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Worst adventure ever?

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I'm sure there are worse, but two truly bad ones that come to mind are "Phantasmagoria - A Puzzle Of Flesh" and "Bud Tucker in Double Trouble". The latter I played only for a while though, it just seemed too abysmal. The former I finished because I actually paid for it.


Edit: Oh yeah! And "Beyond Atlantis 2" was unbelievably ****ty. And I really loved the first one ("Atlantis - The Lost Tales" that is.. I have no doubt that the 1st "Beyond Atlantis" sucks too).

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I can't say I've ever had the misfortune to play a bad adventure as I've always been pretty sure about what I was buying before spending my hard-earned (no comments please) on it (I'm in the habit of reading as many reviews as possible before I buy pc games).................. and it would do an injustice to those that I have played to describe any one of them as my worst adventure ever.


Why did I reply then, you may well ask. I don't know. ;)

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Originally posted by Sevenine

I'm sure there are worse, but two truly bad ones that come to mind are "Phantasmagoria - A Puzzle Of Flesh" and "Bud Tucker in Double Trouble". The latter I played only for a while though, it just seemed too abysmal. The former I finished because I actually paid for it.


Edit: Oh yeah! And "Beyond Atlantis 2" was unbelievably ****ty. And I really loved the first one ("Atlantis - The Lost Tales" that is.. I have no doubt that the 1st "Beyond Atlantis" sucks too).


Oh that Phatasmagoria 2 has been forgotten in the tunels of my mind for sure....

actually...it wasn't so bad....it was "bad" :D (sex and violence oh mine)

and i have finished it....:rolleyes:


Atlantis 3 wasn't SO BAD as atlantis 2...you should play the second part....it's awfully junk.....(the ending is very nice with some good scenes....but that's the only think i liked.....oh and the music in ireland.....amazing music in ireland ;) )


another one who loves atlantis-the lost tales :eek:

*:cool: *

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Why do so many people seem to buy so many bad games? Don't any of you guys realize that just promotes developers to produce bad games because they know the addicts (of which there appear many) will still buy them.


Choose quality over quantity. Avoid cheap (or in some cases expensive) rubbish. Read! Read! READ!!!!! ;)


And join me again tomorrow when the lecture will be about..........

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Ace Ventura: Pet Detective was littered with pointless arcade sequences just to extend the length of a small and easy adventure. Down in the Dumps has to be the worst adventure game though; Graphics were good, but the puzzles were awful and the game was so glitchy it was almost unplayable in parts.

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Originally posted by Curt

Why do so many people seem to buy so many bad games? Don't any of you guys realize that just promotes developers to produce bad games because they know the addicts (of which there appear many) will still buy them.


Choose quality over quantity. Avoid cheap (or in some cases expensive) rubbish. Read! Read! READ!!!!! ;)


And join me again tomorrow when the lecture will be about..........

Well we DON'T buy games because they are BAD!:rolleyes:

We buy them because:

-We didn't know it was bad or...

-We need it to complete our collection... or we are just too loyal / blind to notice that some titles are bad...


IMHO developers will make bad games no matter what...

In the "old days" there were text games so we didn't care about graphics...

-Its not the graphics, its the gameplay and more fun than frustrating were the rules back then.... Now its the opposite....

I don't want to offend anyone but they are too many gamers that buy games because they look cool, or they have a hot girl on the cover... and they can't really tell if its good or not...

Since gaming became mainstream, we lets just say that the bully we called you a game nerd and gave you a wedgie is now a gamer too, he is the one to buy Daitakana, and most of the 3DO games...

Hmm... maybe this should start as a new thread topic?:confused:

"Was making gaming mainstream the death of decent games?":confused:

Did I sound like Cranky Kong back there?:animelol:

BTW Hopkins FBI is kinda lame but not too horrible...

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I don't want to offend anyone but they are too many gamers that buy games because they look cool, or they have a hot girl on the cover...


I think you have films on your mind :p


Games aren't.....(yet)......to that state...thank god ;)


Well we DON'T buy games because they are BAD!


and also sometimes...there is a BIG LARGE gap between 2 critisims on a game/book/film


So sometimes....who can say if a game is "really" bad....:D

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Originally posted by Tanukitsune

Well we DON'T buy games because they are BAD!:rolleyes:

We buy them because:

-................. or we are just too loyal / blind to notice that some titles are bad...

Yep! That answers my question. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by pleto4_ryan

I think you have films on your mind :p


Games aren't.....(yet)......to that state...thank god ;)


Hmm... some games are like summer flciks in a bad way, they have too much special effects, too much hype, and the plot doesn't make sense...

But some games are like movies in a good way, Dragon's Lair is an interactive cartoon, and adventure games with real live actors like Gabriel Knight II or Phantasmagoria are kinda like movies... :D

So sometimes....who can say if a game is "really" bad....:D

Hmm I guess the author or anyone involved in the game can say so...:D

But that doesn't mean I won't like it!:p

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Originally posted by pleto4_ryan

I think you have films on your mind :p


Games aren't.....(yet)......to that state...thank god ;)

Not true. DOA Volleyball anyone? Even something like Tomb Raider, dyou deny the breasts had at least something to do with the initial impact?
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Originally posted by curacao

Not true. DOA Volleyball anyone? Even something like Tomb Raider, dyou deny the breasts had at least something to do with the initial impact?

You are right... DOAXV is just a bunch of girls in bikinis, with EXTREMELY large breasts... the intro has more sexual innuendo that all the Larry games together... By the way the game has a camera that zoom in to... well their bossoms and I think it had an option to choose the bounciness....

Tomb Radier would NOT be here if the main charcter was a man or just flat-chested... They put here in skimpy outfits and now in Angel of Darkness the add.... humm, well, her things bounce a little... The game may be good or bad but they spent more time on Lara's "big guns" than in removing the bugs evebody complains about...


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Originally posted by curacao

Not true. DOA Volleyball anyone? Even something like Tomb Raider, dyou deny the breasts had at least something to do with the initial impact?


well, you are right about those games...


But still the think is that just some 2-3 games use this think.....(yet :rolleyes: )...in cinema 60-80% use it.....:(

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Originally posted by Tanukitsune

By the way the game has a camera that zoom in to... well their bossoms and I think it had an option to choose the bounciness....

:horn: The option 'bouncing breasts' was already present in DOA 1 for the psx


And pleto,

there are more than 3 games like this, not only DOAXV or Tomb Raider. Bloodrayne is another example. In Unreal II, you have this hot chick on your space ship (and she made it to the cover of the game). In Runaway, you have Gina :p ... And so on..

I recently saw a top 20 of game babes (I believe Lara was on 1, but she has a lot of competition, especially from fighting games)

And then you have all these films adapted to games and vice versa, these things just sell because they are thought to be cool, not because of their intrinsic qualities. (Matrix, Charlie's Angels)


on topic: I haven't played any really bad adventures yet.

The worst must have been Thorgal (very simple and short).

btw: about Stupid Invaders, I haven't played it, but I found this review http://fourfatchicks.com/Reviews/Stupid_Invaders/Stupid_Invaders.shtml

It says:

Stupid Invaders is fun and funny, a masterful blend of high art and low humor. (I am glad that computer-generated odors are not yet a reality.) It is my new favorite game of all-time, displacing even The Longest Journey and Grim Fandango.
:D :D
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Originally posted by curacao

pleto, you're either blind or naive ..


maybe....but again maybe not....


First i was not talking about videogames but computer games.


If you look at playstation 2 and one you can find multipy exammplkes as said. Mostly 80% of the games are under the medium and only 5-10% are the good ones....

(one of the reasons i am so angry towards sony for brinking the quantity in the videogames and loosing the quality :mad: )


But in computers....this thingy don't have many exaples, actually it has little only...


let's see them


Tomp Raider (one of the first) but which was a good action game....wasn't? i still like it and 2 and 4


Bloodrayne (and the

'bouncing breasts'
is here also...it's actually more funny than arousing :rolleyes: is just a game to pass your time, kill kill kill...etc

And i like those games also...because they know they are just this think and they don't play it sophisticated...Hulk is such a game also...

now about unreal 2, i dunno as i haven't plaied and still don't thing i will, but from what i know is a decent game not as good as the first one...


as for Gina....still haven't plaied it :( but from the first time i learned of her...i was excited because at last in an adventure we are gonna have someone "different" Dunno if in the game we have a Lula "style" but i haven't heard there is something in there...


Sex and Violence Sex and Violence...the last "pure game" with such a logic i last plaied is phantasmagoria 2....others i don't remember...:cool:

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Originally posted by pleto4_ryan

about unreal 2, i dunno as i haven't plaied and still don't thing i will, but from what i know is a decent game not as good as the first one...

Unreal II is pretty different than the first one, more people around, deeper story, but still nothing to cheer over and MUCH shorter than the original one. I still think that Unreal 1 was the better one, mainly because the intensity of the game, the smart AI and of course the great graphics of its time.


As for the hot chick in Unreal II (her name is Aida btw), I'm sure that she's in the game (and the game box) because of the two huge things in her front, but the game itself doesn't even try to show her as sexy.

But I'm not going to get any deeper into this discussion. I'll just say that videogames indeed have more "bouncing brests" than the computer games and I'm very glad that that's the case.

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another think i wanted to say...is the think about grafics and the surface-maniac..


I mean look at cryo, it started really good with a nice engine and good plots, chars, riddles etc but it went making and making and making more and more and more games with super grafics, but which has lost their touch and soul....


There is this awful think like in all the others ways of art...


TOO surface(100% grafics) and no depth(gameplay, story etc)...:( (and that's one serious problem)

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Grim Fandango, stupid 3D 'n' stuff...



















J/K :p


I think it must be The Mystery of the druids... I liked the beginning, but it turned into crap, and it became the first adventure ever that i haven't finished.

Or then the worst might have been one fake-3D adventure that i had a whiiiiiiiile back. It's graphics were so bad that it made your eyes hurt (really... It's not a joke), but i can't remember the name of this game


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