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I'm just about to start my last 2 classes before I start taking computer programming. I will take me about a year and a half to get through all the courses. They cover Visual Basic, C+, and Java.


I've used VB 6.0 before, but I want to the get the newest verson of VB for me to use at home. I know VB.net 2003 is the latest, but what is up w/ the .net thing. Did they just add .net programability(sp?) and change the name? I'm kinda confused.


On a side note: would some one please explain to me what .net is anyway?!?!? Microsoft can't even seem to explain it. The term vaporware comes to mind.

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I am a programmer, and I got VB 6.0, but I do not know a thing how to program with that. I am a c++ programmer, very good at it. I managed to program a shooting range, save a moving target.



BTW, .net refers to a network of sites, one that belongs to a group of persons usually, like a lot of the sites on LF are .net.

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Originally posted by «K» Heavyarms

I am a programmer, and I got VB 6.0, but I do not know a thing how to program with that. I am a c++ programmer, very good at it. I managed to program a shooting range, save a moving target.



BTW, .net refers to a network of sites, one that belongs to a group of persons usually, like a lot of the sites on LF are .net.

I'm not sure you understand my .net question. Microsoft has this new thing coming out (well, it is out) called .net

It has something to do w/ web servers and web based applications but they don't make it clear. I'm not refering to the .net in a web address.


I'll post some of my earily VB creations when I find my disk that has them. Mostly projects from my intro to computers and programming class. (we basically skipped the computer part and just learned to program in VB6.0)

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Hey, I guess I am a programer. I just graduated in May and I am qualified to be a programer, but I just have never called myself one.


First, cool little program Krode. I played around with it a little. Its pretty cool and simple to start with. I personally like JAVA better myself, but that is just a preference thing. I also like C++ also, and I really dont like VB. However, I program at work in mostly VB, then C++, and lastly JAVA. Ironic isnt it.


.NET is a platform that you can program on. Kinda like Windows or Unix. So VB.Net would be programing VB syntax, but or the .NET platform/Enviroment.


I hope this helps you a little.

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I guess that does help a little.


Cool little program krkode. Defeated I was.


I need to learn VB quite well due to the fact that my work uses it all the time. I hope to transfer to the IT department next year and then move to the programming later.

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Cool program, krkode ;) I beat it on Difficult on my first try, no lie! :D


I'd hate to hijack the topic, so to speak, but I'm a beginning C++ programmer myself. I'm self-teaching myself with a few books I bought, and I was wondering about the .net thing as well as which compiler do you fellow programmers prefer: Borland's or Microsoft's? :D


Borland's is cheaper, but I'd like to have things as standard as possible.

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Thank you all, for the kind comments on the program. Nothing better than encouragement to a beginner ;)


Anyway, Jedi220, I'm going about the same path as you. I took intro C++ last year in school, but we hardly covered anything and I do want to delve deeper into the subject without having to take the next C++ course in school (AP Computer Science! :eek: Have enough APs to bother about already)


Recently attained an eBook which basically teaches one C++ and that's how I intend to learn from now on :)


And about Compilers - at school we used to use Codewarrior, but given that that costs money, at home I use Dev C++. Dunno if that's what you meant by 'compiler' though...I'm sure DevC++ is a little scanty on the features (haven't discovered which ones yet as I'm only at the surface...)

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Originally posted by STTCT

VB is easy but annoying. It pretty much is the same thing over and over again...at least imo

Everyone seems to say this same thing, but it is still becoming one of the biggest tools in programming. Maybe it's just 'cause Microsoft is pushing it.

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They push it because they use it in all their macros. However, that is mainly how computer viruses were started. Oh well.


I like to use Borland for writing C/C++ and JAVA. The Mircosoft is nice, but they have things that are only specific to Microsoft enviroments (called Windows Foundations Classes - WFC), which means that the programs you make will not be able to go accross platforms. I like to program to the code standards.


Borland does not do this, so that is why I pick it. Its nice to see and use a graphical interface to help with some GUI making. However, always write it yourself!!! Dont let the compiler write it for you, they find ways to screw crap up. NOTHING IS BETTER THAN NOTEPAD. Or just a simple text editor.

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Notepad is without a doubt, the best Microsoft app ever. I hate frontpage, so I do my HTML in notepad. A few of my friends alway pick on my about it, 'cause they think frontpage is superior, but then they'll ask me to fix something for them that they can't figure out w/ frontpage. I just say no 'cause it's to hard to find anything in the mess frontpage creates.



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The only reason I prefer frontpage over notepad is because tables are easier to create and manipulate and we can get an almost instantaneous preview of the what the thing looks like.


My make shift knowledge of html requires me to do a LOT of trial and error moves :p

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Thanks krkode and WolfmanNCSU. I'll look into those more.


And Notepad? Don't any of you know of Textpad, a downloadable editor? That's a lot better?



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Oh yeah, I have textpad. Love it and use it all the freaking time. Been using it for a couple years now too. Have a handful of synax macros as well. Definitly my favorite text editor.


If anyone has not used this editor, it definitly needs to be checked out right now.

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