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Originally posted by SamFisher

I just PM'd Cmdr. Cracken to fight, he has thunder gloves, energy blast, $h!t like that.

Thanks for this insightful information SPAMFisher. That was real insightful. What was the point of posting this message other than to spam us to death some more? Do you really find it neccessary to post this if you already PM'ed the person? I'd like to know your reasoning for making us suffer to listen to this... IN THE HELP CENTER!!!!!

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Originally posted by SamFisher

I do not seem to be to one spamming, for it is you who follows me to all of the other threads and spams the same message every time with the exception of a few word changes.


No offence, but its because you keep spamming, after he tells you. But, lets not go off topic guys. You two PM each other. The Helping forum is becoming the Flaming boards. ;)

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Originally posted by Kanjo past

It is really unfair that super moderators and admins can give them selves gil to buy the best weapons and armours so they can kick our ass.


Why can't they earn it like we have to?



People it is just a game for a fun little diversion. This is a forum not a battle arena site. Be thankful people even put this battle thingy here.


They have to watch and moderate all our posts about spam and whining so I think they deserve a little extra.



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Peace everyone...


Well the old saying goes, the refs get to make the calls. You just have to hope they are honest most of the time. ; )


Now let's stop with the petty arguing, it's not like we're playing for real money here, it's just another fun board feature.

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Originally posted by mercatfat

Kanjo: Shut up. You're whining. Do it again and I'll ban you.


Sam: Shut up. Seriously. Don't post here anymore unless you have a question or are actually helping someone.


Pb: Let me handle the yelling.


Whining? You can't ban me for that.

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Originally posted by pbguy1211

kanjo... get over it. it's not a big deal... seriously... it's only a crappy little game... which sucks ;) Buy a good rpg, you'll be happy you did.

And off topic... I love your sig and avatar!!! :D


I'll just leave this battle system alone. It was not what it was hyped up to be.


Off topic- Thanks.. Can't wait for KOTOR.. When I get that next month I won't be here much at all! :xp:


Oh and take a look at this.

Ninebreaker used his Yoink Stick to deal 1546 points of damage. Redwing tried to dodge, but was not successful. Redwing has died!!


What. The. Hell? :indif:

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Originally posted by mercatfat

Kanjo: Shut up. You're whining. Do it again and I'll ban you.


Sam: Shut up. Seriously. Don't post here anymore unless you have a question or are actually helping someone.


Pb: Let me handle the yelling.


easy there merc, you'll just make them even more pissed off by using the b word... no need to start a war

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Well, I'll leave whether or not Kanjo is whining up in the air. It's irrelevant, because there isn't a provision anywhere against 'whining.' ;)


If a member has a concern that they wish to discuss, as Kanjo does, is this not the forum where it belongs? If it's 'whining,' after all, it can always be ignored. ;) Let him whine.


Personally, I think the battle mod is just fine the way it is. It's just a game, a freebie we just got on a website none of us pay to visit that someone put a lot of work into...just to keep us from getting bored! :dozey: Show a little appreciation...and KEEP AWAY FROM THE 'YOINK STICK!!!'


:D Peace. Be nice humans.

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