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17 PA's on SWG.net....9 on starsider


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I'm pretty sure the idea of PA wars was shot down by quite a few of the players.


I agree 9 PA's is not very much but what I was looking at was 50% of all PA's signed up on SWG.net had chosen our server.


If 50% of SWG.net visitors all go to one server its gonna be a laggy biotch 24/7 hehe

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My guess is that one of the reasons of the shrewd statistics is that 'casual' players won't play as much on Starsider. Said players won't either be in a PA before they even play the game. When the game has been out for a while, expect the numbers to be more even. I don't see this as any indication that Starsider will be filled to the brim at all times.

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@ swediot. the fact that you were invited was not of GREAT importance.. it was just that i wanted to discuss your cantina with the rest of the architects.. andwith the architects i have more to discuss :D


@ the rest. uhmmm in beta i have seen the bria and ahazi server on 2000 people on.... now so far we maybe have seen a 100 people who are playing on the starsider.. lets have an open mind and dont panic constantly shall we??? :D;)

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No prob, dow. Since there's a lot of 'oldies' (read: 20+) in our PA, you're not the only one that will not be able to squeeze 8 hours of gaming into a day's schedule. And I warned both Wraith, Gaalgoth and Gaarni of this when they asked me to step in as a leader, and they accepted that. Hopefully, there'll be ample space for us too in the PA.


Oh, stop whining boys! I'll make it up to you by trying to keep my bad mood to the hours I don't play, and be at my best ingame. :D

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You failed to realize that there are scores, if not hundreds, more PAs over at swg.com and they are also planning to go to Starsider. And we haven't even begun to count all those not in the PA registry, but have friends in the PA's that are on Starsider.


So, it will fill up, very quickly. I suggest a new strategy, Luke. Why not move?

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Well, I believe most of those PA's from the other sites will only be one or two people wishing they had more influence.;) So I think we can bet that they will be disbanded from their lack of support and merge into other PA's.


At this point, we cannot tell if it will fill up fast, but being released later, the powergamers will have made their homes in a galaxy far, far away and leave ours in peace.


Only time... will tell.:D

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