.

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