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Perfect Trilogy's


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the list of perfect trilogy's (tell me when i forget 1)

Back to the future

Starwars trilogy (4,5,6)

Indiana jones

The Godfather


Trilogy's that had fialed (or did alrady)




Starwars preqwels

Austin powers


the only one who is left trough becoming on the perfect list =

Lord of the Rings

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That list makes no sense at all. How dare you calling the SW prequel Trilogy and the Matrix trilogy calling bad!!!!


And Austin Powers aint bad either ... he just has a different style Yeah baby, yeah


I've only seen Alien (1) and the first 2 Terminators ... but they're okay with me.


I think LotR is the better trilogy (the book is, the movies might become that ... we'll see in a few months). None in your list are bad trilogies ... from what I've seen (haven't seen any Godfather movie)

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I agree with the Original Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and Lord of the Ring. The Matrix Reloaded, I heard, plumeted faster than AotC did. But yeah, Reloaded was...boring.


Austin Powers, I've only seen the last one because I kept on hearing is was good, so I wanted to prove them wrong and failed. It was a good movie :D.

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NL_Ackbar: Your list is kinda strange... Everyone I've talked to agrees that the third Godfather didn't come close to the first two (I have seen 1 and 2 but not 3). But Terminator, the SW prequels and the Matrix haven't really failed (fialed isn't a word ;)), just weren't 100% as good as the first.


I wouldn't know about Alien, but you have an interesting idea of failure. ;)

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Originally posted by Young David

That list makes no sense at all. How dare you calling the SW prequel Trilogy and the Matrix trilogy calling bad!!!!


And Austin Powers aint bad either ... he just has a different style Yeah baby, yeah


I've only seen Alien (1) and the first 2 Terminators ... but they're okay with me.


I think LotR is the better trilogy (the book is, the movies might become that ... we'll see in a few months). None in your list are bad trilogies ... from what I've seen (haven't seen any Godfather movie)


i am taking story wise and you can't call the matrix perfect...

and i am not saying that the trilogys that fialed are bad , there just not perfect.


and you know its hard to make a perfect trilogy. :)

you can make your own list if you want to


its only my view on these trilogy's

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Originally posted by Young David

That list makes no sense at all. How dare you calling the SW prequel Trilogy and the Matrix trilogy calling bad!!!!


And Austin Powers aint bad either ... he just has a different style Yeah baby, yeah


I've only seen Alien (1) and the first 2 Terminators ... but they're okay with me.


I think LotR is the better trilogy (the book is, the movies might become that ... we'll see in a few months). None in your list are bad trilogies ... from what I've seen (haven't seen any Godfather movie)


I totally agree with you YD, though the third Austin Powers was....bleh!


I thought that the predator series was preety good along with the aliens series. I also do not agree with Ackbar.

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First of all: Aliens is not a trilogy, it's a Quadology, wait... Quadology? :confused:


And The Predator series, TieDefender75 mentioned them in passing, is only a Duology.


Awesome Trilogies:


Original Star Wars Trilogy

Star Wars Prequels

Indiana Jones (Soon to be no longer a trilogy, but another Quadology)

Back To The Future

Matrix (Well, it WILL be a trilogy in a few months)

Lord of the Rings (See above)

Evil Dead Series

Terminator Series

Die Hard Series (Soon to be a Quadology)

Godfather Trilogy


Only true failure of a Trilogy:





but, really, when it comes down to it, if the movie(s) truly sucked or failed, the Movie Studios would have never okayed two more movies. They must have been good enough to make alot of money! (With the exception of the Evil Dead Trilogy, it was made on a budget consisting of Pesos and Peanuts :p )


As far as Austin Powers, I don't know where to put that. Probably in the same category as the American Pie trilogy (Stupid, but funny enough to make money enough to make more of them... ugh!) :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Havoc Stryphe

Only true failure of a Trilogy:





I saw all 3 and I have to say they were quite entertaining. . .

Man, they were so hilarious !

I remember seeing ( a long time ago) the part in the first movie where the giant worm (or whatever is its exact name) jump the side of the cliff and then it exploded in a flurry of what makes these small instant pizzas !:D :D :D


Anyhow, yeah they did suck.

They sucked so badly that it was funny watching them though. . .

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Originally posted by Havoc Stryphe

First of all: Aliens is not a trilogy, it's a Quadology, wait... Quadology? :confused:


it was a trilogy thill part 4 came


but i don't count that whit the trilogy


there are more trilogys then you can think off trough.




jurrasic park

From dusk thill dawn


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