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Return of the J...uh...Kiedo

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Hey everyone! :D


It's been a while since I posted on here, and I've been having a break from these boards, as my life has been consumed with other things.


Anyway, I just thought I'd tell you all that I'm still around, and I might be able to post a bit more now, but I'm not promising you anything! ;)


I know that since I last was here, a freakin' ton of new people have joined, so I'd like to say Hi and Welcome to all the people I am yet to meet.


Also, on the subject of SWG, my comp still isn't up to specs, so I probably won't be playing around release time, and I'm not at all sure when I'll be playing.


Well, that's about all I gotta say. If you want to contact me, you can catch me on MSN, my e-mail addy is marmotbeach@hotmail.com .

So drop me a line if you want to talk :D


All the best, Kiedo.

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it´s good to see the people are back in the forums


Hello everyone again :p


I was very busy with the PA I´m in, and now they changed to vbulletin forums, and when I joined to the new forums, I felt like if I were in Lucas Forums, So i came back to bother everyone again


Did someone remember me? :p

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"He did not go that way while not running backwards towards nobody who was not wielding the rake and carrying a mallet."

Thank you, Baldrick. You just revealed Swediots hideout. :D


Ok, but seriously, back to topic. ;)


Oh, this is sorta on topic. Very well then. :D

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