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This is funny


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Someone thought it would be funny to remove the front tire of my bicycle and hide it from me and now I can't go to work... Not going to work doesn't piss me off, but someone messing with my bike does. I just found said tire though, but I probably can't put it on good enough now if I wanted to get any work in.... People suck

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thats sucks man.......:(


I dont know what i would do if someone took the front wheels off my car.....*thinks really hard*.....o wait yes i do i would hunt them down like the dogs that they are and give them the beat down of there life....

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Dude, that sucks!


But here's what you do. As long as your bike frame is aluminum, Titanium, Steel etc. this will work. Get a car battery wire it up to your bike frame. One wire on the positive terminal and attach it to the bike near the seat and then place another wire to the negative terminal and attach it to the bike near the front wheel. Make sure the wires are long enough to be able to hide the battery somewhere other then right beside the bike.


Then the next time someone wants to mess with your bike...




That'll take care of them! :D


PS Just don't forget about it, or you'll get zapped. That would suck! :p

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[western accent]


"Alright, boys get your guns...we're formin' a posse. An those of you we don't trust with guns *cough*Rhett*cough* you get one of these here rubber band shooters."


[/western accent]



But, seriously...that's really messed up. People need to learn that destroying someone elses stuff is not funny. It's immature and idiotic. I hope you boss isn't to mad about you missing work.

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Sorry for you, old sport :(


Someone once slit the back tyre of my bicycle and I treated him with a black eye, a broken jaw and a damaged kidney. He now wears an eyepatch, drinks from a straw and can use only 1 kidney. Poor fella...I wish :D


I had to walk my bike - and mind you, walking a bike with a slit tyre ain't no fun - for 2 miles :eek:

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Originally posted by Clefo

Someone thought it would be funny to remove the front tire of my bicycle and hide it from me and now I can't go to work... Not going to work doesn't piss me off, but someone messing with my bike does. I just found said tire though, but I probably can't put it on good enough now if I wanted to get any work in.... People suck


now that...would suck...

especially if you were like me with an expensive roadbike and expensive wheels on that road bike. HEADS WOULD ROLL!:evanpiel:

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Hmmmmm, sounds like normal fun for the bunch of stuck-up pricks that go to my school.




"Hey what do you wanna do tonight?"


"I don't know, ***** made me look like a smartass in class yesterday."


"Let's go slash his tires and put sugar in his gas tank."


"Sounds like fun."






*sigh* :(

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Here is what you do.


1. Make a possible list of suspects who many have commited the crime.


2. Murder ever person on the list. Do not kill them all the same way, use flair and style. Use the DVD version of Seven for reference. Always use rubber gloves, dust for prints, and never leave any trace of your existance behind on the scene.


3. Leave the list you made at the crime scene of the last victim. Let the police find out who really stole the wheel. You may not ever recover the wheel, but hey... you got even. The personal reward you will feel will be priceless...;)

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