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On behalf of Monkey Island and LucasForums, welcome to the forums!


You can have this complimentary six pack of blue milk on me, made from the finest moisture farms on tatooine. It is 100 proof, and if you are underage, I will deny everything, and have my team of lawyers and spin doctors get me out of any potential trouble. Remember, do not drink and drive!:)



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Welcome. These forums aren't dangerous at all, despite what you may have heard, provided you bring a few handy supplies in with you. They are (in no particular order of importance):


1. Hemp rope.


2. Duct tape.


3. Church key (bottle opener.)


4. Papers.


Not having one of these at the wrong moment can turn your Lucasforums vacation into a hellish nightmare. :) Happy posting.

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MI walls appear randomly because of a flux in time created by our incredible stupidity and our ability to not make any sense of the physics of the situation.


Um... anyway, welcome, I am Neil Joshi, you're resident moderator and welcome comitee (I'm basically a holiday rep), welcome, have a gift basket, and enjoy your stay. Any problems, come to me or someone who bares some slight resemblance to me (like him).

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Okay...what is this incessant fear of walls? :confused:


Don't you corporeal beings realize that a wall in a digital context is of the same substantiality as the medium in which it exists? Since we are all aware of the unreal nature of this medium, is it not logical to assume that we would also realize the unreality of constructs within it? I say not 'Think outside the box' but rather 'What box?' To impose upon our own minds the notion that there ever was or will be a box in the picture is to impose the kind of conceptual limitations that lead to one being...well, in a box. So, no walls and no running into them--they aren't there unless we make them for our--


*(Runs into a wall.)*


Now how the frack did that get there? *(Rereads post.)* Oh...never mind. :dozey:

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Originally posted by Zoom Rabbit

Okay...what is this incessant fear of walls? :confused:


Don't you corporeal beings realize that a wall in a digital context is of the same substantiality as the medium in which it exists? Since we are all aware of the unreal nature of this medium, is it not logical to assume that we would also realize the unreality of constructs within it? I say not 'Think outside the box' but rather 'What box?' To impose upon our own minds the notion that there ever was or will be a box in the picture is to impose the kind of conceptual limitations that lead to one being...well, in a box. So, no walls and no running into them--they aren't there unless we make them for our--


*(Runs into a wall.)*


Now how the frack did that get there? *(Rereads post.)* Oh...never mind. :dozey:


That sounds like witch thinking to me, GIT HIM!!!


*hit wall*


now that was unexpected, no really.

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Actually no, contrary to popular beliefe, witches like to stay indoors as much as possible. Living in the mountains, the outdoors can be very cold and therefore they only leave their cottages for important reasons like delivering babies or administering medicines. No self respecting witch would ever be caught dancing naked in a coven because it would just be stupid. Witches are smart, and generaly no threat to anyone and always love wall but have none inside their own head. They can usually be very nice people when you stay on the right side of them, and if you don't the worst that would happen is that you'd get them staring at you in a disagreeing matter that'll send you to your bed crying, otherwise they can be useful for herbal remedeis to most illnesses and can deliver almost any kind of baby.


all that a side, YOU'RE A WITCH, GIT HIM!

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how can there be a witch and then you say "git him"? aren't witches always female? otherwise they'd be a warlock or a wizard or something. or are there male witches? i don't think there are.


anyway, yeah, since i just made these and you're still new, monkeygal, take one of these wonderful ":newbie:s rule!" buttons. they're fresh, hot, and just off the griddle. wait...

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Witches have practices rooted in the European pagan and Greek mysteries, druid to wicca and whatnot. My own practices are more involved with the yogas of the east, bhakti and sehaj, and of course zen. Add my Christian mysticism along with my interest in all religions...and we can see that I'm not a witch at all.


Besides, I won't burn because deep down inside I don't believe in my own reality. :D

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Okay, so first of all, people keep complaning about my long sig, well just take a look at Zooms location!


Second, Zoom, so you're not a witch then, i'd put you more in the category of monk or sweeper.


and thirdly Mole, i can still call him a witch because i'm a simpl folk, aren't I?

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That's almost as many characters as you can enter in that field. I did leave room for someone to set a new upper standard, though... ;)


I don't have anything against witches, so I guess you can call me one if you want. As long as we leave out the pitchforks, the townspeople, and all the killing burning and whatnot...



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Well, we'll talk, but i can't promise anything...




...okay, so i talked to them, they said they'd leave the pitchforks considering they need them for the barn dance next week (i didn't bother asking why) and they said they'd rather not burn because that's just inconsiderate. The townspeople also said that they'd all stay away from you as an angry mob but may have to kill you using a hitman or assasin of somekind, depending on how much money they can pool together.


For this generosity, you must give them sole ownership of all of your sheep and two cows. Deal?

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I do happen to have two cows that have outgrown the garage--actually, their strident *moo*ing is becoming quite tiresome. Sheep? I have Saddam Hussein's personal electric sheep for sale on E-bay, with only minor fire and water damage.


The hitman simply will not do, however. :max: I must therefore use obscure Tibetan spells, penned long ago by Milarepa and hidden in a high mountain cave, to turn all of the townsfolk into lifesize velveeta statues, and then visit a flock of giant cheese-eating razor bats upon them.


They would have been better off with a witch. :D

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There is no more point in reasoning with the townspeople, as they have all been devoured by giant razor bats (like chupacabras with wings.) They are so much bat scat, man. :D Das Mole can have the cows to assuage his confusion, but he must be sure to boil the milk as the creatures have bovine boogie fever syndrome...


*(Beams Kjolen into a sound studio.)*


Ladies and gentlemen, good evening. :max: Our guest tonight on 'Face the Music' is Kjolen, the well-known international jai-alai athlete turned Al-Qaeda terrorist, who was captured by American forces in New Jersey and detained at Guantanamo Bay, where he found Jesus by reading the back of a matchbook over and over again while in solitary confinement. Now he's on a worldwide tour to promote his new book, Why I'm Completely Nuts and That's Just Fine.


Kjolen, glad you could be with us. :D So just what the hell do you have to say for yourself, young man?

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