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Americas Army....

Bob Gnarly

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Originally posted by KBell

Wouldnt pay for it though if they made me :p



AH but you did, or atleast somebody in your family paid for it through tax dollars. What's funny is the cost to produce this game is a mere fraction compared to the other types of advertising, like television.




Anyway America's Army is an awesome game. I started playing when it first came out, but it was buggy and servers were always down. Now the game is much better. The problem with version 1.9 was that it was leaked 3 days too early while the developers were still working on updating the servers. At this point about 25% of all the US. Official servers are near completion, but they say that it should be done by Friday, Aug. 8th. Now you can get online and play easily with the new interface.



Reasons to play AA


  • Realistic gameplay - AA is the most realistic game in regards to physics and military gameplay
  • Game balance - Weapons are available as more people join a game not like other games where everybody runs around with the most powerful weapons
  • UT 2003 engine - AA has exclusive rights to the engine. Lighting and effects are great.
  • Punk Buster - Has now been implamented into the game. A new version just for AA. Cheating has been virtually eliminated
  • Special Forces - In the future, AA will include a section called Special Forces. It will be about the U.S. Green Berets doing special missions with special weapons. These weapons include the 870 12-guage shotgun, the AT-4 Anti-tank weapon, soviet RPG7, and customizable M4 carbines...
  • Customizable weapons - In Special Forces you will be able to customize your M4. Mods include laser sight, special scopes, a bi-pod, laser pointer, custom painting, surpressor, and others yet to be announced.


There are a lot of reasons to play this game. My suggetion to you is try the game, d the training, and play some of the fun maps like Pipeline, Weapon's Cache, and Insurgent Camp. It may take some getting used to, but most people who try it for a week are hooked.




Hooah! :D

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Can someone tell me which one works please. I have clicked a bunch of the above links and some of them are not available. I finally got one and after about 40 minutes of download time I got it but it would not let me patch it for some reason.


Thanks in advance.



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Really? I got a 71, 100, then 77. The two 70s might be switched but I passed so I don't care too much. My guy also didn't work for me so I had to create a new one. I got 38/40 on the range the 2nd time through. A lot easier than before. Also using the sniper it was a little more detailed so that was nice.



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