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What would Make You Walk Out of Episode III?

Boba Rhett

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Artoo, lukeiamyourdad, I've been thinking a lot about Vader not appearing in Episode 3 or explicit reference Luke is his son for sake of surprise in Episodes 4 and 5...


And there's a little detail that won't let it happen:


Quoted from Obi-Wan in Episode 4:


"Your father was killed by Darth Vader, a Jedi who was seduced by the Dark Side of the Force."


Well it's not an exact quote, but that's the sense of it.


IF Darth Vader doesn't appear in E3, and Luke is not mentioned as this son, even then, all the surprise from ESB vanishes,

cause you will clearly see in E3 how Anakin is "killed" by Obi-Wan

, as opposed to what he tells Luke.



Anyway... we do know James Earl Jones will voice Darth Vader and that the scene where Luke is delivered to the Larses is already shot. So I guess we do know Darth Vader will appear in the movie.


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Yeah, but we don't have to know it is Anikan. What if Anikan "dies" and then Darth Vader just enteres the scene a little later, as Palpatine's minion. We would all know who it was, but anyone watching the movies in order wouldn't.


Of course, the few scenes in ANH would ruin it. Maybe he could edit those a little or something when they re-realease the movies.....

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Originally posted by Compa_Mighty

Anyway... <has now been spoiler-tagged>

Uhh... call me picky, but... spoiler tags, please? >_<


What if Anikan "dies" and then Darth Vader just enteres the scene a little later, as Palpatine's minion.
Wouldn't that be extremely anti-climatic? It would be kinda disappointing to see that happens... no, we NEED to see Anakin's anger building up to the point of becoming Vader. It's the point of the whole prequel trilogy... everything else is like a huge setup for that scene!


EDIT: Thank you compa, don't worry it happens to everyone ;)

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Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

Wouldn't that be extremely anti-climatic? It would be kinda disappointing to see that happens... no, we NEED to see Anakin's anger building up to the point of becoming Vader. It's the point of the whole prequel trilogy... everything else is like a huge setup for that scene!




Well, if the fight between Obi-Wan and Anikan is at the end (the only place besides the very beginning that i think it would be acceptable) then no. There would just be a short kind of scene showing Vader and Palpatine rising at the end or something.

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Okay, here's another idea...



We all know that something has to happen to Anakin to get him so angry. How about the death of Padme, possibly accidentally at the hands of the Jedi, or possibly Obi-Wan himself? That would get him ticked enough to go after Obi, and after he loses, he dons the armor and starts a vengeful purge of the Jedi. Padme will have had to have birthed the twins already, and then after she dies, Obi-wan makes his way about the galaxy depositing the twins. While he's doing that, the purge is occuring and Palpatine/Sidious takes the throne. The fact that there are twins could be hidden by just shooting the outside of the room where Padme gives birth and recording sound effects of babies crying, etc. It also would be an interesting twist if Anakin DID leave his lightsaber for luke, but with the SPOKEN intention of Luke using it to become a Sith Lord.



There. That was off the top of my head, so please point out any inconsistencies.




Oh, and I agree, CrazyDog. Padme + RotJ bikini = good movie.

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The ONLY thing that could make me walk out of EIII is if a demon posessed my legs and pried my ass from the chair and hauled me out of the theatre. Even then it'd have a hard time, because I'd be groping the theatre seat in front of me so that I wouldn't have to leave.

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