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Lets have a square go.


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* everyone drowns on saliva for no reason, no Carbon dioxide for trees, trees die, all mammals and animals die, the water bcomes ph 1 and everything dies, the respawn button breaks, the screwdriver which could be used to fix the respwan button melts, you die, the sun evelopes itself into a ball of plasmatic gasinth bornic ayetride and the EVERYTHING DIES, NOTHING LEFT, NO COMING BACK, AND BY THE WAY FT WILL BE KEPT ALIVE SO HE CAN FALL DOWN AN ENDLESS PIT OF INFINITE DESTRUCTION*

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Hey! Don't gang up on topshot like that!

*Stuffs a kleenex into a bottle of whisky, turning it into a molotov cocktail, lights it on fire, and throwsit into the crowd attacking topshot, instantly killing them all except for topshot*

Much Better!

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