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Jackass The Movie


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Anyone seen or purchased the DVD of Jackass The Movie, i have its damn funny, and disgusting at the same time :D


If you haven't here's a lowdown on what you get,


*Commentary by the Director,Cinmatographer, and Johnny Knoxville

*Jackass group commentary

*MTV "Making Of Jackass The Movie"


*27 minutes of additonal footage

*Jackass The Movie Promo TV Spots

*Music Video - "If your gonna be dumb" by Roger Alan Wade

*Music Video - "We want fun" by Andrew W.K.

*Theatrical Trailer

*Cast & Crew Biographes

*Photo Gallery

*Poster Gallery

*English Subtitles

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some of the movie was hilarious, but other times it was just boring and repetitive.


Sometimes they would do a completely original stunt, like the closing stunt at the end of the movie, which was one of the sickest things i have EVER seen :p, but sometimes they would just use some of the same stunts they used on their MTV show.


All in all, it was a very interesting movie :D

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Yeah some of it wasn't original but who cares, i don't ;)

Your right the ending stunt was original and yes it was gross :p



Another thing i believe was original was the bit when they were made to look like old people, now that was funny, especially when he was going down the hill :p


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those guys get paid to be assheads. and people actually pay to watch that. just go outside and shove a little kid into a ditch and laugh at him. I mean it's practically the same thing. Laughing at public humiliation. I mean, instead of spending your money on jackass the movie you could donate your money to help fund research for discovering the cure for cancer, or better yet you could atleast just spend it on some food and such. I mean noone should get paid to be an asshead. I do stupid stuff but I don't get paid. I mean it's practically like what SWK is up with. getting paid cuz he did something stupid, he didn't deserve that money and these guys don't deserve money either.

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Originally posted by KBell

Its just a movie :rolleyes:



movies are made for profit.



What your saying about one rather spending money on helping a fund makes no sense, considering watching movies gives most people entertainment.

yeah but what kind of idiot finds that entertaining? I mean just go to the echonet chat if you find that humorous. you get free entertainment off the users that make asses of themselves.(myself included in that selection, on occasion) and my fund things means why spend your money on that when you can see it for free by just looking around you.
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Originally posted by KBell

you have a point, but you cant change the fact that millions of people found that movie entertaining. Theres nothing wrong with that. Its just the way those people felt.


Exactly, some people might find it entertaining, some might not. Those who are entertained by it are free to go and pay the money to see the movie - if they didn't enjoy it, they wouldn't go see it, would they? ^^; It's all down to personal opinion really. I for one find that program damn funny, some of the stunts they do are hilarious. Haven't seen the film yet, but I'll most likely get a kick out of it XD Shame they're not showing it anymore though. People should really read the "do not try these stunts at home" message at the beginning of the show, then there would be no accidents =(

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