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Funny Situations!

Jan Gaarni

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I was reading Pahbi's thread a couple adays ago, and I thought "Hey, why couldn't we have a thread about weird stuffs and funny situations!" :)


So here it is, the place where you may post situations you, or others, have gotten into, wither made up, like Phabi's here did, or result of bugs or just bad luck. :)


To start it off, and to give a pointer on what I'm looking for here, I'll quote Phabi:

Originally posted by Pahbi

I'm a CH and I exploit my pets to gain massive amounts of cash and exp, and here is a screenshot of how I do it.


Do *NOT* click if you feel you could be offended.




How To Make A Million Bucks With The Help Of Your Pet Monkey


- Pahbi




EDIT: Uuh, forgot to add. Has to be SWG related, ok? :)

Preferable in-game shots.


And here's one of myself. I call it: "How to get out of a tight spot!"

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Mines short but oh well....I was waiting for the ship to come in the start port, where once it landed someone was actually trying to run up the stairs attached to the ship and didnt seem to understand why it wasnt working...can you say :newbie:?

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When I first entered beta I bought a ticket at a shuttle port to go to Bestine, and I will admit I tried running up the steps on the shuttle as well, I am sure it is a very common occurance for New Players..After all it could have been worse he could be asking how to become a Jedi

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This is kinda a story but there was a few funny things in it:D .



Well about 20-30 people where messing around killing tuskans for hours apon hours and no one was talking except a few people like myself had pets so we would tell our pets to attack.


Well after about 3 more hours of this someone yelled,"LETS ALL GO TO FORT TUSKAN!!!!!!!!!"well the Fort wasn't that far away but no one answered.


So I decided after about 7 hours of killing tuskans why don't we go have some real fun,so I yelled,"LETS ALL GO KRAYT DRAGON HUNTING!"many people said no and a few said yes.Thus,made the group disband.So finaly we had about 10 people in all(including pets)and we started walking to Krayt Dragon Graveyard.After I had to run away from desert demons about 6 times i finaly made it to Bestine took the ShuttlePort to one of the top "Mos"s and walked to Mos Tenki or something like that.We all waited in the catina until we got more people,in all we had about 20 people(including pets) and we headed to the Krayt Dragon Graveyard.


So after walking all the way to the Graveyard(we killed Beserked Dewbacks cause people wouldn't quit shooting them,GOOD XP)well once we got to the graveyard it was a valley:( I was hoping for a cave.There was TONS of bones and Dragnects or something like that along the way.So we where walking thro the Valley and saw bone after bone after bone of Dragons,AND GUESS WHAT WE RAN INTO.....DUM DUM DUM,we ran into what we where fighting about 2 hours ago TUSKANS!!!!!!!after we killed about 3-4 we ran like crazy,so then we started walking some more then...we ran to one you know wich ONE im talking about THE,JABBA's HHUNTER'S HOUSE,well it was a house that had alot of Jabba's people around it,lucky for me jabba hates me(haave -5000 Jabba Faction Points + -4000 Thug faction points)well with about 20 people my Bantha and my Dewback and my Probot we took them out like fish in a Barrel:).



So after we walked and walked and walked and walked......we found no Kraty Dragon:( Everyone left and ran back to one of the "Mos"s on Tatooine.



The End


I have alot of pics but I didn't think I should post them cause I have so many.If it is ok will the Admins of the Forums I will post them once i get their permissions:)


thanks for reading see ya l8ters


PS Sry for the grammer mistakes but I had to type it fast so i can get back to playing:p

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Don't know if you'd consider this funny, but it kinda made me laugh. I was doing my usual tour of Talus after a resource shuffle looking for low grade ore when I came across a cave out in the middle of nowhere. Now, usually, the cave will be referenced by what's outside of it, but the servers had been goofy all day, so there was nothing outside of it. So I was like, okay, I'll bite...


I walk down into the cave and there's nothing except garbage and a few MagLock containers, and since I'm not a smuggler, it seemed like a wash. So I keep wandering around and I start hitting server boundaries and getting massive lag. I ran up to a spot where I could look down over the main floor of the cave when my client crashes. I was like, eh, oh well. Relog and pop back into the cave, still nothing. I took one step backwards.


... and nearly soiled my armor.


Next thing I saw was my radar screen turn into a blood spot as there were about 30 to 40 red dots all around me and blaster fire going everywhere. I was like, "Well, here's a free trip back to the Cloning Station." But that's the thing. Nothing was hitting me. I was either stuck in a wall or just supergirl for a few minutes, but they kept shooting and nothing was touching me. Of course, I couldn't shoot back, and I eventually had to get out of there, so I took a few steps forward. There's my free trip to the salad bar.


It took them a parsec to drop me where I stood. I get back to the cloning station and look at my HAM bars and they're all beat up but not bad. Then I look at my character sheet. I had taken close to 275 stat damage on every stat I had. I limped home with that just got beat the crap out of look on my face and proceeded to heal.



Could someone please tell the Lost Aqualish to put a "Do Not Disturb" sign on the front of their cave?

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One time I was on Vreni Isaland on Wanderhome. At the shuttleport a Twi'lek girl named Debbi waved me down and asked me how to use the shuttle. She said she had swum all the way there and it had taken her 45 minutes. She had put her watch on the "up" button on her keyboard. After poking fun at her I told her how to use her shuttle ticket.

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Yeah...friend of mine swam out to Verini Island to just see what was out there...I kept telling him he was nuts all while he swam and I got XP. He finally got there...


"I told you...no mission terminals no nothing...have fun."

"F this...shuttle is coming in 9 minutes...I'm swimming back."



Mkay on with the story...

Icossk (friend from earlier) and I (Tareel Sunslayer) were walking out to my house which is NW of Tyrena and we were attacked by a Mottled Wrix...now previous to this we had always ran like heck...but we had both just gotten new Laser Rifles...so we cut it down quick.

Tareel: "Got 1000XP from about 2 shots!"

Icossk: "SWEET! Let's go kill the whole herd!"

Icossk: "Man these guns rock"

*right at this moment I noticed that the herd was made up of 3 Grand Wrix and 3 Mottled Wrix...and everything seemed to go in slow motion*

[slow motion]

Icossk: "Time to die you F*ing cats"

*Bang- Icossk shoots*

*The whole herd turns on him*

Icossk: "HOLY ****!"

*Bang- Tareel shoots (why? Why didn't I let him just die?)*

*Icossk uses burst run and makes it about 3 steps and dies from 6 claw shots over the space of a second*

Tareel: "****!"

Icossk [groupchat]: RUN!!!

*Tareel uses burst run and gets away...10 more meters till my house...5 more meters till my house...1m to my house...I'm GONNA MAKE IT!*

*runs into red wall and realizes his house is two houses over...then dies*

[/slow motion]

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LOL at fergy haha


well mine isnt that funny... i thought it was ok.


me and murashu were talking through tells for a very long time.... he was about far south on naboo.. i was near lake retreat.....

then all of a sudden i see my comp begin calculating.. (the thing begins to make noise) and all of a sudden im ion mauler heaven.... or better yet.,. they will send me there :) i took out one apprentice when i got killed by a mauler master.


a minute later i step out of the cloning vat and look beside me.... there he was... Murashu :) he got killed the same instance i did :)

and he was WAY south :) also maulers. now thats funny :p

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Hahaha, dritbra. :D:thumbsup:




I don't think I've seen you around here yet, so:


[align=center]Welcome to the

SWGalaxies.Net Forums!!![/align] :)


I'm Jan Gaarni, CEO of the Official Welcomming Committee and Moderator of this place.

The 2 other Moderators here are Wraith 8 and Deft Aklin.


Be sure to check out the Read This First thread at the top of this forum, as it contains some guidelines on how to behave, if you haven't all ready. :)


Most here are friendly and the aggression level is far from what you will find in the Official SWG Boards, so I'm sure you will like it here.


Please feel free to stay as long as you want. :)


And have some chocolate covered gnorts. :D Complementary Juztyn, the Admin of these boards and SWGalaxies.Net. :p

!ATTENTION! These are chocolate gnorts, not real gnorts! :D


Also be sure to check out the SWGalaxies.Net site which is connected to these forums. :)


We hope you enjoy your stay here on the SWGalaxies.Net Forums. :)

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Well,mine may not be very funny but me and my friend htought it was.Ok,yesterday me and my Mon calarmi friend took this n00b hunting to show him how to get skills up and stuff,well when we stopped and I set up camp and the n00b was like wow your ugly (said to my friend).So i asked him hey you wanna duel for fun and he said yes and he didnt know about Death Blow hehehehe so dueled him beated him and Db him and kicked him outta the group....:c3po:

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I was hanging out in the cloning center after I died watching people respawn. There was one guy that was not respawning. I felt bad for him and sent a tell. He was there for 2 hours before I came. Had my combat medic friends try to help them out with their droids, no luck. The we tried to drag him to the cantina, but couldn't take him outside.


So instead, the 2 combat medics dragged his body back and forth down the hall exclaiming, "MY DEAD BODY" "NO MY DEAD BODY" It was pretty funny because the body was sliding back and forth.


I think because we moved him to the door a "god" player noticed and healed him, during the 3rd hour. lucky for him.


He was a brawler. Not sure what happened, but his B.F. was over 1000.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Krince

Well,mine may not be very funny but me and my friend htought it was.Ok,yesterday me and my Mon calarmi friend took this n00b hunting to show him how to get skills up and stuff,well when we stopped and I set up camp and the n00b was like wow your ugly (said to my friend).So i asked him hey you wanna duel for fun and he said yes and he didnt know about Death Blow hehehehe so dueled him beated him and Db him and kicked him outta the group....:c3po:


But that makes you feel all tough now..

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Myself and a small group of friends go to Dantooine to do some Imp Missions. We get there and get our missions, everything's fine and dandy. Well, on the way to our missions, my cousin decides he wants to shoot a piket. Well, talk about hittin the wrong herd of pikets. It had to have been a glitch, because they were droppin like crazy. One hit incap on my cousin(Novice BH), One hit incap on Righlan(Somewhat High Ranked CH/BH), One hit incap on Mazzrik(Expert BH), One hit kills on all their pets, and one hit incap's on all the rest of the group except for me. I saw Mazzrik go down in one hit and knew something was wrong so I got the heck out of dodge. So, I'm sittin about 400m away from their incap'd bodies. Talkin to them through groupchat. Everyone's goin crazy trying to figure out this new breed of super-piket's. Then next thing I know...BAM! I'm teleported right back into the middle of them...I guess since my group had attacked them they were aggro to me. You guessed it, BAM! One hit incap. I think we just ran into a pissed off CSR that day....

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