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Things I Probably Am Making Up

Boba Rhett

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I'm bored so deal with it. :p



1. I wrote the screenplay for the movie, "Cable Guy."

2. I have a robotic left eye.

3. I'm actually just a burlap sack full of leaves.

4. I won the silver medal for Greco-Roman wrestling at the 1988 summer Olympics.

5. I repeat myself often.

6. The New York Times called my solo debut album "Pretentious, but not without it's charm."

7. I'm not wearing any pants.

8. I repeat myself often.

9. Sometimes I wish I was a girl.

10. The Greatest American Hero was inspired by actual events in my life.

11. Dolph Lundgren puked all over me at The Punisher's premiere party. I haven't bathed since.

12. My named spelled backwards is Chesty LaRue.

13. My fourth grade math teacher was prone to calling me a, "little bitch."

14. I'm one of the proud co-fathers of laser tag.

15. I have four fingers on my left hand, but six on my right.

16. I invented the pornograph.

17. I do not remember 1995.

18. I'm the subject of dozens of fan fiction sites on the internet.

19. My gentle tears are the secret ingredient of Coca-Cola.

20. My license plate says "PH33R M3" and people rightfully do.

21. Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start? Yeah, that's mine.

22. Michael Jackson once tried to pick me up at a pop stand.

23. I'm too sexy for this thread.

24. I was backstage during the filming of The Phantom Menace. I once saw a stage hand bring Portman the wrong kind of bottled water. She killed the guy with a hammer right then and there.

25. I know the deadly secret behind Golden Grahams.

26. Eets, Sherack and I regularly travel back in time with high powered shot guns and hunt giant prehistoric turkeys.

27. I am the lesser known fourth Amigo.

28. Clefo is my love child.

29. I repeat myself often.

30. I was up for the role of Marty Mcfly in the movie Back to the Future but Mr. Fox stole it out from under me by doing some..."favours" for the director.

31. Using only a shoe and a large glass of water, I once single-handedly saved the world from giant invading wood nymphs.

32. I frolic often.

33. In the Ozarks I am often refered to as The Southern Dandy.

34. My favorite Little Rascal was Wanky.

35. I was banned from the circus forever when I attempted to feed a small kitten to the elephant. I still maintain that he woulda liked it.

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Oh, this is going to be fun to tear apart...:dev11:


I'll just pull out the bits that I think are true...and add a bit of commentary :D


7. I'm not wearing any pants.


I have proof...you don't want to know why, how, or anything like that...just believe me.


23. I'm too sexy for this thread.


Not hard to do that...:p


17. I do not remember 1995.


Was that the year I knocked you into a coma with a 2X4?


32. I frolic often.


Combined with fact numero seven, I'm terrified...


25. I know the deadly secret behind Golden Grahams.


Arsenic? Sugar? Candeh? What??!?!!?



I'm done now.

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21. Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start? Yeah, that's mine.


I always thought it was Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, A, B, Start...


12. My named spelled backwards is Chesty LaRue.


Eural ytsehc? Some kind of German or Russian name?

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1) Led Zeppelin is all me, baby

2) I was in Monty Python and the Holy Grail (Frenchman no 3)

3) I say things twice

4) I say things twice

5) I'm afraid of the light

6) I am mezmerized by shiny objects

8) I can't count

9) Yoda's voice was done by Frank Oz, but Frank Oz is merely a robot controlled by me

10) sentences backwards say to used I

11) I invented stuff

12) All DVDs have to get the DH stamp of approval

13) I play Vader in EpIII

14) I have performed acts of canablism..........on pc parts

15) My name spelled backwards is eman ym

16) I'm really an eccentric billionaire living in the Swedish Alps

17) I say things twice

18) My level of geekiness is contagious

19) I think work is for schmucks, which is why I go to my job everyday

20) I think this thread is fun

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

9. Sometimes I wish I was a girl.

28. Clefo is my love child.

29. I repeat myself often.

32. I frolic often.



Now i understand why you had to say they are things you are probably making up. :D

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