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Own path??

Cal Wan Kenobi

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Originally posted by Cal Wan Kenobi

Confused with all of this i am :confused: When i was browsing on the official site it said that you could choose your own path in the game???? On either the dark or light side



plz help:confused: :confused:


What it means is that, like in the original Jedi Knight, through your actions and the choices of how you allocate your force powers you can be 'true to the light side' or 'fall to the dark side'. They have also promised different endings based on your choice.


Personally I'd really like to see the game have two final levels, not just two end cutscenes, but of which are spectacular, and each of which you can only get to by choosing the light or dark side. Perhaps JA will be that game. Even better? 3 endings! One for true light, one for true dark, and one for a lot of people who will piddle down the middle and scrape their way out of falling to the dark side.The dark side could be interesting - imagine a game in which the climactic battle has you against Luke and Kyle and you have to lose eventually.



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Originally posted by txa1265

Personally I'd really like to see the game have two final levels, not just two end cutscenes, but of which are spectacular, and each of which you can only get to by choosing the light or dark side.


It's already been stated in recent articles that the last two missions (or levels) you play in the game will change to reflect the path you have chosen. ;) So it won't just be a cut scene. :)

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O'm pretty positive it will be more than some pretty cutscenes ;)

I really enjoyed the darkside levels and cutscenes in JK - the falling ship,

Killing Jan, killing yun

fighting to take over the galaxy rather than saving it :D All great fun :)

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The lack of choosing the side of the Force you could be on in JO was a sorely missed opportunity. The developers could've done a superb Dark side story to JO. (note to those who haven't beaten the game; do not read this if you don't want to know some details. This is not the actual story, just one I think would've been great had you been able to fall to the Dark side.)


You know how Kyle almost kills Tavion then decides not to when she says Jan may still be alive? Kyle could've killed Tavion anyway, not believing what she says. On the Doomgiver, Kyle finds another way to Galak, still not knowing that Jan's alive. After the fight with Galak, when the ship starts exploding around him, Kyle, escaping the doomed ship, runs across the detention area. He finds the body of Jan, killed from an explosion of the ship. Kyle then realizes that he could've saved her and flies into an uncontrollable rage. Kyle commandeers an Imperial shuttle and escapes from the Doomgiver. The Yavin missions could be similar to the real game, except Desann, realizing that his efforts failed, escapes Yavin and heads back towards the Valley of the Jedi. Kyle senses Desann's departure and prepares to follow him back to the Valley. Luke's Jedi students try to stop him, sensing his anger. In a cruel irony, you would have to fight the same Jedi you just saved. In the final level, Kyle would face off against Desann in a clash of the Dark side in the same room where Kyle fought Jerec in JK. After Kyle defeats Desann, the power of the Valley calls to him. In an ending similar to the Dark ending of JK, Kyle absorbs the power of the Valley, utterly destroys Luke's Jedi weakoned academy with a combined Imperial Remnant fleet bombardment and ground assault (I'm talking about dozens of Star Destroyers and thousands of Tie Fighters, not just one ship) in a cutscene, and becomes the undisputed ruler of a new Empire.


Anyway, that's just an alternate story that I would've liked to see. Hmmmm, I just might write a fanfic.;) But I digress. As far as the multiple endings and the possibility of falling to the Dark side, I can't wait.:vadar:

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