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The Machines will rise... but do you know why?


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U are talking about the upcoming T3?


Anyway, I wouldn't call that stuff "evidence", because evidence proves something. So i'll just call it "stuff". :D


Anyway as Ackbar said Arnie's arm was still there in T2. But probably they destroyed that too.

Maybe Cyberdyne or something will manage to retrieve parts of the Terminator by cooling the metal and somehow retrieve parts.

Or maybe a final terminator is sent back in a last attempt to kill John Connor, kill Sarah (remember that she dies before the war) but John manages to destroy it, but the company will still get thier hands on the stuff.

Or maybe they just come up with new stuff.

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Oh Oh! I think I read why.



A horrible virus gets out on the net and is destroying basically everything. The government needs a solution and that one company, (whatever it's called) tells them to release their new artificial Intelligence program on to the net to clean the mess up. That's how it all starts again from what I here.

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I read something like this...


The makers of the Terminator movie series saw the Matrix and thought, "Hey, they took our idea and made it much better! We better do something or our francise will be completely overshadowed!"


The first one was interesting because it had the man vs. Arnold Schwartzeneger thing going on, then in the second it was still ok, because they were able to capture and reprogram Arnold Schwartzeneger to go back to save the day...and in 3 the big new twist is the terminator IS A WOMAN!!! Ok, no thanks, I'm done with the Terminators.


I never really enjoyed the Terminator series that much, each movie seems to have the same plot...Terminator number is coming after person. So future people send savior back in time to stop number. How many times can they redo the same storyline?


Just my personal opinion, though, so don't crucify me...

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Originally posted by «K» Heavyarms

sounds good, ackbar. But I was thinking... wouldn't it be because history was written to have THAT happen too? It was all supposed to happen? Cyberdine will be rebuilt, and the evil funny-faced machines will rise!


yep your right


how could thay go back in time ,if thay had prefent the warr?

the future was arady set in terminator 1

but john conner sends back his own father in terminator 1

to help sharra {then thay do it} john gets born...then the world wil be desroyed and john send back his own father to help sharra {then thay do it} john gets born...and so on and on...


i alsow agree whit homer

terminator 2 had to be the end, where both perfect movies.

and now in terminator 3 the only one who is back is arnold.

if only james cammeron was there :(

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Yeah it's just Arnie and I think I've seen Micheal Biehn in some photo.


This is what MFG think:

Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (7/2) --

Arnie is back, but Jim Cameron is not. This installment is directed by Jonathan Mostow (U-571). This does not bode well. Linda Hamilton was willing until she read the script. Could Arnold be looking for one more big sure fire payday before he gets too old to play these kind of roles? The action and effects should be huge, and being released over the July 4th holiday will help. Our prediction is it wont totally suck, but certainly will not live up to potential.

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This movie will not end the terminator series looking like crap, and here's why:


1. If anyone saw U-571, it was a excellent movie. He can probably pull it off again.


2. While Cameron did have very good ideas, I think they have been translated in to this movie, so it isn't a total burden to create a new script.


3.This one, I think, takes place in 1997, right before the nuclear fire. (I think, because I saw a picture of US forces standing near a half-burnt flag about to attack machines.) It made me want to see the end to this mechanical conflict after T2. This will be the final chapter.


4. T-X is HOT! (j/k)


5. It's kind of hard not to screw up a terminator movie unless it involves Rhett and Eets and a pack of __________(insert drug here).

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  • 2 weeks later...

The reason why the machines still exist is most closely linked to the reason I came up with. Judgement Day is inevitable. It cannot be stopped. Skynet, as everyone said, is turned on to stop a bad virus on the internet, but Skynet takes over. It becomes self-aware, and launches it missiles at the end of the movie, beginning the inevitable Judgement Day.

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