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Has mankind visited the moon?

Zoom Rabbit

Are there human footprints on the moon?  

45 members have voted

  1. 1. Are there human footprints on the moon?

    • Yes. We have all seen the pictures.
    • No. Those footprints were left on a sound stage.
    • The moon is covered with human footprints left by a previous fallen civilization.
    • No, but there are Martian footprints there.
    • Yes, if you consider bigfoot prints to be human.
    • Zoom Rabbit's footprints are on the moon.
    • The moon itself is a hoax.

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so then lets keep attention for avoiding a paradoxon..!


Err, RoguePhotonic..


do you believe anything, that mankind "shall" have been done? For instance.. do you believe "them" if they say we where in space..? Do you believe up there is "space" and "the moon" and "the sun"..?


Do you think they believed Christopher for "discovering" a new continent?? What do you say about: inquisitiveness and inquiring minds?? Do you think we ever "WILL GET" to the moon?

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So you're saying that you think we'll go to the moon when we're prepared to colonize it? Hmm. :D


*Shhhk--! Tranquility Base, this is Houston. It seems you fellas are gonna have to...um...stay there. Over.*


Well, when we *do* start going to the moon, we'll have to start small. A small capsule with a two-man lander, perhaps... ;)

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RoguePhotonic: As Zomm said .... . . . .. .... *g* ZOOM said.. Do you think it's possible to go to the moon first time and establish a moon base at the same trip?? If you think so..

THEN you must be thinking that together WITH cristopher columbus came half U.S.-inhabitants to the continent.. building NYC, Hollywood and Disneyland.

THEN you must think the first computer was as good as a P4 ..

THEN you must think the first man climbes the mount everst is still living there in his tent. (yes of course he established a settlement there called "the cool ones")




Oh, and what do you think about that mars robot and stuff??

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wtf are you guys talking about...this is a rock..the ONLY thing that would need to be done before setting up a base there is scout out a sight...and do whatever to make sure that sight is good.....of course if people start living there you will have to go out and put a flag up and make some foot prints :D

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Oh do I think one could be set up in one trip...one could..but most likely wouldn't....this has nothing to do with past trips to the moon though...(if there was any)


oh wait...mars?...what do I think about that?...I have no reason to doubt that happened..though ugh...that small of a step is stupid...I think it's to just flash something to the public like "yeah yeah we are working on it" then hold off doing anything real for 50 years...


Bush you can tell all believes in god...and well guess anyone that does thinks we shouldn't leave this planet....I have heard people say many times "if man was meant to be out there we would have been put out there"....all I can say to that is...**** YOU! :p

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i dont want to bother you..


..but i think there are quite some inconsequences in the way you "feel" .. You say 'we'll be on the moon if we live there' on the other sid you go 'yes of course it cannot be done in one step'


I think you like to say some just to be against and the real 'argument' is ignored by you because you have an opinion that is the ONE. But you wont get right by just saying NO. You have to but up some arguments.


You dont answer questions that will def lead your argumentation into unlogical nonsense. I think you are bothered by some governmentissues or some sillypeople and now you are resignating or somelikethat.


So. last try: MARS ROBOT?? Mars explorations??? Is it true?? Fake pic's? Why shouldnt we have made the FIRST step to the moon already? Was it impossible? Do you think it would have been made no sense to go to the moon? does it make sense now? does it made sense to go and explore earth in the early years ..???

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wtf does standing on the moon and going wow have to do with setting up a place to live?....sure it can't be done in one step...as in take some **** up there...set it up..get a few people living there bring more ****...years of building and doing ****...that's what I mean by not in one step...why shouldn't we have made the first step for the moon?...probably because of our technology...and the need to be there...why would we need something set up there right now?


I thought I answered mars above...

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Bush you can tell all believes in god...and well guess anyone that does thinks we shouldn't leave this planet....I have heard people say many times "if man was meant to be out there we would have been put out there"....all I can say to that is...**** YOU


Err. as you may recognized .. we are OUT THERE .. on earth?? remember that??


and another thing .. life doesnt MENTION some creature to whatever. phh. ok. stay at home. resignate.


Hey oh. You said uoy kcuf???? You should have said this to me, pinkypal.


*goes off*


Hey Mr. Bush .. here's my report. Read it. Look at this silly sucker. He doesnt believe your lies.


And now excuse me Mr

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..way too much.




Some day mankind will know the moon as the thing that flew around that planet we lived on once upon a time.. We'll live in HUUUUUGGGEEE Starships (likely artificial planets) containing a whole species of spacehumans. We will be spread over the whole universe .. perhabs "global village" turns into "universed village"


Perhabs the question will be: "Has mankind visited the parallel universe?"

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Ray, I don't think we'll persuade our friend here about the moon landing matter. I think he's just arguing against in order to play *devil's advocate* anyway...




Let's do be civil, though, and allow others to have whatever opinion they want. Remember, everyone has a God-given right to stick their head up their own ass. (Just kidding, RoguePhotonic.) :D

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I choose not to believe we went to the moon because of overwhelming evidence that we didn't..plain and simple...


I doubt we will ever live in massive ships like the death star lol...maybe only if we were in search of a new world to set up on because the earth was dead or something...



"Has mankind visited the parallel universe?"


I really doubt it....if the theory of an opposite parallel world is true people don't put it on the right scale...they look at it like if I am nice here...I am an ******* there...no..more like you are alive here...not there....infact earth all this wouldn't be there....

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i'm peaceful... i .. err. ok. sometime i didnt found 'my' way yet. you know .. some edges .. thank you rouge for helping me growing ..


please be assured i let other people think what they want. who am i that i tell other people wath to think (brrrainwash) .. i dont want to get telled (???) what i have to think..




i'm calm now




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Parallel universes are a necessary by-product of quantum physics and the wave/ particle duality nature of matter (the aforementioned Schrodinger's Cat is a classic example of this; until you open the box the cat has to exist in at least 2 states simultaneously.)

The theory of parallel universes came out of the experiment where you fire a stream of single photons through a barrier with 2 slits cut into it. Cover the left slit up and fire though the other one, and you see a pattern of the other side consistent with the stream of photons coming through the single opening. Same thing with if you cover up the right and do the same thing. But if you uncover both slits, but only fire through one side (let's say the left) you end up a result that should only happen if you were seeing particles coming though both slits and interacting with each other! This has long been explained that light (in the form of photons) is a wave as well as a point-particle. That means the rest of matter has to fit this description as well.


But there's another possible explanation: In an nearby parallel universe an alternate you is performing the experiment at the same time, only choosing the RIGHT slit to fire through. The particles you see as a waveform are actually echoes from those other alternate realities interfering with yours, where history is almost identical, but where you in that reality has chosen to make a single different decision.


Heady stuff.

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Uh.. can you explain that experiment in alittle more detail... I'm interested... but you really lost me there about covering up both slits and firing through the left one (??). But I would actually like to know how that experiment proves parallel universes. Thanks.


By the way... The USA is not the reason why there's no world peace today... Unless you think that if the world would be in "peace" if it were controlled entirely by communist or dictatorship countries -- which is probably what would happen if the US didn't exist in the last 80 years. It really sickens me when people go so far as to blame the US for every problem in the world, but at the same time expect it to FIX every problem in the world once it starts to affect them. Especially if they live in the country they apparently hate so much... I think those people should just move to China or something (and learn Gung fu while they're there). That way they'll get even more reasons to complain about America ruining the world.


BTW Rogue, if you want to make your world a cleaner place why don't you pick up all the trash you see, or try to invent something to help purify the air, instead of just complaining about it... Or try and start some kind of "Trash awareness" organization. Fact is we're MUCH cleaner as a whole than we were 200 years ago... But you can never stop every single person from littering or polluting... its just not possible.


No, I don't like polluted air from factories as much as the next person, but have you ever visited a volcano or lava flow? Mother nature's pollutants are much more powerful than anything we can create... Factories don't even come close. I know it doesn't do any good to add to natural pollutants... but atleast HUMAN waste makes up a VERY small percentage of the "harmful" pollution on the earth.


Anyways... I don't want to get any more off topic so I'll stop... but a few points people brought up in this thread forced me to reply.


By the way, I like Bush a lot as a president, even though he's a lizard cyborg man.


PS, speaking of air liners... If you think the world is just a polluted mess with litter everywhere, then just look out the window next time you're flying long distance... Especially over the rocky mountians.

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Well natural pollution is allot better than the **** we put out....


Of course I don't blame the U.S. for every problem..most all other problems are because of religion..


as for trash if people didn't throw trash down I would pick up all I see...but why pick it up if more will be there tomorrow...**** it....



Of course though my views on how polluted the world is, is probably pretty off because I live in bakersfield california...I mean this town has been rated 2nd worst air in the world....

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You know, if I lived in Bakersfield, I'd probably think everything was ****** too. ;)


*(Sticks a 'republican' label on Silent Thunder.)* :max: Carry on.


Quantum physics is indeed heady stuff. :D I tend to go for the 'multiple parallel universes' explanation myself...for reasons that are ridiculously mystic. :dozey: You see, when grappling with this whole fate (God has set events in stone so to speak) versus free will (we choose, and our choices shape the following reality) philosophical conundrum, it comes down to a simple 'which is it?' Do we have free will, or does God decide everything and we only *think* we have a choice? Well, the parallel universes theory explains this problem for us handily. In a sense, the shape of events is already set--but only in the really, really BIG picture that has all of these timelines and cat realities interweaving and branching out like live spaghetti. But also, we make the choices that decide which strand of spaghetti we're standing on now.


Did that make sense? :) Aw, who cares...anyone bring garlic bread?

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Silent_Thunder .. what you are saying makes kind of sense ..


I think if parallel universes are depending to another .. it is .. connected .. as you say it is..


*reads zooms post. again..*


hey zoom. this is kind of mystic. why do you have those 'timline spaghetti we grab the event' thoughts??????????


how do you came on this.. Are you infiltring in my brain Z???


i wonder if others will have such "simple normal" explanations for the unknown .. no i dont claim to be the only one who figures out some like this....


*krrrk fascinating*

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