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Greatest. Minor Distraction. EVAR!!!


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In boredom I was messing around in Homestarrunner.com, and I found 2 games that are slightly addicting, first is a game under Games (surprise surprise) called Population: Tire. Keep the tire in the air by bumping it with the cursor, while at the same time trying to hit obstacles and such with it, the longer you get it in the air and the more obstacles you hit the higher your score goes, but as soon as it hits the ground you're back to 0...like I said kinda addicting.


The other game is AweXome Cross '99 and that's accessible by watching the SB Email "Monster Truck" and at the end clicking on "Someday" in that you have the cheat spinning inside of a tire and you have to jump over obstacles and also jump to get cash, but be careful in some places if you jump to get cash you can't react fast enough to jump over the obstacle after it, also semi-addicting.


Both are good games to whittle some time away with.

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It's sort of like a fishtank for me. I get a few going and I go do something else leaving the window minimized, but I check back in and watch. It's just relaxing so... relaxing, too bad I didn't write this game I'd market it as a stress reliever of Zen Garden proportions.


P.S. Got 20 going at once. :p


Very fun for watching, came back after 30 minutes there were 7 left. :D

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Just pound them out in short and fast sweeps along on the the earth's corners.


Uhhh, Rhett...the Earth is round.:p


I'd had 14 or 15. But they all crash and now I have 5.

Actually I have 6 one has a really wide orbit and leaves the screen and doesnt come back for like a minute. :)

It is addicting.

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