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Knights supporting LIVE downloads ?

Com Raven

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From the Xbox site:


"But let's take a closer look at a few of the Xbox Live enabled games on the way."


"Two new Xbox Live enabled Star Wars games. TWO! We're completely psyched for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy."


Would be pretty cool...


Oh, I got another quote that might excite you :)


"The game is in its final stages right now, and I can safely say it's gonna go out the door real soon. :) "

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Too bad I don't have XBox live..... :( (It's a good reason to get the PC version too though) :p


It is rumored however, that they will put the content on CD's. Most likely OXM's cd. I'm just hoping that will be true. :)


"The game is in its final stages right now, and I can safely say it's gonna go out the door real soon."


Sweet mother of pearl. It makes me so happy to hear things like that I could almost cry. :D


Thanks for the quotes, Com. It's always good to hear from you. ;)


BTW-- Jedi Academy will have extra content too? LucasArts is pulling out all the stops for their upcoming games. I can't wait to see how everything turns out. :)

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Originally posted by Leemu Taos



EXCELLENT. :dev11:





Time to get back to SWG now. :D


*beats Leemu to a bloody pulp*


Traitor! :eek:




*basks in the goodness of KOTOR....even though he's waiting for the PC version XD*



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*basks in the goodness of KoTOR knowing he might only have to wait one more month* :D


I sure do hope there is a way to get the XBox content besides just Live. The OXM CD would be a good option in my mind, but I don't know if that's possible from a marketing or technical standpoint. :(


220- You've finally found inspiration? :D

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Of course, this is where the PC version will have a very easy way to install additions, if they were announced. :)


@JA - Yes, I have XD


Originally posted by Leemu Taos

C'mon JA, look at his sig.....the xboxgamers.com banner. He's got that for a reason - the man has his contacts. :D;P


You again? I thought I told you and your fancy-pants Galaxies to take a hike! :p:D

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*bashes Leemu into oblivion* ;P


Ya know, I didn't even consider with him being part of the site that he could know insider stuff like that......


I'm glad he does though.


*goes to e-mail Com all types of game questions* :D


@220--It seems if you can get the XBox additions through a CD that they would be easier to use than the PC content.


I'm glad you've found your inspiration again though. ;)

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