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Am I the only one?

Darth Groovy

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Am I the only one that wants to wait until Jedi Academy finally hits the store, pay money for it, and experience it as a consumer?


Am I the only one that wants to see for himself if the game is good, or if it is buggy and sucks like alot of other SW titles on the market?


Am I the only one that does not want to see countless threads from n00bs and trolls asking and talking about beta or pre-gold?


Am I the only one that wants to experience the game as a Star Wars fan first and foremost as a long term dedicated Star Wars fan, rather than a clan hungary over-experienced game knocking zealot?


Am I the only one that wants to share in the experience with my peers at jk.net, and have as much fun as possible with a fresh new game that revolves around a universe created over 26 years ago by a man that was laughed out of almost ever major studio in Hollywood, only too turn around and revolutionize the Sci-Fi for years to come?


Now you are all probably thinking, here is another fanboy getting on his soap box, and spilling the same crap we have heard time and time again. Or, you are thinking here is a self righteous moderator sucking up to the admin or developement staff at LucasArts, looking for something to gain by preaching. My answer is think what you want. My motive is simple, and prompted by mistakes I have made in the past. In the wake of the release of Episode 1, The Phantom Menace I had conversed with many of my freinds the posibilties of possible plot points, and what would transpire. I bought every magazine, and checked every scource to try and peice together what was going to happen. Sadly, I had almost predicted the entire film, and it mostly went down exactly the way I had envisioned it, having left the film, part of me was slightly saddened being deprived of any real surprises. When I saw The Empire Strikes Back the first time, I was bombarded with revelations and surprises, and the same thing happened with Return of the Jedi. When Attack of the Clones came about, I sheltered myself from spoilers and even canceled my subscription to Star Wars Insider (no offense guys), just to make my experience a fresh one. The feeling I had was the same as when I was a child experiencing the first trilogy for the first time. I had grown up with these characters, and was unable to pull away from the story. During Attack of the Clones, having drank an entire large soda, I could not pull myself away from the screen to go to the restroom. That is the kind of thing I experienced as a kid, and strive to experience over and over again. It takes discipline, but in the long run, it is worth it, just for the memorable experience.


I experienced it the first time I ever played "Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight" (which happened to be the first pc game I ever played). Other than what the characters looked like, I had no idea what was going on, and found myself caught up in the story as much as the gameplay. I had never even played "Dark Forces" before, and found myself buying it later just becuase I liked "Jedi Knight" so much. It is and always will be one of my favorite games. I came to jkii.net at a late time, months after the release of the game, and found out so much about the story and gameplay, that it was no longer necessary for me to beat the game... again I became a victim of my own choosing. With the release of "Jedi Academy" in the near future, I am looking forward to the surprises and exitement it holds. Even if the game sucks, I am COMMITTED to doing this the right way, to experience this game in the single player mode, and multiplayer mode. I am keeping away from spoilers, and though many friends, as well as trolls on the forums have tried to share this stuff with me, I disconnect, and walk the other way. My motive is simple, I want to be surprised, I want to enjoy this game as both a consumer, and a Star Wars fan. If nobody else shares my enthusiasm it is understood, and I respect that. Let me just leave you with this one question, was Christmas as fun when you peaked at your presents, or more fun when you were clueless as to what you would get, or better yet, if you asked for that big expensive gift, knowing your parents or guardians were too poor to afford it, but then one shiney Christmas moring, there it is, gleeming at you under the tree. Those are the experiences that I live for, don't you?


My copy of "Jedi Academy" has been reserved for several months, suddenly, thinking back and knowing my reasons for waiting, the wait no longer bothers me...


*gets off soap box, and silently walks out*

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Nooo you're not the only one... I don't want too many spoilers, although I'm probably less fanatic in that aspect ;) So... Is there any way to keep those spiling posting beta playing ppl out of here??


I don't think so :( So we can only ask them nicely to either stop posting or start using the

tags... And you just did that, thank you and lets hope they do something about it... :)

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You are not alone Groovy. People who like all this beta crap are the same people who would rather download entire movies and watch them on their 17" monitor at home than go and experiece the sounds and big screen effects of the cinema, just to save a couple of quid. :rolleyes:


But I don't think many spoilers can be leaked to ruin the game so close to it's release date. It's as simple as this: "You are student at Luke Sywalkers' Jedi Academy where you learn about the force".

I might be the only one who can anticipate (or imagine) a great game being produced from this simple statement, due to the fact it's the sequel to Outcast. :confused:


However, I myself am quite podantic in a way; I like to buy CD's in their original form rather than burn them; same applies to DVD's and videos; and I prefer to just buy a game and get on with it.


Certainly JA will be a fresh new start for everyone and will breathe some new life into LF, and everyone can enjoy new discussion topics. We all get a new game to play online which has the potential to be one of the best *cough* (Eye's fixed on people who have "whore", "lamer" or "fag" bound to a key).

and we can all forget what life is like outside for a couple of months while we rot our brains trying to finish Academy.



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Absolutely agree ... !!!


I didn't see TPM in theaters, in the midst of have two very young kids (baby and toddler) at the time. But AotC did remind me of my early days, especially as you say Empire - I was 14 when Empire came out and it was something. I knew more of what was going to happen in AotC, but that was for more than just spoiler-thirst. I wanted my young kids, then 4 and 5.5 to experience it in the theater, as I had done, and I knew it was to be darker than TPM. We had not let them watch Empire or RotJ yet, just TPM and ANH. So I knew some of it, but I also knew there were many more spoilers out there had I pursued them. I did not. Nor will I for Episode III. I will find out little bits from TFN, for sure, but will not be peeking too much ;)


As for Jedi Academy, I am doing much the same as what I did for Jedi Outcast. I am checking out previews, and hanging around here, discussing what I think it will be like and what I wouldlike and/or not like to see. However I'm much more active here this time around. Indeed, I have heard there was a pirated beta thing last time ... I remember nothing of that ...


I have been very strongly outspoken against the beta-talk here. I feel bad enough that it is out there, but don't want it to invade us here - but it has to a too large extent. I have taken a pounding in many threads for my strong stand, but I really don't care.


I have thought about leaving here many times and not visiting again - not as some sort of statement (spare me the drama ;) ) but to make the experience of the game as pure as possible. But then I think about how I played Jedi Outcast the first time - I was too hungry to get new powers and skills to really take it all in the first time through. I want to spend the time on each level at my leisure - taking in the detail, exploring the surroundings, really digging the game. So now that I know a few things about it, I feel pretty confident that I can do that (if my patience exceeds my exuberance ;) )


Thanks for the post ... you are not alone.



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Am I the only one who is tired of others talking about being tired of seeing this post or that?


All the pre-beta posts that I keep hearing about are obviously being deleted...yet we are stuck looking at these type of posts till they scroll off.


I could not pull myself away from the screen to go to the restroom.

Thats why the floors are slanted =) LOL


(For those who are a bit slow, it is simply a joke...so dont' go try it)

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Originally posted by HertogJan

Nooo you're not the only one... I don't want too many spoilers, although I'm probably less fanatic in that aspect ;) So... Is there any way to keep those spiling posting beta playing ppl out of here??


I don't think so :( So we can only ask them nicely to either stop posting or start using the

tags... And you just did that, thank you and lets hope they do something about it... :)


If it is any comfort, I can assure you, there is an entire legion of supermods and admin not attached to this forum that are anticipating this sort of thing. We got the warning about a month or so ago, we are not going to allow this as rules forbid such things. I assure you, we nip this sort of thing swift and efficiently where it counts. Kurgan is not bluffing, I have seen many members get banned over this, and nobody dots an eye over the outcome.;)

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Originally posted by taekwondo joe

ok i do want to wait for the game to come out, but spoilers are fine with me, as long as i dont get the story in it. like when does a sertain enimy show up, and bla bla, that has nothen to do with story


That is fine for you, but I am of the belief that users of the forums should take the 'lowest common denominator' approach.


First, if you are here, you want to know about and discuss this game - so I don't think it is reasonable to hang around here and expect to go into the game Tabla Rose (i.e. with no knowledge about anything).


Second - the main points of discussion are either speculation about game features/desired features or discussion of features mentioned either at the official site or in an officially sanctioned preview. Again those are all in-bounds.


That is where a line can be drawn. Everything so far is an expected and acceptable topic. However, information not released by LA/Raven is where the problems start.


Whatever the source, information that is not of an official nature should be viewed as 'spoilers' and handled as such. I don't think any judgement should be made (how does knowing that change anything?), just treat it as a spoiler.


And beyond that is illegally obtained materials ... I shouldn't have to even mention that ...


So that is what I'd ask - defer what YOU want to the lowest common denominator of the forums, and use informative thread subjects and spoiler tags liberally.



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[moderator] Ah-ha! SPAM! LOCKED! Er...Locked. Lock please?[/moderator]


Whatever, I think Lucasarts'll do a good job of preventing any major spoiler. Heck, when JO came out, I'd never even herd of Desann. However, I did know every single eweapon tha was gonna be in-game...spoiler? I dunno. Sure didn't ruin the experience.

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Originally posted by Count Dooku

Maybe it won't ruin the experience because Jo is alot like JA due to the same engine.

Can you say a bit more about what you mean?


I agree that since I already know how JO plays, I will likely have some familiarity in playing JA. But that is somewhat like Elite Force 1 & 2 - same engine but different games (OK, different dev also). But while I might know how to play the game from playing the first, the whole plot and experience if new. I wouldn't want that ruined ... and it wasn't since I don't visit any EF boards much ...



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Replying to the original topic:


I want to play JA legally as a paying costumer too, but after the MP problems experienced in JO, I wouldn't mind havin a quick zip of the MP game before unloadin fifty bucks. I can already imagine exactly what the SP game will be like.. sorry Raven, that sounds kinda harsh. I'll enjoy SP, of course, but stand alone I wouldn't want to buy the game just because of that. Not like I'm sayin I'm guilty of anything here... lets just say I heard from a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy that the MP has been altered.. but whether or not these changes are improvements or not cannot be determined until a few months into the game's release... when all the newbs exploit whatever nasty trick to snag a quick kill.


Please please please please PLEASE PLEASE please please make a multiplayer demo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111 OMG PLZ MAKE A MULTIPLAYER DEMO!!! WHETHER OR NOT I BUY THIS GAME SOLELY RESTS ON MP!!!!!!!!! DONT BE ST00PID, MAKE A MP DEMO!!

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ILR - let me just check what I inferred:


- You *want* to play JA legally, but ...

- because of the problems you experienced with JO multiplayer, you are willing to pirate it in order to test it out.

- if it meets your test criteria, you may pay for it.

- SP, which in JO was one of the best 2002 FPS games, you know you will like but aren't willing to pay for, unless MP meets above stated criteria.

- You already have beta-based information about MP, but are not saying that you've done anything wrong.

- Of course, Raven/LA could avoid your having to pirate the game later by giving you a MP demo.


Is that about right?


So are you saying that you WILL know about MP in detail enough to ensure that you will like it before putting down your money, and if that means pirating or discussing the pirated software, or not using spoiler tags, then so be it? Because that appears to be the attitude...


... which kind of makes Darth Groovy's case ...



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Originally posted by txa1265

Can you say a bit more about what you mean?


I agree that since I already know how JO plays, I will likely have some familiarity in playing JA. But that is somewhat like Elite Force 1 & 2 - same engine but different games (OK, different dev also). But while I might know how to play the game from playing the first, the whole plot and experience if new. I wouldn't want that ruined ... and it wasn't since I don't visit any EF boards much ...





Sorry I really can't be bothered to elaborate, as with most my posts I just can't be bothered to go into great detail about something that doesn't interest me much, as in this case Groovy's hatred of the Beta.

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Originally posted by txa1265

ILR - let me just check what I inferred:


- You *want* to play JA legally, but ...

- because of the problems you experienced with JO multiplayer, you are willing to pirate it in order to test it out.


nope, sorry for the misscomunication. I said I wouldn't mind it... whether that be an official MP demo or not is left to the imagination.


Originally posted by txa1265

- if it meets your test criteria, you may pay for it.

- SP, which in JO was one of the best 2002 FPS games, you know you will like but aren't willing to pay for, unless MP meets above stated criteria.


right on. I'll never turn down a good SP game, but I got em up to my eyeballs right now. It's like buying more cookies when you already have a plate full. It seems like a waste.


Originally posted by txa1265

- You already have beta-based information about MP, but are not saying that you've done anything wrong.

- Of course, Raven/LA could avoid your having to pirate the game later by giving you a MP demo.


I only have knowledge of the beta. And an MP demo would make things alot easier on my life.




Originally posted by txa1265

So are you saying that you WILL know about MP in detail enough to ensure that you will like it before putting down your money, and if that means pirating or discussing the pirated software, or not using spoiler tags, then so be it? Because that appears to be the attitude...


... which kind of makes Darth Groovy's case ...




Uh.. I want to be confident about MP before buying it, yes. But the rest you have there doesn't apply to me at all. I saw the warnings about posting warez crap well before I began posting. I haven't said anything harmful more than "It's different". So um... Mike... you can back off, because I haven't done anything wrong.

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Originally posted by ILR

Uh.. I want to be confident about MP before buying it, yes. But the rest you have there doesn't apply to me at all. I saw the warnings about posting warez crap well before I began posting. I haven't said anything harmful more than "It's different". So um... Mike... you can back off, because I haven't done anything wrong.

Like you said ... miscommunication & misunderstanding ... sorry if it came off harsh.


No worries :)



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Originally posted by Count Dooku

Sorry I really can't be bothered to elaborate, as with most my posts I just can't be bothered to go into great detail about something that doesn't interest me much, as in this case Groovy's hatred of the Beta.

Okee-day, dellow fellagates ...



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Originally posted by HertogJan

I dunno but that just soundw reaaally funny from you mouth.. or er... fingers?? Hmmm :confused: well...

I know ;) ... maybe that is intended ... perhaps you should think of the thing that Willie Wonka always said "strike that, reverse it" ...



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Originally posted by Mith[OmNi]

I'm going to buy the game when it comes out and I encourage all of you to do the same.




Please, PLEASE, PLEASE note the rule about discussing the illegal warez beta, and refrain from commenting on any features we shouldn't know about (I noticed you did this already in another thread) - if you need to say something, use the spoiler tags.



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Originally posted by txa1265

Please, PLEASE, PLEASE note the rule about discussing the illegal warez beta, and refrain from commenting on any features we shouldn't know about (I noticed you did this already in another thread) - if you need to say something, use the spoiler tags.




For future reference, when someone posts stuff like that, for God's sake, do not quote it, just report the post, and let us do the work. When you quote it, you just emphasize his wrong doing.






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