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Single, Double, Staff sabers in SP


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I hope we will be able to use all three saber setups in THE SAME single player game... im slightly worried they might make you choose one for the whole game, so you have to play through the game three times... :(


I very rarely replay games, so i would like to get the option of trying all three in the same game... although i suppose i might replay the other side of the force from the first one i play, if it is sufficiently different...


Im hoping you get a "mission briefing" before each time you head off from the academy, and you can pick a set of weapons, a saber and some inventory items (remotes, turrets, bacta etc...) for each one ( a bit like NOLF ).


On the other hand, if you play the first 1/2 the game with a single saber, then if you do end up choosig a saber setup for the rest of the game they should make this happen at the same time as you pick a force alighnment, so you only have to replay the 2nd half if you want...


maybe im lazy, but i have a long list of unplayed games to get through! :D

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It has been stated that they will have a 'load-out' ala SoFII.


As for sabers, you start with the single saber, but I don't know how the dual / double choice goes. While I hope you have the option of using all three, I hope you can't simultaneously carry all three. In other words, give me single saber for some missions, dual-blade for a mission, and double for another mission.


I am also very hopeful that the force alignment has some 'gusto'. In JK last time I played the game exactly the same in the initial levels, I just killed every civilian I passed, and got the Dark alignment. In a KOTOR preview, they mention having a fierce creature to get past. The 'easy' option is to poison the water - killing the creature and tainting the water supply. If you choose to not kill you have a more difficult path in front of you. I hope that rather than just a 'HOWMANYNPCSDIDYOUKILL-O-METER' they have some complex elements and difficult choices.


I only replay games I like ... JKII is my most replayed, then JK/MotS.



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Lately in this forum I've been hearing about how the different saber settings are supposedly going to affect gameplay: Double edged Sith saber, dual sabers, and the traditional single light saber. Frankly, I think the best way to deal with these are to make them so that there's a single saber option for both the double bladed and dual sabers modes. This means you could choose to only use one side of the double bladed saber or revert to a single saber for the dual saber setting. I know that there are going to be some people who think that it will be an unfair advantage but I'm sure that there will still be people who will hold true to the traditional single saber as opposed to the other two saber settings. I think this would work out pretty well as long as the saber fighting structure doesn't allow for the endless "spamming" of special moves. That's my opinion, please give me your thoughts.


Extra thoughts: I think you should be bound to your choice of saber setting in single player mode but with the same ability as I mentioned on my main post. The reason I believe you should be bound to your choice is because choosing a type of saber is one of the biggest decisions a Jedi or a Sith makes. After all, this is a Star Wars game, hence the ethics of the Star Wars universe should be observed. That's all I have to say in relation to the actual topic in this thread.




P.S.: I just posted this here because it would just piss everyone off to raise a fossil post on the subject. The most I read was Toms' post and I did that after making this post. :p

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I had recently posted a link to a 'new' preview I found (http://previews.gaminghorizon.com/media/0,100,1,318,1,789.html) which is an XBox site.


One thing they said was "The only downside to looking cool (yes, there is a downside) is that your character will be crippled depending on what you choose. If you decide to stick with the single lightsaber, then your character will be able to use their force powers and not be at a great loss. On the other hand, with the double bladed lightsaber, your character will be at a gain and a loss. You will be able to attack enemies both in front and behind you, but you wont be able to use any of the force powers that require your hands, while fighting. The same problem exists with the dual lightsabers, but Lucas Arts is milling over the possibility of letting your character quickly put away a saber, use the force, and then continue with both again. Also, you will only be able to attack enemies approaching from the front, which is the same as a single lightsaber."


That seems like intrinsic balance to me.


Personally, I wouldn't mind if you could carry double sabers and choose to use one. Or have the saberstaff and only ignite one (e.g. desert battle Maul / Jinn). Each case gives you a single saber, with all of its' strengths and weaknesses.




Oh, and Darth Vitruvio, I think that toms original post was [sP] oriented, whereas yours seems more [MP]. Is this true? Just so we all understand each other.

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I assume one will simply be able to cheat. If I can't use the single saber later on as well as my other choice, I probably will. Maybe that's unpopular, but I don't think it's a cheat that really makes the game too simple unless they make multiple ways to solve missions based on what force powers/saber you use.


Also - I hope they make tavion's cheat style part of SP. I really like that style best - even though it was a cheat - I tended to feel more like a jedi - fast and having an appropriate reach. I thought the blue stance was to limited. It wasn't much good except for the lunge and backstab during a duel. It was the one style that I would play through the entire game with - chopping stormies and fighting sith. Desann's style was too much and felt like a cheat.


By the way - that preview looks like it was written by a kid - and not proofed by a literate adult. " the ability to choose what kind of lightsaber you’d like your character to yield." Do ya think he meant wield?

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I would think that you should be able to use only one side of the staff, or only one of your two lightsabers. If that's true, you'd be able to have two of the saber modes. I heard that there will be a cheat that will allow you to switch between two sabers and the staff. If you're in to cheating that is.

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I had heard from another forum I frequent(non SW so don't quote me on this) that you can have a dual lightsaber ala Darth Maul, and separate it into 2 and use them, or one at a time, but I thought that Darth Maul's was welded and such.


If that is true that would be sweet.

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Originally posted by txa1265

I am also very hopeful that the force alignment has some 'gusto'. In JK last time I played the game exactly the same in the initial levels, I just killed every civilian I passed, and got the Dark alignment. In a KOTOR preview, they mention having a fierce creature to get past. The 'easy' option is to poison the water - killing the creature and tainting the water supply. If you choose to not kill you have a more difficult path in front of you. I hope that rather than just a 'HOWMANYNPCSDIDYOUKILL-O-METER' they have some complex elements and difficult choices.


Well I've read in several articles that your allignment is only effected (sp?) by the force powers you choose, not by killing NPCs!! I hope that doesn't indicate there aren't any (civilian) NPCs around, that would totally suck, it's the thing I want most in JA!!

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in multiplayer you should only beable to choose the one. in sp thats fine but in mp it would be SOOO crap if a double blader could just switch to single side.... it WOULD defeat the purpose of going a single blade and would allow them all the pros of force usage and double blade combat without any cons, as they could just retract one side.


i think in reguards to the duel sabers, you should have a range of stances, and one of them is holdering one saber and having the hand foward at the ready to use force powers. this stance would have little to non saber battle significance but would allow the use of a force power, then to change back again to another stance. i think another cool alternate stance for duel sabers would be to holding one saber pointing up and the other pointing down.


as for the light staff atleast in MP i think it should be a light staff genuine, not 2 joined together. and the light staff should have again a stance which is almost defenseless in terms of saber combat but allows for the use of advanced force powers

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Originally posted by StarScream423

I had heard from another forum I frequent(non SW so don't quote me on this) that you can have a dual lightsaber ala Darth Maul, and separate it into 2 and use them, or one at a time, but I thought that Darth Maul's was welded and such.

If that is true that would be sweet.

Actually, I saw some E3 footage of this happening. The Twi'lek had two light sabers then switched to a dual lightsaber. I'm not sure if this is the X-Box or PC version but it would be a nice touch to have maybe in SP?

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Originally posted by yolkboy

Actually, I saw some E3 footage of this happening. The Twi'lek had two light sabers then switched to a dual lightsaber. I'm not sure if this is the X-Box or PC version but it would be a nice touch to have maybe in SP?


Haha, it was only implemented to let the guy who played that demo show all kinds of sabers, they said in an interview it won't be happening!!

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Here's the specific quote:


TFNG: Can you alter saber lengths? How about detach the double-bladed Darth-Maul styled saber into two?


KH: Choosing saber length is not an option. Turning the double saber into two sabers was considered, but we decided against it because that defeats the purpose of choosing the two-saber fighting style. It was a balance issue we debated for quite some time. In some of the E3 demos, a few journalists mistakenly assumed this was a feature of the game, but it was just a cheat implemented so all the saber styles could be demonstrated for the press.

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I'd prefer it if it didn't affect the force powers you could use... You COULD always use your hands while holding the sabre... He'd just stick his hand forward and do the force such as Push, while holding the sabre. I also think that with Dual-Sabres, you should have a button for each one, you could turn off the right, or the left, or both. You could spin it/taunt with either, or both. The dbl sabre should let you use either side, or both...


So, I think the only differences in Sabre Types should be...

Single - Medium Strength, good all-around sabre.

Dual - Good Defence.

Double - Good Offence.


However, each sabre type should also allow you to use different SABRE forces, and different combos and moves (obviously)...

Maybe Double could have a helicopter force or somthing, where the double sabre spins around over the head of the user, going up into the sky or something (hitting people above you)...maybe.

The Dual Sabre could have a force that relies on skill... Maybe you could do the sabre throw with two seperate buttons - the left alt, and the right alt (if you could do left and right fire as well, it could make for some cool combos), which would throw the left and right sabre, respectively. At high levels or Dual Throw, you might be able to CONTROL each sabre, at the same time as your character lol, three things moving at once.

Also, the dual sabres should let you do moves like the one in Gladiator (film), where Maximus brings both weapons across the opposite shoulder, then brings them togethor to cut off his enemy's neck. :p

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Originally posted by Project_Fusion

Maybe Double could have a helicopter force or somthing,


Helicopter Force ... isn't that the power where the saber spins so fast that you begin to hear that whooka-whooka sound, lift off the ground, and flying towards you opponent playing Ride of the Valkyries, thereby getting a good attack and scaring the sh*t out of them? ;)


Some good thoughts ... I thought you could still do throw, but not other powers ... I'm not sure exactly how it was being done (I should check the FAQ again).



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Originally posted by Project_Fusion

I'd prefer it if it didn't affect the force powers you could use... You COULD always use your hands while holding the sabre... He'd just stick his hand forward and do the force such as Push, while holding the sabre.


I've always thought that it's ridiculous to assume that using force requires hands. So all species without hands can't use force? A jedi who gets his arm cut off (Luke, Vader) can't do anything anymore? A Jedi with his arms tied behind his back is completely helpless? Oh please...


So, I think the only differences in Sabre Types should be...

Single - Medium Strength, good all-around sabre.

Dual - Good Defence.

Double - Good Offence.


How is one supposed to block saber attacks well with two sabers? Imagine blocking a powerful swing while holding your sword with only one hand.. It won't work. (Btw - check the "balancing the sabers- thread")


However, each sabre type should also allow you to use different SABRE forces, and different combos and moves (obviously)...

Maybe Double could have a helicopter force or somthing, where the double sabre spins around over the head of the user, going up into the sky or something (hitting people above you)...maybe.


Arg! If this happens, I will not only avoid JA like a plaque but vomit in disgust. It shouldn't be Dragonball Z - the Academy. All these console'ish superdynamitemega-moves should be kept at a minimun. I think the whole "MWAHAHA! YOUR POWERS ARE WEAK NOW WITNESS TRUE POWER: THE AMAZING THUNDERBOLT-EARTHQUAKE-TORNADO-TSUNAMI-STRIKE-OF-ULTIMATE-DEATH GOOOO!" -scene is quite ridiculous. :rolleyes:


I hope that they won't limit force powers when using certain saber styles. That's just...artificial and...bleah. :(

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hehehe at the DBZ gag :p "yoda's power levels are 100000!"


i think that the force power limitation is a great idea when using alternate saber styles! what other advantage could you possibly think of when using a single bladed saber?


as for hands being used for force powers, i think this is quite realistic. ofcoarse you do not need your hands for all force powers i believe that using your hand to assist the force task would be much more powerful, as your hands are basically your implementing tools, and by using them you could put much more concerntration into your force efforts.


i quite like this idea, and its not like we're gonna see a shortage of people using the double or duel sabers? this is good as we will now actually SEE some single bladed jedi in the arenas, which i am glad. i don't think that either saber combo should be interchangable. its just not really fair in mp, but sp, why not? :D

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Originally posted by Luc Solar

I hope that they won't limit force powers when using certain saber styles. That's just...artificial and...bleah. :(

If it hasn't been mentioned here, I believe that the using the lighstaff and/or two lightsaber stances will prevent the use of force powers requiring the use of hands...
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thats right prime :)


and its a good thing!! for the reasons i mentioned above


anyway we all know some dumb mofo is gonna make some stupid mod which allows the interchangable saber styles and full use of force powers in all combinations :(


i hope that mod games do not become a big thing because the amount of thinks Raven have put in this game, only the slightest change and the balance is gone

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