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JA Q&A with Ken Hoekstra @ theforce.net


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I'd like an Invasion mode as in UT2003 :) Each wave will get harder... In teh beginning you only get those little nasty bugs you saw in JO, then some other alien lifeforms, maybe flying insects as in JK, then Wampa's and then Rancors etc... Would be great :) Invasion is really fun you know, especially if you want to have a relaxing game where you don't have to kill human enemies, but play against the AI :)

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Question.... Is the siege mode of play anything like that of battlefield: 1942? That game is awesome. I mean is the game set on a huge map where you have a team of guys that have to go and defeat the other teams and can respawn as a jedi or troop of some sort? Also can you set the ratio of guys on each team so that you can literally have a 30 on 30 battle and what not?

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I really have no idea why they aren't including two genders per race. I can understand some species may not even have genders realistically, but at least have Zabraks get both! :mad:


I hope power duel is kind of different, in my opinion it sounds cheap and stupid. I hope there will at least be different maps for power duel than there are for duel. An official DOTF map anyone?


I just hope it turns out be at least pretty different than duel, not just a copy cat version of duel mode with just an added player.


Siege sounds to be cool, I guess we can count on pretty large maps!!! I'd love to see perhaps two large fortresses, ( think the FACE map for UT), with vehicles to get to each.

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Originally posted by JaledDur

What concerns me is that last screenshot. Looks like the same old saber collision code. I think I speak for almost everyone who has noticed that problem in JO when I say UGH.

true... maybe they hadn't gotten around to fixing it when that screenshot was taken? let's hope.

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Originally posted by Sargasso

Raven's decisions continue to baffle me. Parading character customization around only to limit something so basic as full gender choice is akin to handing someone the keys to your Porsche knowing full well that it's been retrofitted with a Ford Taurus engine block.


Not really. That is fraud, and a felony.


What it is actually like is giving you a card for a free Porsche model xxx (about to be introduced) and saying you can have any color combination you want, and you have looked at other models and decided you want leather interior color X, exterior color Y and style Z. When more details of the new model come out, you find out that for style Z you can only have interior color Y and exterior color Y, and that if you want color X youneed style W.


... or whatever ...


In other words, it is a limitation of choices made for some reason - likely financial / timing / resource related. We want total freedom of choice, but have to realize that they will have to draw the line somewhere. I do hope they allow male & female for all 5 races, by the way.



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