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Would you be disappointed in models being re-used?


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I downloaded the media pack for the JA and noticed that the Kyle model looks identical to the Jk2 one... now I'm hoping that the other models are higher quality and at least a little different from the JK2 ones. Luke looks different, and that's good. Well regardless of whether different models are used or not, I'll still play the game.

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I would expect some of the same charachters but hopefully improved a bit. I hear Kyle is the same but Luke looks different.


I would really like to see Tavion again. She could switch over and go to the Academy and train to be a good jedi.



But she really needs a skimpier outfit.

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Originally posted by Emon

And as for Kyle, his model is perfectly fine, but the outfit should change. He's been wearing that since the first JK game...


Or at least have a laundry room easter egg like in Elite Force II ... but this time you find Kyle washing his outfit, wearing a robe and bunny slippers ;)



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I tend to think that just about all of the models will be enhanced in some way, but returning characters will likely be pretty similar - especially since it happens pretty much right after JO.


I would like to see a larger number of models used. Stormies are easy- one model. But more Rodian variation and Ree-Yee, and certainly more humans.


I'd rather have more un-enhanced models than fewer enhanced models.


... and more NPC's ... (I know that has nothing to do with this, but I still want more!)



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I don't see a major problem if they use an existing model as a basis and improve it. But I have to agree about Kyle. I mean, even if clothing is designed to last for a very long time in the Star Wars universe, the guy needs a change of wardrobe. :rolleyes:


The same could be said for Luke. Why is he still in that black outfit? Give him the clothes he had in ANH for a bit of variety.


And I agree with Mike about NPCs. I want to see lots of NPCs. :D

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Originally posted by taekwondo joe

i want to see more jeid, not just the borring jedi jedi2 jedif jeditrainer, i want some alian ones, diferent ones, since you can be diferent in so many ways, make alot of jedi the same, diferent!!


I totally agree. I want to see other alien Jedi students/teachers at the Academy. And it would be good to see alien Jedi enemies too. Mix it up. They don't all have to be instantly recognisable as 'bad guys' or 'good guys'. Add greater variety. When someone starts firing at you...you know who to kill. :D

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Well Luke's black of more of a uniform, it's a style of Jedi garb. Similar the the same old Jedi robes almost all the Jedi ware, it's their proper attire.


But Kyle and Jan don't have that kind of uniform... they need to change more...

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I understand that JA only takes place like a year after JO, but sheesh like most of you said, Kyle and Luke should at least wear something different. I can just imagine Luke having a wardrobe full of similar looking black uniforms, and Kyle's wardrobe packed with bantha herder clothes, all identical... It's minor but it would add more to the "new game" feel if the characters at least wore different clothes as opposed to the "more of the same as JO" feel that some guys seem to be experiencing...

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Originally posted by StormHammer

I totally agree. I want to see other alien Jedi students/teachers at the Academy. And it would be good to see alien Jedi enemies too. Mix it up. They don't all have to be instantly recognisable as 'bad guys' or 'good guys'. Add greater variety. When someone starts firing at you...you know who to kill. :D


I would be disappointed if they didn't put all of the new skeletal systems and models into use for different species of Jedi and enemies. The enemy saber weilders, though, it depends on what this 'cult' is - in JO it made sense for them to be human because of the story.



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They don't all have to be instantly recognisable as 'bad guys' or 'good guys'. Add greater variety. When someone starts firing at you...you know who to kill.

Yeh, it'd be cool if you were walking through a crowd of people, when suddenly a guy unexpectedly turns around and draws a blaster or lightsaber.


Neutral NPCs are what this game REALLY needs. Like in Bounty Hunter.

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I was playing a couple of created SP maps - NS again and coruscant underground (or something like that) - anyway they had several of those little short guys from bespin running around - basically as neutral NPC's, right. So - if you got in a fight near them - even if you didn't touch them - they had this tendency later to grab a dropped weapon and open fire. And they were still gray and not red in your reticule! I ended up just cutting them up because I didn't want to suffer another sneak attack.

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To me, this game is looking a lot like JO aside from new people,new levels, force powers, and weaponry. I mean the least they could do was make a variety of enemies and characters, and update models instead of rehashing.


Ok - so everything is new - but you want a variety of enemies and characters. I somehow doubt that any but the most popular characters will make an appearance - i.e. if these characters were completely left out there would be complaining. The player characters are completely new models....from screen shots enemies look completely different - no hooded reborn. There are animals to fight including a rancor. I hope there will be a greater variety of alien badies this time around - though of course there were quite a few in JO. We've already heard that models will be enhanced a bit from the previous game - even though they'll be wearing the same clothes - which has already been discussed. I don't get what the complaint is about.

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Maybe that didn't come across the way I wanted it to


From what I've SEEN, I have seen some of the exact same enemies from JO, I've seen the exact same weapons aside from two new ones ( Tell me if im wrong), some multiplayer force powers that were made usable in single player. New game modes, etc. This may seem to be a lot, but to me it screams expansion. I know a lot of things were done to make the game look better, and to add more flavor.


I don't know, I just feel as if this game is coming off as completely new. But to me it seems like an expansion.

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With the apparent release date (Sept. 16th) coming closer, I tend to agree with you... I fear JA will be very much the same like JO :( I mean, I haven't seen anything really new in the screens and movies, even the sabers look the same; the same bugs etc :(

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Originally posted by Emon

Yeah, all of the bugs are real easy to see in still screenshots. :rolleyes:


Yes, they are - SEVERE framerate problems ... they better tune that system before release. I've been staring at the same screen since E3 and the thing hasn't moved yet, what's that <0.5 FPM (frames per month)? ;)


The MotS of JO?

- JA is supposed to be longer than JO, MotS was ~67% as long as JK.

- More & changed weapons, new & changed force powers - same.

- Kyle as protagonist, Mara as new character in MotS. In JA you choose and build your character.

- Force Power selection by stars same in MotS as JK, with removal of alignment. JA completely changes this, putting alignment back into the mix.


Honestly, I see the relationship of JO and JA more like Elite Force I and II than JK & MotS.



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Really, when you think about it, so what if JA is JO beefed up? JO had its fair share of problems, but it was a good game despite them. I don't think anyone here will argue that. What's wrong with a heavily modified JO with developer attention focused on the areas that 'went wrong'? Lots of games do that for their sequels. UT, almost all sports games, etc. I think people had too high expectations of the game, but that's just my opinion.

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