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9.5 kotor definetely deserves it. I would have liked being able to kill anyone i pleased, or attacking innocents, and i wish the npcs would interact with eachother more and actually communicate as you walk by them (like in tpm). the other thing i find wrong is that when you die, instead of a pause and 'would you like to load your last save?' they make you wait for the menu to load and then u have to load your game.


those are the only things i found wrong with the game. I REALLY hope they make a sequel, well, not really a sequel, just a different time period, specifically between BBY (before battle of yavin) and BBE (before battle of endor). that would be SOOOOOO friggen sweet...but of course, that isn't possible...=/


NJO setting would be pretty neat. *vanishes like obiwan, before lightsabers start flying towards him*

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*joins Rogue15*


an NJO setting would be awesome, or maybe something during the Thrawn crisis or something else, but what you suggested, during the OT could work.. in a way.


I give it a 9 out of 10. Loses a point for some silly bugs, like 15 said and because I would have liked to at least hear MPCs talking to each other.

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I feel the game was great i give it a 9 or a 8.5.

The gameplay was great, the plot was magnieficent with its twists and subplots and betrayals. graphics were great too. As i played it got better and better on my scale all the way to the end, but then it tripped up.


The ending was extremelly weak, all they did was tie up the defeat of the sith or the republic. They left the subplots hanging. The romance subplot between Revan and Bastila was left unfinished. Bastila told you that after you defeat Malak the two of you will discuss your relationship, but that never happened. After you turn Bastila back to the light side Bastila tells you that nothing will make her feel safer than to be in your love and says "becareful my love" before you head to fight Malak. That is as far as it goes they never discuss weather they stay together since Bastila keeps talking about how jedi's cant fall in love, Do you and Bastila defey the Council or do you ignore your feelings which could eat them alive inside and lead to the dark side. The ending could have been so much better the fate of you and your crew goes unknown, Bioware could have at least done some sort of epilogue that tells you what happens to the crew of the Ebon Hawk What does Eveyone go on to do? Bastila Carth, Canderous, Juhani, Jolee, Mission, Zalbaar? of course your droids stay with you.

Sorry it was so long i just had to get that off my chest i was so disappointed with ending. What do you think about the ending was it good or weak?

P.s. Sand people should have been called tuskan raiders its very offensive. George Lucas knows that sand people is a very deragatory term for us Tuskan raiders

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Originally posted by TuskanJedi

What do you think about the ending was it good or weak?

P.s. Sand people should have been called tuskan raiders its very offensive. George Lucas knows that sand people is a very deragatory term for us Tuskan raiders


I thought it was a regular Star Wars ending. It would have been weird if after you kill Malak they start explaining what happens with characters.


They weren't called Tuskan Raiders because the raid on Tuskan station hadn't happened yet, this game was set before that time.

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kotor is a truly awesome game. for myself being a big star wars fan it is everything i could hope for. personally i am glad they set up a completely new story in a different time, it makes the game fresh and adds to the ever expanding galaxy. i have seen some complaints about the graphics, and yes there are a few spots they could be improved but overall they are excellent. people complaining about the turn based style combat should probably have read a little about the game before they bought it, what do they think a role playing game is all about. stats, new weapons, building characters, and an awesome story. that is what its about. i have been playing for about 28 hours and experienced no lockups that others have been talking about. i give the game an enthusiastic 10 out of 10!

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Originally posted by Hannibal

I thought it was a regular Star Wars ending. It would have been weird if after you kill Malak they start explaining what happens with characters.


They weren't called Tuskan Raiders because the raid on Tuskan station hadn't happened yet, this game was set before that time.


wow i swear hannibal knows everything.


too damn smart.

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Originally posted by Knight Rooster

i'm new at this. can anyone tell me why "bantha fodder" appears under my name?


That is your "title"; as you get more posts, your title changes automatically. If you get 1000 posts, you get a custom title.

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yea the bad thing about XB kotor. glitches/bugs wont b fixed. pc version will be flawless.

maybe they put out the XB version first cause it was meant to be a beta in a sense so they can get the players to test it in a way. lol then they buy the pc version cause they want a 10/10 flawless game and then bio ware gets more $$$. its a monopoly. damn boardgame. woa sorry i swung WAY off topic. you get the point.

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Originally posted by wanting_info

maybe they put out the XB version first cause it was meant to be a beta in a sense so they can get the players to test it in a way.


I doubt Bioware would risk their reputation like that.

If they were going to release a game as a fake Beta it would be the PC because then the could release a patch and fix it after all the problems surfaced.


Your being paranoid. Are you Oliver Stone Jr?;)

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I'm not familiar with the other games in the SW series, but I've seen some pretty dreadful attempts.


What was this? If Sci-Fi channel got George Lucas to produce, Stackpole to write, and cast nothing but unknowns, the end result would look something like the game. It's a made-for-cable Star Wars you can play. Not as kick-ass as the movies in some regards, but able to go a lot of places a movie wouldn't.

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O hmy word, people, wel will you get it? You can't have a blackLIGHTsaber. Black is the absense of light- when all light is absorbed. Light is the giving off a wavelengths of energy that are visible to the eye. So, black is sort of the opposite of light. Therefore, you can't have a BLACK LIGHTsaber. How can something glow black, anyways? :confused:

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There are black lightbulbs :D (jk I know how they work :rolleyes: )


I would give it an 8.5, the game was not as large as some stated it to be(one dev said it was bigger than morrowind) and the bugs(although I never encountered any)were a big worry, I was constantly sitting there hoping that I would encounter no bugs, and couldn't entirely enjoy the game. :(


Still is a great game though :D

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