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Tell me one good reason to live


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my good reason for living is cause i set a bunch of goals that i intend to achieve for memeemememememememememememememememememememememememememememememememememememememememememe!


live for yourself, and yourself alone. or for God, or both you and God. :D and of course, that game you've been waiting for for a million years. :D

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Originally posted by C'jais


That said, suicide is not the coward's way out. It's so damn easy to take the moral high ground and bully depressed people - but you are not helping them. Not one bit.


ive gotta go with cjais on this point. I never got why ppl say that your a coward for commitnig suicide, or you cant face your problems.


anyway, i can answer in one word.




right now, nothing else can move me like it does. Sure i watch a lot of movies and play alot of games, tehy are great, but w/o music, i would truely fall into deep depression, i think i would rather loose sight before hearing.

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what kept me going while I was living in group homes, was the fact that if you die.......what if you just cease to exist?? And there is plenty to live for...


well, mostly what got me through was music, specificly, eminem.

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The only good reason I've got to live is I want to make it to my own 'big time.' I want to see myself getting a good education, getting a good job, and because I'd hate to see myself taking my own life or anyone else's. Fight the urge by weight lifting, listening to music, or anything else to take the thought of suicide off your mind.


When it's times I feel that something is blocking my path in life, several things excluding suicide have helped: Poetry, weight lifting, art, music, & communication with anyone willing to help me through my problems, and anything else not mentioned.

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Suicide isn't really an act of cowards, but I must say I don't really pity the ones who commit suicide, but there families, friends etc. If I would kill myself, it would leave lots of ppl (I hope at least) in grave pain, I don't want to do that for them...

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am i to assume that instead of suicide you resort to some sort of self inflicted injury. ya, that's good. flaunt it all off to us as some sort of trophy. do you do that when people see your injury's or do you cowardly hide them away. Reality is, self inflicted wounds are stupid. they are only helping by letting you vent out your anger in a rather disturbing fashion. I know all about this stuff. All that I can say is STOP before it goes any farther. Things that keep you going are your family and friends. When you have a family in the future are you going to serve as a strong role model to your kids when they ask you about your cuts or whatever they might be (burning, scratching etc). its just not. worth. it. period.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by Chastan

Well, I know this is a bit of an old thread... but here's a good reason... you still haven't met me yet! (Or Vestril, but he's a bastard) :D


I'm not a bastard, I just like hurting people...

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