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Seige Classes


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I'm not sure if you've posted spoilers before, but PLEASE put all of that stuff in SPOILER tags, and put a SPOILER warning ... I opened the thread assuming it was NON_WAREZ related ... but quickly knew it was information you shouldn't have (I'm not accusing you of having the warez, just knowing something that likely came from it).


I haven't read it ... I don't want to know this yet.



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Originally posted by Blademaster_109

why its not anything in sp, its not anything big and by the way i don't have the beta i'm a 56ker take like 8 days.

That isn't the point!

When deciding if it is a spoiler, as yourself the following:

- Is it on the official site?

- Has it been stated in 'official' previews or interviews?

- Is it something that a reasonable person should infer from items specifically mentioned in one of the two above sources?


If the answer to any of those is YES, post freeely. If not, use spoiler tags liberally.


I'll say it again - there's a line between rumors/info and spoilers. Info from the beta crosses that line. There are many of us here who don't want to cross that line, and we should be allowed to do that - people with information on the 'other side' of the line should respect our wishes not to get information LA/Raven wanted us to find out only when we played the game ourselves.



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Originally posted by Wesia Daoke

cool but wrong but cool but wrong but cool but wrong but cool....



i've concluded that it is cool but wrong.


next time put a spoiler tag.


No - he can still do it THIS TIME ... by editing his post.



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that isn't a spoiler... what does it spoil to know information like that?


spoilers might be things that ruin the plot, or give away information that might be a surprise... but posting info like that is just like posting a list of weapons. It's not like your experience has been ruined because you wont know have the surprise of discovering a class list by yourself.


sounds like TOO MANY classes to me, if it is true.

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I'd hardly call that a Spoiler. To do so, it would have to spoil something, and I'm afraid that this has maybe spoiled 2 things for me ....


One of them is "Jack". You can guess what the other one is.


Ok, now seriously, txa1265, explain slowly, in words that make sense, how MP information is going to spoil MP?

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Originally posted by Wudan

how MP information is going to spoil MP?

Some people just enjoy getting a new game not knowing any specifics. They enjoy discovering cool things (like the weapons, maps, whatever) on their own. This can apply to both SP and MP, that's all.
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Originally posted by JediCrow

He just hates people that have the pirated beta, as do most people on this board. I'm surprised a mod ahasn't locked this topic yet.

No I don't, I am just asking that they respect the wishes of those of us who don't want our first experience of the game altered by people who choose to obtain a leaked version illegally.


Why do I call this a spoiler? Is is really any different than revealing a weapons list? Not really - and I agree it isn't a huge spoiler (I still haven't looked at the list).


HOWEVER, I look at this like anything else - if you were on the Star Wars Episode III no-spoiler forum, how would you feel with someone coming in who had a stolen script and was dropping all sorts of details that weren't common knowledge?


I am a purist - I eat up the previews and official info, but don't want to know anything that they have not decided to tell us. And that is the crux of it - it is the business and right of Raven & LucasArts to tell us what they want before release. If they have chosen not to disseminate it, then I don't believe it belongs here at all, but at least put it in spoiler tags!


And to Wudan's point - I don't believe that knowing the classes will ruin things. But that is not the point. Had he done proper SPOILER tagging, and also tagged the thread, since this is obviously NOT info from Raven/LA, then I wouldn't have looked in the thread, and if I had, wouldn't have cared since I don't choose to look inside spoiler tags ... therefore I wouldn't be arguing about something that is clearly in violation of the rules of these forums ... again.



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Originally posted by Prime

Some people just enjoy getting a new game not knowing any specifics. They enjoy discovering cool things (like the weapons, maps, whatever) on their own. This can apply to both SP and MP, that's all.

If someone is truly trying to experience it fresh, they would have to pull a 'Burrie', referring to the guy from the KOTOR boards who said he would leave when KOTOR came out on XBox until the PC version arrived to avoid spoilers. I did the same thing with JO - it came out on March 28th and I knew I'd be getting it on April 5th, so I stayed away for the interim.


Perhaps I should have exiled myself as soon as I heard that there was a pirated version, and saw the influx of new names either posting spoiler info or where they got the beta ...



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Okay, now this is just getting ridiculous. Members have been asked time and again to stop posting stuff from the leaked beta of the game, and it's still happening. Blademaster_109, and anyone else with access to the leaked beta, don't post anything more like this. I don't care if you have the beta yourself or not...and are just picking this information up from other sites, because this obviously isn't officially released details of the game, and it's not appreciated on these forums. Remember that Raven staff visit these forums, and seeing this kind of thing posted about the game they are developing is a slap in the eye, and probably intensely frustrating.


txa1265 has a very good point regarding why the developers have not released this kind of information officially - it's because they want certain content in the game to be a surprise for the players. You, and others, are potentially spoiling the enjoyment of other members of these boards, who simply don't want to know details about the game unless it's officially released by Raven or Lucasarts.


Further than that, some members still do not want to view all released information from official sources, so please, yet again, we must ask you to use the SPOILER TAGS in the content of your post if there is an obvious spoiler, and mark the thread topic with *SPOILERS*.


Any more threads like this will simply be deleted, and the posters will be temp-banned. I look forward to your cooperation. :cool:

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