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Bad news for mace fans . . .


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Sam. L said in a recent interview that he was disappointed with his death, he said "Mace just dies, you know, I was expecting him to die in a big saber duel like the way a jedi should go, but no...." Dammit!! I hope he's lying for some damn reason, otherwise I doubt we'll even see him duel!! Noooooooo.

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I was going to say, there were rumors on TFN that he's killed by one of three people, Anakin, Dooku, or Sidious. And yet another one, which I feel is far fetched, that Boba Fett kills him. I really hope they don't have a 13 year old kill one of the baddest Jedi that ever lived. That'd be a disgrace.

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Ya I think Anakin will kill Mace, or more possible Sidious but I don't think Dooku will kill Mace I hope he doesn't anyway.... I think the only person we'll see Dooku duel will be Anakin, which will result in Dooku's death. But Lucas has said Boba wont have a big role in Episode III, so I doubt he'd kill Mace...... I hope he doesn't.

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Originally posted by OmegaNothing

Actually, good news lol, I misread it, it doesnt say he WONT die in a saber battle lol. Oooops! When it said he's just going to die I thought he ment in another way, meaning not in a saber duel. Sorry!





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  • 3 weeks later...

Hes not pissed that Mace will die, the interview said so. As far as who will kill him your guess is as good as mine. But Im thinking that if Anakin can kill Dooku then Mace certainly can as well. So with that Im hoping Dooku isnt the one. I think Sidious would be the best one to kill Mace.

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