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Does Raven have an idea of a date when they are giving it to Aspyr?


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Whos Aspyr, i hear you ask, its those nice people who convert games for the Mac's. Its usualy about 8 months after release but just woundering if anyone could confirm this for me and us people who use Mac's to play games.

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Well, think about Elite Force II ... that was announced at the same time as the PC version, and was originally supposed to ship in July. Now it is in beta and supposed to ship sometime this month. Jedi Outcast came out at the end of March, and I had preordered it, and got it in (?) September, I think. So ~6 months. Seems to be the trend - Indiana Jones, XMen, and so on. So maybe late Winter / early Spring. Like Jedi Outcast, I'll have played it through many times by then, and like Jedi Outcast, I'll probably buy both versions ...



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Man I hope Macs never become so popular that companies make games for mac first.


While it may be bad that you needa use windows for just abuot everything, it sure makes the computer world nicer.


I remember when I was little I wanted to buy this game, Freedom. You were a slave and had to escape to the north. Well I looked and looked and they only had it on mac. Just think if that was the everyday norm! Ack


You'd think the mac-n-trash people would try to set up their systems to be compatable with windows. Then people could easily pick a mac without screwing themselves otuta just about every game.

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Originally posted by Tarus

Blah blah blah typical anti-Mac braindead trash

Tarus - why did you bother posting? Anakin had a question that he was looking to get answered. That was clearly within the bounds of the forum. Yet you chose to flame him and the computer type he prefers. To what end?



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Tarus - that's an ill-conceived notion, IMHO. That's like arguing that every game that ever appeared on a PS2 console should appear on a PC first. The games industry doesn't work that way, and people are free to pick and choose whichever platform they prefer to obtain their gaming enjoyment. I view the Mac as just another game platform.


Personally, I'd love to see Windows crash and burn, or at least see a cross-platform standard emerge that caters for all gamers and makes porting games between platforms far easier and more intuitive. Yes, it's annoying when a game comes out on another platform first (or to coin a Microbucks phrase 'EXCLUSIVE'), but that's just the way it is. I'm still hoping that Linux will continue to grow and there will be more support for games to run natively on that platform, because the way things are going with Windows, Linux is looking ever more appealing.


If the Mac natively supported the majority of games out there within a decent timeframe, I'd probably drop the Windows platform in a hot minute. But the same could be said regarding the console wars.


Suffice to say...each to their own, and don't ridicule someone for the platform they choose to play on.


End of rant, and back on topic. I'm sure Mike's estimate is probably as accurate as you're likely to get at this point, Anakin. As far as I'm concerned, we still don't have a 100% concrete release date for the PC or X-Box versions yet...so as usual, you'll have to play the waiting game and play it by ear. ;)

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Thx guys, yeah I really dont want to start the whole PC v Mac thing again, Ive been there and done it 20 odd times on here.


I play most of my games on a PC, it was just nice that I could play JKO on my 17" Powerbook and enjoy it in Widescreen at a better FPS than my top of the range-cutom-built machine!!


Hope its soon :)

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Originally posted by Emon

omq I once plaiyed organ trale on makintish liek eight yrs ago and leik it suxed so i dun think jka on mac be good cuz mac sux lol


Ha ha ha!!!!


Thanks Emon for that light moment ... too many of these threads have become so heavy ...





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Originally posted by Anakin

Thx guys, yeah I really dont want to start the whole PC v Mac thing again, Ive been there and done it 20 odd times on here.


I play most of my games on a PC, it was just nice that I could play JKO on my 17" Powerbook and enjoy it in Widescreen at a better FPS than my top of the range-cutom-built machine!!


Hope its soon :)

No wait - I think this only the second time on the Jedi Academy forum ... the other 18 were on the Valley ;)


I do hope they have it in time for the holidays, provided a September PC release happens.



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Originally posted by Emon

omq I once plaiyed organ trale on makintish liek eight yrs ago and leik it suxed so i dun think jka on mac be good cuz mac sux lol



Hahaha :p


Typical Emon :)


Here's to a happy moment I get all my machines networked and playing JA :)

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Much as we pc gamers like to stroke our own egos on our chosen platform(s), the truth is, consoles have always been more profitable when it comes to games.


They sell more, are easier to use, and more mainstream. Thus we shouldn't be shocked when games come to the Xbox or the PS2 or the Gamecube, etc before they come to windows or macos or if they skip the pc entirely.


Though, as a die hard pc gamer (and console gamer as well) I can't say that I don't shed a tear every time a good game misses my favorite platform (the pc). ; )

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Originally posted by Obi-Wan X

Hopefully the MAC release will be right alongside the PC release. Though sad chance of that happening :mad:

I keep an eye on Westlake's site as well, and none of the code-names they have up there seem to hint at Jedi Academy ... but then I don't know what JKII's code name was either - I was too busy slicing stormies on my Dell laptop ...


I just hope there is a new PBG4 15" with the Radeon 9600 chip in time for JA on the Mac ... it's been MONTHS since I bought a new computer ...



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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by mandricard

Still have been scouring the net for news to no avail... anyone else see anything?

No ... but Aspyr is very busy lately, branching multi-platform all over the place. Elite Force II, originally scheduled for July/August, is now slated for October! So ... if we see it before 2004 I'll be very, very surprised.


The good news is I'm sure I'll have a new Powerbook by then ;)



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