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Battlefield Vietnam!


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REDWOOD CITY, Calif., June 19, 2003 – Lock and load your M-16 and grab your flak jacket, it’s time to hit the jungle in Battlefield Vietnam™. Electronic Arts (Nasdaq: ERTS) announced today that Battlefield Vietnam for the PC is under development and expects to debut in early 2004. The title will be published and distributed by Electronic Arts under the EA GAMES™ brand.


The Battlefield franchise is entering a new era with more firepower and beautiful yet ferocious new combat settings. Staying true to the over-the-top, action-packed multiplayer style that gave Battlefield 1942™ its critical and commercial success, Battlefield Vietnam will drop players into some of the Vietnam War’s fiercest battles. Fighting in theatres from jungles surrounding the Ho Chi Minh Trail to the city streets of Hue, players will choose from two well-equipped forces, the United States or the North Vietnamese Army (NVA) and Vietcong.


Offering an arsenal of weapons and vehicles authentic to the Vietnam conflict, players will battle in first-person perspective. The workhorse vehicle for the U.S. during the conflict was the helicopter and it will serve the same purpose in Battlefield Vietnam. The NVA will be outfitted with many Russian-made vehicles including the T-54 tank and Mig-21 jet. Taking a step forward from its franchise predecessors, Battlefield Vietnam will allow passengers to fire from moving vehicles and players will have the ability to airlift other vehicles via helicopter. The game will also deploy new rendering and sound engines that will help take players deeper into the 1960’s mindset.


Battlefield Vietnam, like its brethren Battlefield games, allows players to join forces on teams in games up to 64 players over the Internet, or jump into single player action. Battlefield Vietnam is being developed by Digital Illusions Canada, a subsidiary of Sweden-based Digital Illusions.


Now THIS is what I'm talking about. Some REAL modernish combat! Desert Combat was too deserty and WAY too one-shot-kill for my tastes...and now...BANG...my wishes come true. I'm on the edge of my seat for this one.


I was drooling over the EoD mod already and now I have an official game that will completely overwrite that. I can't wait for some awesome Jungle Combat.

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They already realeased the Huey flight manuel for EoD if you let go of the controls you can hover, but if it is tilted a little areodynamics kick in and you lose altitude.


Now I am beginning to wonder if EA isn't super cheap. They ripped off countless mods with Secret Weapons, everything I read about it in Computer Gaming I had seen in a mod except for the user guided missles which I haven't looked for I even found the jet pack (Gi Joe mod). And BfCentral big time advertises EoD and then I go to check up on it, and can't find anything on it except for the mod updates no big EoD banners with their links. Next day I see Battlefield Vietnam announced. This is my big conspiracy I think its all going to lead thru mob hits and assanations to brain washing by instaniasly flashing pictures of a dog in a clown suit over all of there games ever made and then the entire jelly bean market would belong to them.

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For once I agree with Lord Fergie... (scary as it seems)


It seems that EA is trying to profit of off mod ideas, instead of letting the community flourish. Who knows they may have had these ideas way out there ahead of time, but as it seems I support the modders more than I do the company, even though the company's work is more quality. :rolleyes:

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I think Lord Fergie is right too, I don't think it is just a coincidence that EA is suddenly making a game thats similar to one of the most popular mods for BF 1942.



They ripped off countless mods with Secret Weapons, everything I read about it in Computer Gaming I had seen in a mod except for the user guided missles which I haven't looked for I even found the jet pack (Gi Joe mod).


Here is a mod with player-guided missiles. I haven't tried it out yet though.




Desert Combat was too deserty and WAY too one-shot-kill for my tastes...and now...BANG...my wishes come true. I'm on the edge of my seat for this one.


Have you tried DC .38 yet, it has more levels, but it is still very easy to die because they still are working on balancing the gameplay. Also the game is more balanced on DC maps than on BF maps, because BF maps were not designed for helicopters and modern weapons.

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Originally posted by Lord Fergie

Eve of Destruction rules!!!!!


Come waste your life with me.


It do indeed. I suggest grabbing this mod people. It has great detail and loads of great jungle warfare maps. If you look around you'll even find the radio playing "Good Morning Vietnam.":D



As for DC...like you said, they are still balancing it. A tank blast can't blow another tank up in one shot...but the Humvee with TOW missile can. WTF? The Bradley has a TOW missile launcher but it doesn't even do HALF that damage!

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Originally posted by TheMadDoofer

I'm really excited about the ability to fire out of vehicles. Think - several sniper shooting out of a helicopter. :D


It would be the flying machine of death.


You may not know how right you are about that, there's this 'nam movie that stars Wayne (John, duh, I really hope no one thought anyone else) Anywho, near the end of the movie the American base gets overrun, well actually they evacuate it, but that's besides the point. A plane comes by and radios where they want them, they fly over the camp and let about 5 banks of machine guns rip over the whole base. Takes out ever VC that's there pretty dang cool...anyway, put a few Snipers in a Chopper, compare the size of the invading foce to the number of players in a BF1942 map at a time...I think it'd have a similar effect. :D

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As for DC...like you said, they are still balancing it. A tank blast can't blow another tank up in one shot...but the Humvee with TOW missile can. WTF? The Bradley has a TOW missile launcher but it doesn't even do HALF that damage!


I think the TOW missile on the Humvee does about 75% damage now, but I am not sure. It still is more powerful than the TOW on the Bradley, though.


A plane comes by and radios where they want them, they fly over the camp and let about 5 banks of machine guns rip over the whole base. Takes out ever VC that's there pretty dang cool...


That was an AC-130 I think and they have that in DC. It has two machine guns, one large slow firing cannon, and one small fast firing cannon.




Also, I tried out the guided missile mod, and it would work good in many of the mods out right now.

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well, that depends.

the original Battlefield shone on it's multi-faceted gameplay.

hop in the car, drive to flag, maim down some guys, take flag, hop in plane, do some dogfighting, bail out over boat, etc....


i just don't see that kind of diversity in a Vietnam surrounding. it'll be interesting to see if they can pull it off. In the meantime, Paragon_Leon is inching ever so close to the worldwide top 1 percent Battlefield-players on http://www.bfstats.com

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strange that i am not with the original BF1942 then.

after all, i can play as Germans who kill liberators of Arnhem, a place about 30 minutes from where i live.. One would think that would leave me feeling conflicted as well, but i tend not to look at the scenery and simply focus on the game itself.

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Well anyway...if this game is anything like the EoD mod then it'll be fun as heck.


Leon you should check it out, as should all you BF1942ers. It's an amazing mod and an absolute joy to play. It's still got a few issues, but like I care when I'm wrapped up in laying down supporting fire from the M60 inside the helecopter. It's good good fun. Much more fun than I ever thought about having with DC.

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