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Pirates of the Caribbean


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Good...Freaking...Movie. WOW.


I saw it tonight and just got home a few minutes ago...I'm awestruck. This movie is going into my DVD collection, in a display case, and shall I shall sacrifice my firstborn to it...well...maybe not...BUT THE POINT IS STILL VALID! THIS MOVIE IS GOOOOOOOOD.


Go see it NOW. Don't bother me with the details. [whinyvoice] oh it's too late.[/whinyvoice] PAH! I DON'T CARE IF YOU HAVE TO BREAK INTO YOUR MOVIE THEATER AND ASK FOR A SPECIAL SHOWING AT GUNPOINT! It's worth it...well...maybe not...BUT THE POINT IS STILL VALID!

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Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

Great entertainment, but not very realistic :D







Seriously tho...how COULD you expect a movie about a bunch of ghost pirates to BE REALISTIC? And by taking it to the extreme the way they did, it made it even better! Good good movie.


Johnny Depp was amazingly hilarious and the pirates were good fun too (both ghosties and non-ghosties). The movie is a great laugh while being a great action movie too. This movie is deffinatly in my top ten for movie of the year if not THE movie of the year.

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Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

Any person who gives Spirited Away a less than great review doesn't deserve to rate movies >_>


Most movie critics don't deserve to rate movies!


Anyway, since it sounds so good I'll go see it!


And I would like that reviewers address/e-mail whatever to tell him what I think about his reviewing!!!

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Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

Jebus cripes, don't get all worked up over the realistic thing, I loved the movie, I wasn't criticizing it. I didn't use the right word. I meant it was more over-the-top than I thought it would be. There was more Disney humor in it than I expected.


sorry bout that Sher, but I'm still on an emotional high from that movie:D


Gonna go see it again with my brother in a few more days. :D



Yeah, we went to the 7:00pm showing and it was sold out, but we got their early enough to get good seats. Saw alot of people we knew there too. Excellent movie.

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Originally posted by STTCT

My friend at work saw it and said that the costumes were awesome and Depp was great!

I've heard this was great from a LOT of people.

But it's amazing how far Johnny Depp has come from 21 Jump Street. He picks some good movies to do. Surprisingly... I've been impressed with some of his recent stuff and he's made me a fan.

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Oh! I saw this movie AND League, and I will say right now I liked them both alot!


Pirates was a great movie, and I attribute this to Orlando Bloom, Johnny Depp, and Jerry Brickheimer. Depp's entrance just absolutely kills me! :D



Where he's coming in on the ship on the crow mast and you're like, "That's one big ship." And then it pans away and he's coming in on a schooner that's rapidly sinking. Absolutely hilarious!!! And it shaws the people's faces as he's coming in and their in awe and it shows him in the crow's nest again, and he calmly steps from the crow's nest to the dock with his ship completely submerged!!! F'ing hilarious!!!



League in my opinion was also a good movie, but I went to it thinking it was going to be a bad movie, and I was surprised. My paper gave it a solid C, and I can see why, the guy was probably having a bad day, or had just come from pirates, or he might just love those classic books a little bit too much, but anyway the characters albeit being skewed a tiny bit

Such as Tom Sawyer being in the Secret Service and the design of The Nautilus (you'll see, very unlike how it's described in the book) (But I guess I'm a Verne purist, anyway)

it still made for a good character movie and an excellent action movie. The actors playing there respective roles did an excellent job, Sean Connery got his accent on, and there were many cool things. You can't come to this movie expecting it to be a great movie, cause then it won't live up to your expectations. But I went to it thinking I could fall asleep and I was genuinely surprised.



Of course the clincher of the movie was who the evil villain ultimately was, it made me laugh out loud in the theater cause it made sooooo much sense. I bet you thought I was going to reveal it, but you'll just have to go see the movie. Neener!


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I just saw the movie, and it was good!



Loved how they made the transitions when Depp was facing his first mate...forgot his name, I know it was said several times in the movie...just can't remember! I know it began with Boot...



The plot was good, the humor was good, really good movie!


Anyone who rates Two Towers badly shouldn't be rating at all...that movie was awesome!

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Just saw Pirates of the Caribbean today. I absolutely loved it. And I absolutely love Johnny Depp. :D


Oh and Sparrow? Best. Entrance. EVER. :D


Sher: I totally agree. I loved Spirited Away. ^^ (I also loved Jumanji, too...)


edit: I bet LXG is getting such terrible reviews just because it's competing with Pirates. Seriously. ^_~

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I watched this movie with my brother and some of his pals and it was so much better than I thought it would be. I loved it. I wished my girl friend would have come with us to watch the movie, but she had to stay in town to get some things done.


Anyway, I really liked it. Good taste, and an excellent movie for a date I would think. I think this would be a good movie to add to my movie collection after it releases.

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This is a very good movie. Very family appropriate. The only reason it's PG-13 is because there's a little sword play. Not much blood, though (That's a good thing!). They had a lot of jokes in there, actors were excellent, great storyline too. Special Effects were also very good. I give it a 9.7. Tell me what you thought of the movie.

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