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That goddamn kid is sitting on the escalator again!


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Originally posted by SyntheticGerbil

Star Wars


i suppose you only talk about star wars because you cannot get it out of your mind. you'd loooove to be han for at least one time .. admit it.. ..


you build you nest exclusively from shredded darth vader posters.


plus you have a screenshot of my avatar as wallpaper on your desktop... (btw.. bill... what the hell has a wallpaper to do with a desktop.. ??? :dozey: )


dont hide your obsessions synthy.. we are there for you.. just let it all out..



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Originally posted by SyntheticGerbil

Mother of fuck, I continuously bait the line for you guys, but you lack all of the brain power to pull it off correctly.


I should probably be made an admin for the well being of society and the general mental health statistic.


...of course you do Gerbil, of course you do......now be a good lad and get the coffee's in will ya?

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Originally posted by SyntheticGerbil

Mother of foolish, I continuously bait the line for you guys, but you lack all of the brain power to pull it off correctly.


I should probably be made an admin for the well being of society and the general mental health statistic.


no. yes. of course. i dont think so. perhabs. indeed. err.. :D that last one was funny. ..

we could donate you a gastroscopy instead???


but before that lets not confuse our roles..







Originally posted by sheaday6

doesn't anyone want to talk about elevator, escalator, or moving walkway safety?


no baby carriages on escalators. this may cause some very strange accidents.


love in an elevator is a catchy tune by aerosmith i think. is there a reason why it is not played in elevators? this combined with some drunken girls and a out of order sign can make a man happy i say..


a moving walkway is totally crap. we got legs to walk.







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Originally posted by SyntheticGerbil

Mother of pearl, I continuously pull my rope for you guys, but you have all of the brain power to be president of the United States.


I should probably be made an artillery target for the well being of society and the general mental health statistic.


Well, I'll second that.



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That you Kingpin...?


Got my coffee yet Gerbil???....I reckon Gerbil can start out as tea boy and work his way up to rent boy or something.....since old Gerbil bollocks is obsessed with us getting jobs I reckon he has aspirations of getting himself a 9 'til 5 or something.....


....don't think the poor fellow realises that some of us have already done the 9-5 thing and have moved on to having people working for us 9-5 instead!


....poor old Gerbil....I love him really.......actually Gerbil I'll give you a job as delivery boy if you like....do well at the tea boy bit, then send me your CV/resume'.:)

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Originally posted by SyntheticGerbil

... I continuously bait the line for you guys,..

Well,.. thinking of what happens to a fish when they take the bait,.. I'd rather not give you the opportunity to haul me up into an atmosphere where I can't breathe by a hook through my lip, bash by brains in with a club, gut me, behead me, and put me on ice. Thanks,.. but no. ;)


And I think elevator, escalator, and moving walkway safety is seriously underrated.

If you ever see kids fooling around near or on one of these devices, they should be placed in a sealed room, strapped to a chair, with thier eyes clamped open Clockwork Orange-style, and forced to watch this video over and over again until they develop a psychotic fear of these machines, and a homicidal hatred to everyone who uses them.

Heck... you should do this to kids even if they aren't fooling around on the escalator...

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