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Release on the 26th?? My thoughts

Beta Tester

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There are 2 reasons for an NDA:


1. You game isn't finished yet and you don't want it to get bad publicity from bugs that will be fixed and gameplay issues that will be resolved by the time of release.


2. Your game has bugs and gameplay issues and you don't want people to know in hopes that they will waste their money on your game.


I used to believe starwars galaxies had an NDA for one of those reasons. I now feel that they have an NDA for the other reason.


I am not some flamer, I love this game and it saddens me that they are rushing it.

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::receives another nickel::


Listen, we've heard it all before. All games have bugs. We all know that SWG has bugs. We don't care. If we did care, we wouldn't have been trying so hard to get into Beta. I've heard from multiple Beta testers that this game is amazing, and they have no problems with it being released. But, I only have about 5 nickels. So, that leads me to believe the other beta testers, who think this game is ready to go.


Rushing the game? SONY and Lucasarts would NOT let them release it. Q has said on multiple occasions, "I want to drop the NDA, but they won't let me".


"It saddens me that they are rushing it." Why is that, because you don't get to play it for free anymore?




Sorry, that was a little mean.

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Originally posted by Spaso

rushed!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! ok i think i have recalled many people including wraith say they have been waiting 2-3 years for this game


Yeah, they have shown it at E3 now for the last three years I believe.

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Originally posted by Spaso

rushed!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! ok i think i have recalled many people including wraith say they have been waiting 2-3 years for this game


I agree with Spaso the game is not rushed at all, it should be near perfect for release. I just can't wait. :D

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well speaking of jedi.......



lol j/k :)



well its official swg will e out on th e 26th..............but has anyone checked out the eb site? they still claim the 25th






btw: yeah np prob on the avatar i can do way better later on and maybe add some animation to it i am just learning


and can someone who knows go to my thread on off topic section and post on my thread about adding animation to avatar and banner art through photoshop


the thread is Avatar and Banner art.............i still have to figure out how to link stuff throguh posts

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Okay Mr. Beta Tester....if that is your real name......


I am also a Beta tester and I do not share your opinions. In truth, your cryptic message does not necessarily break the NDA, at least in my interpretation of it. So, if you can get away with a cryptic message, so can I.


I have been testing this game for nearly three months. I cannot say that I absolutely love every aspect of the game, but this is an implausibility, as I have been envisioning this game for over a decade now. I have been playing MUSHes, creating my own SW stories and plots and envisioning my own pictures of the universe.


The same can be said for any EU fan out there. In truth, the fans of this game have been imagining what it would be like for so long, that most likely, everyone will differ on what it SHOULD be.


I think the developers have done a great job. They communicate with the fans and the testers to get a general consensus of what the game needs to be. The effort they have put in is absolutely astounding. They have taken the advice of the majority in most instances, and the game has improved, and sometimes sufferred for it.


Will I still play SWG? Yes, without a doubt in my mind, I feel, that if there are any true issues with the game following release, the developers will make it a point to fix them. Just keep in mind people, your vision of SWG and everyone elses might be drastically different. I invite you to play the game and decide for yourself. Don't let the incoherent ramblings of a malcontent tester sway you one way or the other. This game is great, and I think that most of you will fall in love with it as I have.


So buy it, play it, and if you still don't like it, rant like this idiot. I know most of you here, and I think that you will all find that this persons worries are unfounded and baseless. Yes SWG has bugs, but SWG has even more bugs that have been fixed, just as these ones will. I have a feeling that you will be so immersed in the universe, that the few bugs that don't get weeded out before the end of Beta will go nearly unnoticed.


Let's leave this discussion closed anyway, because I am sure that most of you, like myself, really want to flog this guy. So, no flames for you.


(Please note: Nothing I have said here is in violation of the NDA, as Holo and Q have made these points very clear. I am simply confirming them.)

/end Beta Tester's troll

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