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New screens, models and a wallpaper!


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Originally posted by Emon

1. That "worm" is a Sarlacc.


2. I think that Luke shot is modified. Parts look rounded off, and I doubt they have that 3D hair ingame. Also, the lightsaber has been clearly made in Photoshop or a similar program.


How can you say that's a sarlacc. First of all it's in the middle of some kind of base. Secondly, it looks nothing like the sarlacc from ROTJ, there's no tentacles. It looks more like a spice worm from Dune than a sarlacc, and there's no caption either. So please don't put names to things without proof.

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That thing you see in near his hand is actually just an energy trail from the Force power that he is using, it would seem. Its much to thin to be a lightsaber, especially since there is no hilt in his hand. Its just a trail of energy, simple as that. Like the trail left of a lightsaber. That same principle.

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I got a new theory. What if in that pic he was calling his saber back to him after he dropped it. That would explain the trail of light and the odd possition of the saber that makes it look like an energy ball and also could explain the absence of the hilt. (it just hit the hand so it hasn't reapeared yet)

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The solution is simple... what happens when light energy is put into motion? It creates an afterimage, and to the human eye, it appears as a trail, hence the reason why the Kel Doran has a twisted torso.. He was going to use the Force, hence the energy, which in turn, made the comet trail of energy near his fist.

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Looks to me like he is in fact holding a lightsaber in that hand. If you look at his other hand, the lightsaber's handle is pitch black. The geometric black spot on the hand in question is the bottom of the lightsaber handle and the blade of the saber, the intense yellow glow around the hand, is pointed away from the camera. The thin yellow streak is the lightsaber trail. In other words, he's swinging it. Another reason I believe this is that all of the shots of the Kel Dor from the same level, like the one below, show him holding two lightsabers, a yellow one in his right hand, like in the picture and a purple one in his left. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that's what's going on.


Edit: Added picture.



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Well, it's quite obvious to me that these guys are part of a circus act. 'Strongarm' Kel Dor is holding a thin line with a lightbulb on the end (their special fx budget was quite small), while his partner is walking the tightrope with the aid of a balancing glow-stick. It's obviously a practice run for the 'Walking The Chasm' act. :p



On a more serious note, I haven't a clue, but I suspect all will be revealed when we play the game. :)


I like the close-up character shots. Nice attention to detail in all of those. The Wampa looks suitably fierce. Luke looks like he's having a bad day. Kyle seriously needs to get someone in to manage his wardrode. That still looks like a young Sarlacc to me. Chewie looks good too.


I love the crashed space craft.


The game is looking great. Keep up the great work, Raven! :thumbsup:

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i hope they don't make luke go to the dark side. thats just dicking around with things too much, if anything maybe kyle go to the dark side, but if lukes dad couldn't make him evil then Raven would portray him as so weak if he fell to the dark side for some other reason.

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Originally posted by Andy867

Possible, but whats up with him continuing to wear black. I mean, why not try something new, because as E! would, say, his clothes are a fashion EMERGENCY!. But anyways, it is possible that he gets tempted.

i could see it now yeah, E! reviews the game, and makes crash comments about his cloths, lol any way these screens are old, been out for at least a week
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I keep wondering what this crystal room is where we see the kel dor(and E3 demo) is fighting. Is this a tie to the crystals in JO? Could this be the greatly hoped for practice arena where one can hone jedi skills before putting jedi necks on the line in missions? Or is this a demo level that is created for play testing and will be released months after the game as a demo unplayable from within the game itself?

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Ah so Luke looking indimidating = automatic darksider? I think you guys have an overactive imagination. :p


If YOUR foster parents were brutally killed, you fought in a war for a decade or two, fought your father who was a Sith Lord, and gotten the crap beat out of you a few times. You'd probably look worn out and aggresive looking too.

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The teeth, or spikes, or whatever they are, inside of it are exactly like that of the Sarlacc in RotJ. Sarlacc are more than just holes in the ground with tenticles, larger parts can reach out. They probably didn't want to animate all the other tenticles, or they aren't shown here. Not only this, but it's on Tatooine, and it's clearly the only logical explination.


Two dimensional, really. ;)

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