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The Monkey Island Series failed with a "Curse": READ ME

The Series is dead according to the original fans  

39 members have voted

  1. 1. The Series is dead according to the original fans

    • Of course it is, I don't know why anybody cares anymore
    • The the original fans, Yes, others, possibly
    • Could well be
    • No, never, how could you write such a horrible article!!!!!!

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Monkey Island is Guybrush Threepwood, not Ron Gilbert.





If you heard someone say the words "Monkey Island" what would be the first thing you'd think of. I can safely say that the first thing to pop into your head, would not be Ron Gilbert.




At first I left my post at that, but theres more. I first played Monkey Island at the age of four. Yeh, people have said that you cant understand what its about, or it wouldnt mean the same stuff to you. Well thats BS. I understood every word. I was pulled into the story, the atmosphere, everything. So I was only four, but so what. Whats a eight year old got that an four year old hasn't, so they might be cleverer, so what, you dont need to be clever to understand MI.


The first Monkey Island game that I played was MI2, it was on one of those huge floppy disks, and ran of DOS, I had it for about two years, I never beat it, you'll say now, 'It's cause you were four' no it wasnt I got right up to the end, in the tunnels. But my computer died.


Some years later I got CMI, then EMI the day it came out, thats cause I'm a fan, not an "origional monkey islander", just a person who thinks the games are the best things on earth. I hadn't played MI1 before that point, but I tried like hell to get my hands on it, I love MI, it made me who I am today. I searched from the day that I completed CMI for EMI, I didnt know that it hadnt been made yet, I didnt have the net. But before it was made, I know now, that people like you were already putting it down, you'd seen previews and crap like that, and from what you'd seen, you judged it. If you started a job with that attitude, you wouldn't be there for very long, its the same with a game.


I'm not a "Origional Fan", but you know what, I dont give a damn, why should I, Monkey Island wasnt made for you, it was made for people to play and enjoy, it was made for everyone, not just you "First generation fans".*


Why do you hold yourself so high and mighty. What have you done that means you should be able to put other people down, just because they like later versions of a game. I loved the last two games, I eventually got the first two games again this year, I beat MI1 in a matter of hours, I still loved the same graphics thqat I had played seven years earlier and I also love the graphics of the last two, so EMI has its faults can you sya that SOMI doesnt, LCR, the game that shaped my life, that made me who I am, its not perfect.


Just like your not.





*Actually it was made for Lucas Arts to make money, but thats a different story.

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I remember urging my 5-year old cousin to play Monkey Island 2 many years ago. Maybe it wasn't suited to his taste in gaming or maybe he was too young to understand what was going on, but he was having a lot more fun constantly bumping into walls in Nascar Racing imagining he was making headway somehow.

No I can't see a 4-year old enjoying MI either.

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So your saying that a four year old spent the rest of his life searching for a certain game, for no reson, other than the fact that he desperately needed it, had no love for that game.


I dont care what the normal four year old would feel for it, if liking it means that I'm not normal, so what, I dont really give a damn, I know my feelings even if you dont.

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What they're saying is that a four year old can't have the same appreiciation for it as say a twelve year old or an adult can. They don't mean that you can't like it, it's a game to be enjoyed, but for different ages, on different levels.


But I agree with most of what you said, you can't think of youself as better than others because you like the first games better, that just measn you're different to others. Newsflash, everyones different, if being better means thinking like you and liking the things you do in the way you do, then, thank you, but I'd rather be right down here with all the crap and dirt.

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Yeh, I understand what theyre saying and I understand why no-one agrees with me on the whole age thing, but you dont understand what it meant to me. It was the first game that I ever played. So I was four, yeh, saying that a four year old appreciates certain things and an eight year old appreciates other things, thats just agist. Theres a seven year old in university, so that just goes to show that appreciation of things doesn't depend on age

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Yes it does, as appreiciation is a point of view and point of view comes with age. At the age of 12, I felt I had the mental age of a thirty year old (i.e. maturity). Now I'm 17 and I feel like I have the mental age of a 30 year old, a 20 year old and a five year old all wrapped in one (a lot of people at around the age of 20 have that with the exception of the 30 year old bit). This is of course just my point of view, but I'm still the same person I was 5 years ago, only my point of veiw has changed. this seven year old in universeti was probably placed in uni because of his abilities and not because he actually wanted to as he couldn't actually appreciate it as well as someone 11 years older.


But back on track, At your age now, you have to admit that you see things in M I differently to when you were four when you preplay MI2, right?

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Well, I do think it is silly to divide all MI fans in such a strict manner, I believe that if there are such groups, it would be your own personal preference and not your age which would divide you. I must say that I played CMI (a "second generation" game), then went on to EMI and then LCR and SOMI I think. My personal favourite would have to be LCR, but that is not to say I think the series "died" with CMI. I think that CMI is a very good game, and I commend its developers from doing so well with such a difficult task. While the first and last two MI games can be divided into two groups, it would be foolish to label one group as inferior to the other, the two groups are different in some cases, in others similar. Indeed as one member said before, there was some old skool stuff put inot EMI. You should be more open to other opinions, if someone disagrees with you, accept it. We are all MI fans here, whatever kind of MI we like is our own business. These forums would be very boring if we all had the same opinion and had to all agree with each other regardless of what we really thought.

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Originally posted by scabb

Yeah, Remi, you filthy agist.


Yes. Yet if anybody thinks the mental capabilities of an average four year old and eight year old are similar, they really have no idea what they're talking about. And my point still stands. And I know how to spell 'ageist' which makes me special.

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I started by playing the SOMI and EFMI demo about a year ago. I can't remember which I played first. I remember liking SOMI more then EFMI even if the graphics were dated it was FUN. That is what is important. I basicly forgot about them until this year when I got SOMI and LCR and played through them, and I loved them. The old graphics and no voices didn't bother me at all I loved them. After I played them I remembered the EFMI demo and played it again. I apreiciated it alot more now that I knew more about Monkey Island and decided that I liked it equaly as good as SOMI and bought it. I'm currently playing EFMI and I think its just as good as the others with maybe a few flaws. I have never played COMI but I'm sure its good. I guess you would call me a second generation monkey island and I'm glad considering how you first gens act.

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Yet if anybody thinks the mental capabilities of an average four year old and eight year old are similar, they really have no idea what they're talking about.


It could be a really smart four year old, and you cant say that no four year old can appreciate MI, yeh if you can prove it then I'll believe you, but I know you cant, cause I am a four year that appreciates it. Well, I was anyway.


Agist, Ageist who cares.


I went through ageist before I decided on agist, your not supposed to mix vowels like that. Stupid word.

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Were you a reall smart 4 year old (and i mean the kind with the mental age of an 8 year old)?


Also, Krazy, you have just proved that the thread starter has already classified us and put us into little slots, which is wrong. I'd consider myself as a first generation MI gamer because i was around then and played them then. But that's stupid because i have the same opinion of the games as Krazy here (welcome, I like you, you're not a git). You cannot generalise the people here into two solid categories, more often thatn not, they won't fall into them wholey.

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I think the point is that as you get older, you appreciate the games in different ways.


For example people who only played the game when they were 4-6 would probably only remember it as a happy fun little game full of nice comical jokes. However, if that person replay it again when they were 12 or something, they'd appreciate the slightly darker side of MI1 and MI2 - you know, the less obvious and slapstick jokes.


Some people might appreciate it how an 8 year old would appreciate it when they're 5, but the point is that you appreciate it differently as you get older.

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Originally posted by hellomoto

Well, without meaning to sound big headed, yes, I think I was, I was smarter than most anyway.


Oh and RemiO, no-one said anything about the 'avarage' four year old.


Uh, yes, actually, I did. Go to page one and re-read my second post.

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Oh damn, howcome I'm always wrong about these things.


One thing, how about if you played the game all of the time inbetween being 4 and being 12 (obviously not none stop, cause I had to re buy it a couplea times but you get the point...)?

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Originally posted by Cutthroat_Nick

IJ and the Last Crusade, and IJ and the fate of Atlantis

were GREAT adventure games, then several years later 'Infernal Machine' came out....it was like a first person shooter rather than an adventure game!!!

I just don't want to see this happen to the Monkey Island Series

Well, it already has happened, kind of. I played half of Infernal Machine as Guybrush using that "makemeapirate" player skin cheat thingy. Hilarious consequences. I never thought I would see Guybrush use a rocket launcher. (I hated IF; that cheat was almost the only good thing it had going for itself.)


Anyway, back on topic. I am what this topic calls an "original" Monkey gamer (this demarcation is just stupid by the way Nick). Played them all in order, love them all.


I have always felt that because the first two games were so different technically to the more recent two that it is difficult to make meaningful comparisons across the entire series.


Technological changes in the more recent games such as better graphics, music, and most importantly voice make them radically different to the originals. Technology exerts such a decisive influence on the way games or movies or any sort of media is made. For instance, comparing a black and white silent movie to a modern blockbuster is impossible. Acting, editing, directing and of course audio in both forms are so radically different stylistically that they are incomparable, even though they are both movies. Silent films may be regarded as inferior, but both forms have merit on their own terms. The same is true of the Monkey Island series.


For example, on playing the first two games again recently, I found it difficult to imagine Dom Armato saying a lot of the dialogue. One of the main reasons for this is that the dialogue in the first games was designed to be read, not spoken. This is just one example, argued simplistically, but this post is already too long and I’m tired, but the list of examples like this goes on.


It is obvious that a new creative team was behind the latter two games, working with different technology, but does that mean that we should dismiss the newer incarnations of our beloved series? Not at all.

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Originally posted by Neil Joshi

Were you a reall smart 4 year old (and i mean the kind with the mental age of an 8 year old)?


Also, Krazy, you have just proved that the thread starter has already classified us and put us into little slots, which is wrong. I'd consider myself as a first generation MI gamer because i was around then and played them then. But that's stupid because i have the same opinion of the games as Krazy here (welcome, I like you, you're not a git). You cannot generalise the people here into two solid categories, more often thatn not, they won't fall into them wholey.


Well I didn't really, I said you would CALL me a second gen, but I do agree that putting us into groups like that is rubbish.

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I have been playing SOMI scince I was six. I then got a new computer and it didnt work on it. I never forgot about it. for my 12th birthday (im 14 now) i got CMI and that totally brought back my love for MI. I didnt even know there was a #2 game. and i got the monkey madness disc from Lucas arts and my life was changed. So I personally think CMI is the best thing to happen 2 MI. I do think that it had a crappy tie-in with SOMI2 but it brought MI back. I didnt like EMI's graphics or game play, it should have been made like the others but cel-shaded. The PS2 version is a hell of a lot better than the PC version but it still is messed up real bad.



Damn, I confused myself again, GOD! ahh!! runn!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think tbhat this thread is all wrong! Even though I'm only 13, the first MI game I played was SoMI and then MI2: LCR and then COMI and the EFMI and I've found that none of them can beat SoMI. I adore the old graphics and words not speech. I really prefer it to the talking in comi and efmi but I wudn't say any of them are bad! Nothing can beat the ye olde-ness of mi1 and mi2 tho. I love them like I love lemons (and lemonhead- what a dude).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Nick,


You highlight a point that plenty of us feel concerned about, and which is not specific to MI series.

We are very sensitive to it because we are fans of the MI universe... but Indiana Jones fans could complain too about that *3D* horrible thing in adventure games.


The true raison of the dead of the MI series, and it may be a fact that second generations players could'nt understand, is the importance given to the 3D-rendering whereas story, charachters and dialogue are now neglicted.


I'm very sad to say that the last Lucasasts adventure game is The Dig, which is a true Chef d'oeuvre.

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