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PLZ let me join.

Kenshin Himoura

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we dont flame here.. were all sensible people.. you have to be active in the forums to join our pa which is allright you just started but you have to post on swgalaxies.net forums for atleast a week before the leaders take you into consideration.. but im sure youll get in i havent heard of anyone that hasnt been let in :D my name is swediot im =A='s original wookie :D what proffession will you be pursuing?

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Well, good roleplaying is about conflict. And escaped wookies, trying to live side by side with trandoshans... it could get good. I mean, see it from their side; the trandoshan might hate slavery too, and disgust slaver trandoshans, and yet all wookies hates him. Trying to work that out could mean a lot of tight RP sessions! Will they learn to accept each other? Or will there always be a mutual hatred? Only time will tell!


See the possibilities, not the limits. ;)

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