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Release date


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Originally posted by griff38

Well they say by the end of fall. Thats what dec 21? So worse case Christmas. But we can always hope for something sooner.




I am gonna get mine the day it goes on sale.


We had the calendar debate before :)


For the game companies, 'Fall' means Sept - Nov, Holiday Season means December (post mid-Nov, anyway), Winter means Jan - March, and so on.


For some reason, perhaps my own delusions but maybe a tremor in the Force ( ;) ) I think I'll be done with my first run-through of JA before October first ...



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Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

Uh... Guys.....

March - may -Spring

June - aug - summer

sept - - Nov (questionable) - Autumn <------------------ september.

Dec - February - winter

........ December is definately in winter :p



i have past a site that said 1st november now its saying the 19 of september. to me i think its september.

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Originally posted by PrimoSidone

I thought it was 14/09


[uS Centric] um ... where I am there are only 12 months ... I think you meant 9/14 [/uS Centric]




And that seems to be the basic timeframe most places are saying.



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Originally posted by PrimoSidone

the 14th day of the 9th month..


I was being a wisea** ... I would have figured that since you have 'Wiseguy' in your sig you'd catch it ...


Anyway - 14/09 is a Sunday. I figure the 12/09 for UK and 9/16 for US estimates are probably about correct.



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Dude, I hate the american system... Metric system rules, so stfu :mad: I HATE YOU!!! :mad: :mad: :p;)


Yeah well some source (an interview ina game magazine) said that it'll be out most likely before september 16th... I dunno what thread it was in, and we don't have any scans to prove it :(


But I'm counting on september/october... I hope ASAP :)

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DAMN!!!!! I'll more than likely be on Holiday at that time!!!! :mad:

Oh, wait a sec........ I'll be drinking myself into a pretty bad state and then getting even more drunk after that..... so who can blame me???

But I'd love a September release date. :p

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