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Problems with Battlefield 1942?

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I got the game last night and I'm having problems with BF1942 already... I get an error every time installing this game and when I do finish installing it the second time around, the buildings and everything else turn out to be white instead. :wtf: I have the latest drivers and such too.... Anyone else had this problem?


Installation error: Specified component cannot be found in the mdeia. An Attempt was made to access a component that does not exist in the named media.


I have Windows 98 SE if it comes down to OS by any chance.


AMD Athlon XP 2100+

512MB DDR333 RAM

Geforce4 Ti 4200 128MB DDR

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Nice. I heard that the program has a hard time with the GeForce series...course I have a GeForce 2 and surprised that it works. But it's definatly NOT the OS cause I have Windows XP. Well, it does kind of work. I have all of the graphic settings on low or 10%. Any higher and it will go skippy. :(. Check EA's support page. They might have something.

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Won't be hard with that newfangled 1.4 patch...dang I'm getting my arse owned. They stepped up the pace a bit, blood, new guns, etc. I usually frequent the EA servers...usually the Fan Favs. *points to Wake* I may suck...but I enjoy it.:D


if'n y'all want to own my arse to just send me an IM. I'm on MSN IM as much as possible and I'm always up for a game of BF1942 since I don't care about my rank I enjoy being cannon fodder.


Now Lord Fergie on the other hand...who would think a hillbilly that hadn't played much FPS could come into BF1942 with a performance like that?

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Originally posted by JediMasterEd

So you're saying that the anti-virus being active has a factor in the problem? Awww...nuts. And I thought that Corperate Edition would be able to run without slowing down programs...


As far as installation goes, yes (for BF1942, I can leave it on and not have problems however for other things).. Otherwise, I can run games fine with it on for Norton Anti-virus. :)

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I don't know where you heard about the GeForce series having problems w/ BF1942, but I've never had problems and between me and my friends we have at least 6 computers using GeForce series cards. Now ATI RADEON cards on the other hand, have been known for lots of problems, but I think ATI finally fixed it.


Anyway, the installation error sounds like you have a smudge or something on your disk. Clean the disk and try again.


As for the white building thing. If the latest drivers (v 44.03) don't work, go here and get a previous driver version.


Link to the current drivers for Win98

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