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websites to buy computers


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Hi guys... I'm looking to buy a new computer, but I don't know where to buy it from. I know of a few websites that I'll list below, but if anybody can give me anymore, that would be great. I don't want an expensive one from a place like alienware, falcon or voodoo, but any other websites would be appreciated.


sites like:





please give me some more websites to look for a computer that I can use for college and for a little gaming when i have time. ;)

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My suggestion is not to buy from a place like Dell, Compaq, HP, etc. Here's why. Many of the parts they use (even the cases on the new Dells) are proprietary, meaning that some things aren't upgradeable (or replaceable, in case they break) though anyone but Dell. Which means they can charge you whatever they want, which is often an arm and a leg (and even a firstborn child in some cases).


Not all computers from Alienware are ultra-expensive. The Aurora line is much more affordable, and the parts they use are industry-standard, so you can pick up replacement parts / upgrades just about anywhere they sell computers (and often at much cheaper prices).

Plus, for the money, you're getting a much better computer for say, $1000 from Alienware then you would at Dell or one of the other mainstream manufacturers.

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DO NOT go with Dell... Or Alienware, especially Dell, though.


There's a difference between cheap computers, and computers that have give good proformance and quality for a good price. Alienware prices are not actually that bad, but if you get a cheaper one, be prepared to not get as good quality for your dollar. You're going to pay for that shiny little green case.


If you want HIGH quality computers at the lowest prices I've ever seen... and I've looked through MANY computer websites and priced them out with http://www.abscomputers.com, http://www.alienware.com, and others then go to...








Cyber Power incorporated is cheaper than ibuypower overall, and they offer a *3* year warranty for parts AND labor. Ibuypower only offers a 1 year warranty for labor, and a 3 year warranty for parts. However, ibuypower DOES have occasional free upgrades which make their computers cheaper than cyberpowers' if you find the right configuration. However, it's not THAT much cheaper (150 dollars at max) so the extra warranty on cyberpower may still make it better...


My current computer is from http://www.ibuypower.com, and it has served me well :). I just wish I would've knowen about http://www.cyberpowerinc.com at the time... since I could've gotten it cheaper and had a longer warranty.


Hope that helped!! BTW, if you don't know what would be a good configuration for your computer with the best price for power I could give you a link (and tell you which pieces to change) for a computer under $1300 (With monitor).

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