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All this was like a nightmare, is good to see that all this guys are picking up Scummbar, well I´m working in a New monkey comic so may be u could reinaugurate your fan art section with it... I think that who really wanted to close it was Skyfox, no RemiO, so this is a great new....

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Oh sure! make me the bad guy!


Do you want the truth? YOU WANT THE TRUTH? YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH! I mock your truth handling abilities!


*cue x-files music*


Prizes to all those who can guess how many TV shows/Movies I ripped off in that one post! :p

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SKYFOX , i'm not making you the bad guy, you have created the biggest Monkey Island fansite and i have visited it since 1996, i only mean that if you don't want to work more in scummbar, your decition of close down the site was wrong... let other people make of your site a legend...


Might you are right may be not, but yes, really i don't know what happened, so i think is better that i shut up...


Thank you for all this great years of good news and fun, and thanks to the new scummbar staff...


*"Thanks to Gabez and RemiO"*

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And he certainly doesn't want that to happen, again.


Oh, and Sky, i can't remember the movie for which that phrase was ripped off of (or nicely borrowed, or plagerised, take your pick) but i do know that most TV sitcoms and humorous TV shows (of the simpsons type) have all taken the piss out of it at one point or another.


'I mock your truth handling abilities' came directy from the Simpsons, Sideshow Bob says it to Bart and Lisa in court after he becomes mayor.

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Originally posted by Neil Joshi

'I mock your truth handling abilities' came directy from the Simpsons, Sideshow Bob says it to Bart and Lisa in court after he becomes mayor.


Corret! Afraid I lied abot the prizes though... The 'truth' comes from a film with Tom Cruise called 'A Few good Men', very cool film!

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No way to answer the other thred dur to DB problems :(


So I continue there. When I learned a few week ago, the Scumm Bar was gone, I decided to not visit the site anymore (this is logic no ?)

But, I couldn't resit to come back, as I was usually doing...

And what do I learn ? You would like to start again ?

Yeah men, this IS REALLY a very good news... But do not do that anymore... Do you imagine how many heart crisis you provoked ???

Well, just in a word... CONTINUE... :D

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Originally posted by Skyfox

Corret! Afraid I lied abot the prizes though... The 'truth' comes from a film with Tom Cruise called 'A Few good Men', very cool film!


Okay, so I've never seen this movie, but tell me, in this movie, is Tom Cruise's character really good at something, and then has an attack of confidense, and then some woman come along and show him he really is good at this thing and he ends up with the woman? Only Cocktail and Top Gun give a lot away.

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