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This is insane!


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hi, I haven't posted on the forums before but i have been here a few months. But enough about that...


I live in Finland (that's in Europe btw) and the xbox version is in store here 25th of September. That's about two months away. I don't have a xbox, i have a mediocre computer. if it takes three months to make the PC version AND you put two and two (well two and three) together you get FIVE MONTHS!!!!!:(


That is if the PC version has to go through the same thing that the xbox version has to(i don't remember what it is called).


SO if my calculations are correct (hopefully not) i'm DOOMED!!!:crybaby::cry6:


btw what are the release dates on western Europe like UK or Germany for the xbox?

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Can't you just order it? From amazon, or something?


We'll have to see about that in the future... WHEN the PC version is released in the US or near to that... oh well... i think i'll just read some reviews of kotor and visit these forums and go buy that expansion to NWN or go buy Morrowind...

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Originally posted by Com Raven

If things work out, then localised versions should be released on 8/28/2003 for Xbox...


But it might be pushed to september as well...


YaY, that's my birthday! Wouldn't that make a great birthday present. :D


*crosses fingers*

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